Comments received on poems by Kurt Philip Behm

Language Denied
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Iā€™m enjoying this read; but, it is a puzzler.


February 17th, 2022 18:44

Language Denied
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Iā€™m enjoying this read; but, it is a puzzler.


February 17th, 2022 18:43

The Leaves Turn
LaurašŸŒ» said:


ā€˜The leaves turn
and my mind releasesā€™

Love those aha momentsā€¦
those mental enlightenments.


February 17th, 2022 18:27

Hollow Grams
LaurašŸŒ» said:


ā€˜a lens that wonā€™t focus
ā€”an image beguiledā€™

What will it take to focus that lens?!

A very interesting and intriguing poem. Had to read it a few times. It really made me thinkā€¦and thatā€™s a good think.

Thank you for sharing, my dear Poet.


February 17th, 2022 17:01

Through The Doorway I Was Shown
LaurašŸŒ» said:


A great read of an awesome poem.

I believe you grabbed life by the hornsā€¦

ā€˜But a key was thrown out to me,
unlocking things Iā€™ve yet to know
Of a still uncertain future,
through the doorway I was shownā€™
ā€œWhatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.ā€ (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

I believe that you ā€œNever let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.ā€ ( Babe Ruth)

Loved reading this great poem and challenged myself to delve into the wholeness/message of the poem.


February 17th, 2022 10:24

What I Most Remember
Kurt Philip Behm said:


February 16th, 2022 12:16

What I Most Remember
LaurašŸŒ» said:




February 16th, 2022 11:56

LaurašŸŒ» said:


I love this writing for obvious reasons. You made me aware of your muse a while ago, but this is the first time I met her in a poem; therefore, I consider this the official introduction.

Many times I crave solitude. I crave that oneness with my thoughts to feel at peace.

most trusted friend
you that I count on
there till the endā€™

Iā€™ll definitely be there till the end and hopefully vice versa.

Thank you šŸ™šŸ» šŸ¤—


February 16th, 2022 11:51

Hollow Grams
Rocky Lagou said:

Okay I love the play on words with the title and this poem is very weighty. The diction is cleverly collected and the meaning is so true. Bravo! šŸ‘

February 16th, 2022 11:48

New Memories Rehearse
LaurašŸŒ» said:


ā€˜Words mate in the fog
as the letters reverseā€™

ā€˜Sleep only forgiven
as new memories rehearseā€™

What great couplets!
Youā€™re an amazing poet, my dear friend.


February 16th, 2022 00:42

Your Soul To Repast
LaurašŸŒ» said:


ā€˜But truth has no time limit
No ticket to claim
One choice will release itā€™

So trueā€¦
we have the power
and the choice.


February 16th, 2022 00:35

Now Mine To Keep
LaurašŸŒ» said:


I love this one so much.

Your words are so meaningful, poignant, and beautifully express how I feel these days.
Thank you my friend.šŸ™šŸ»


February 15th, 2022 14:04

In The Darkness And Alone
LaurašŸŒ» said:


ā€˜Is part of me still orphaned there,
ā€”in darkness and aloneā€™

I have a suspicion it might be!


February 15th, 2022 13:51

Dying Embers
LaurašŸŒ» said:


this is flooding my mind.
ā€˜ā€”dying embers of the pastā€™.


February 15th, 2022 13:45

No Words Left
LaurašŸŒ» said:


The ā€˜feelingā€™, the ā€˜meaningā€™ā€¦
are all there.
(Of course, thatā€™s only my humble opinion.)
Loved it.


February 15th, 2022 13:33

If We Were Young Men
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Weā€™re not that old yet! Letā€™s continue the fight till the light has been completely extinguished.

Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve come to visit your first postings on MPS. I really, really appreciate your response to the comments youā€™ve made about your poetry. I like that very much.


February 15th, 2022 13:15

Set In Stone
LaurašŸŒ» said:


One of my Dadā€™s favorite proverbsā€¦
ā€˜ā€¦il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizioā€¦ā€™
(the wolf loses its fur but not its vice)

ā€˜ The flyā€™s in the ointment,
the die has been castā€™

Itā€™s so difficult to change those feelings. I will forgive; but itā€™s so hard to forgetā€¦no matter how many years have gone by.

I love the way you wrote this, my dear prolific Poet.

Thank you for sharing.


February 11th, 2022 14:38

The Keyhole (+1)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Two awesome and relatable ā€˜Dreamsleepā€™.
Love them both.

Thank you for sharing, my dear Poet.


February 11th, 2022 14:12

The Keyhole (+1)
Rocky Lagou said:

Great writing! I love the succinctness of this and its eloquence. \"new freedom endeared\" šŸ’–Oh sweet sweet liberty.

February 7th, 2022 13:31

F-Stop (+1)
Buzz Bray said:

Contrasts, contradictions, the oxymoron of life. Nicely Done!

February 4th, 2022 14:13

F-Stop (+1)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


F(irst) Classā€¦
all the way.


February 4th, 2022 12:59

Common Threads
LaurašŸŒ» said:


ā€˜To wait in the memory
of whatā€™s yet to come
released by the moment
ā€”humanity wonā€™

Wowā€¦šŸ¤©ā€¦overtaken by emotion while reading your incredible poem.
You never cease to amaze me with your writings, my dear Poet.

Thank you for sharing your gift.

Laura šŸŒ»

February 4th, 2022 00:55

27 Club (+2)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Glad to see and read these three great golden nuggets.
ā€¢ ā€œ27 Clubā€
Very interesting and intriguingā€¦
ā€˜Kissing each memory
that burnsā€™
ā€¢ ā€œInsomniaā€
I see ā€˜Musing with Lauraā€™ is keeping you awake. Is she misbehavingā€¦again?!
ā€¢ ā€œAnswering The Callā€
Beautiful words that speak to me.

Thank you for sharing, my dear Poet.


February 3rd, 2022 00:12

Your Moveā€¦
LaurašŸŒ» said:


This is a good one. šŸ˜‰Iā€™m pretty good at checkers but not as good at chess.šŸ¤”
Great metaphors.

Yes, ā€˜Complexity knightedā€™
I shall work on my ā€˜Moveā€™!

Thank you for sharing your location. Iā€™ve been there a few times. The first time I went drove from San Francisco to Vegasā€™s Mandalay Bay. Had a great time.


January 28th, 2022 12:08

Your Moveā€¦
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks Jerry.

January 26th, 2022 17:45

Your Moveā€¦
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good advice, Kurt.

January 26th, 2022 17:14

The Tragic Cost...
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks Laura, do check Harry out. He almost became
the 5th Beatle.

January 22nd, 2022 15:47

The Tragic Cost...
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Thank you for remembering some of the best in this memorable poem. I donā€™t know much about Harry Nilsson, but I will definitely do some research and educate myself. Your written work certainly lends itself to that.

P.S.- Just learned the sad news about the passing of Meatloaf and Louie Anderson. I became a fan of Meatloaf a few years ago.

January 21st, 2022 16:22

Full Circle (+2)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Iā€™ll look forward to themā€¦

January 19th, 2022 17:20

Full Circle (+2)
LaurašŸŒ» said:


ā€¢ ā€œFull Circleā€
ā€¢ ā€œCowboy Upā€
ā€¢ ā€œMay December ā€œ

Three great poems that I like very much. Each one deserves its own detailed comment which I will makeā€¦soon.


January 19th, 2022 17:07

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