Comments received on poems by Kurt Philip Behm

Tribute To Albert
PoetVids - I am WriteBeLight only in Video Version :) said:

Simply lovely!

September 10th, 2022 10:07

Arthurian Birthright
Bella Shepard said:

History, legacy, all becomes one. A fine write dear poet!

September 9th, 2022 13:29

Arthurian Birthright
Kurt Philip Behm said:

I like, and have always liked Charlie. We\'re exactly the same age. The queens and my mother\'s pregnancy were a mirror of each other.

I think legends are so powerful because they stand just beyond reach.

God Save The King !


September 9th, 2022 12:16

Arthurian Birthright
Eugene S. said:

Was actually just wondering if someone had posted a poem regarding the English monarchy, so I looked, and there it was. Certainly apropos, and well said, as always. You reckon Charles III will become Arthur I or will credence be given to the legend?

September 9th, 2022 11:59

No Way Back
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks J.

September 6th, 2022 22:55

No Way Back
jarcher54 said:

As usual, simple but enigmatic. The first couplet is a riddle, the second posits one possible answer. A keeper, KP!

September 6th, 2022 22:30

Out Of The Wilderness
Jerry Reynolds said:

A fine write, Kurt.

September 5th, 2022 17:14

Out Of The Wilderness
shaa said:

I feel that in those little words you\'ve expressed the lives of soo many individuals and what they all affirm to themselves. This piece struck deep. Great job

September 5th, 2022 17:11

Out Of The Wilderness
Bella Shepard said:

I feel that in four lines you\'ve captured the essence of life. I was really struck by this poem, a fav.

September 5th, 2022 12:44

Undercover (+1)
shaa said:


September 4th, 2022 07:38

For Life Itself
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thankful for the gift of having lived...


September 2nd, 2022 14:35

For Life Itself
shaa said:

Really scratching my mind now. Im trying to picture what a life the persona might have lived to die saying thank you. Its a lovely piece, makes ponder on life

September 2nd, 2022 12:57

Plus Minus
Bella Shepard said:

Such conundrums to ponder my friend, I could spend the rest of the day just thinking.

August 31st, 2022 11:07

One Look (+1)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks again, Bella.

August 30th, 2022 15:09

One Look (+1)
Bella Shepard said:

The old saying is true, \"The eyes are the window of the soul\". Well said dear poet.

August 30th, 2022 14:11

L. B. Mek said:

ahhhh what power you accumulate
in distilling your message
and wording it, so succinct
just Brilliant! dear Poet
these poem
is like an injection of fresh, seaside oxygen
for those, who ever dared
to hope and maybe even dream...

August 22nd, 2022 03:51

Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thank you, Sir.


August 21st, 2022 22:46

Hakikur Rahman said:

Indeed. Such a strong composition in a few words!

August 21st, 2022 22:40

Left To Right
L. B. Mek said:

\'To tempt your fate with poison bait\'
the wide gap between you and me, dear poet
is exemplified perfectly in this line, see
I would have settled for \'faith\'
in this great line and been happy with my gold nugget
while you
excavate deeper, to mine for those poetic diamonds...
(I read and learn)
thank you!

August 19th, 2022 03:28

Kurt Philip Behm said:

IMHO, It all comes down to intent.

August 18th, 2022 09:29

L. B. Mek said:

\'perspective, is a luxury
we\'re all afforded by ignorance
for each parasite
exists, due to another parasite
and is sucking
someone\'s blood, just to survive...\'
(its crazy dear Poet
often I hear friends judging
own mutual friends
and see people react violently
about the rich and the powerful
all forget we\'re all ants, crawling
all over mother earth\'s, patience
the beauty and wonder of existence
while lamenting each pinch of life
and then we spit
kick and rape, nature\'s resources
while moaning about how unfair
it all is
for us...)
another thought provoking read, thanks for sharing
(btw what does the title signify)

August 18th, 2022 00:35

Exit Only
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks H.

August 16th, 2022 22:47

Exit Only
L. B. Mek said:

so true! wise Poet
our words, as our wishes
manifested, in-to everyday life
when we mess them up, we lose
one more wish in life...

August 16th, 2022 03:24

Deference To Rene\'
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks Bella

August 15th, 2022 12:50

Deference To Rene\'
Bella Shepard said:

A wonderfully thought provoking poem. It begs the question of how much do we control, and how much are we controlled by the command center of our brain. Now I\'ll be pondering all day.

August 15th, 2022 11:26

Deference To Rene\'
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Yes, the \'Hard Problem\' is truly that.


August 15th, 2022 10:10

Deference To Rene\'
L. B. Mek said:

I\'m not sure, wise Poet
material reality, is hard enough
to fathom
before I get lost in that endless pit
of mind or matter, metaphysical
thought shackles
I do believe in that Confucian \'Ren\'
and even if
only that, may one day be realised
by us fallible humans
then, we\'ll all
have something to strive for...

August 15th, 2022 03:35

Ode To Pandora
Kurt Philip Behm said:

I’m honored again, thanks.


August 12th, 2022 05:06

Ode To Pandora
L. B. Mek said:

absolute Genius, what depth\'s dear Poet
Brilliant! you must be so pleased
(ahhh! if I had the time
I would outline, each line
and unfurl its depths, read aside
that beguiling title line
at least, what depths I could glimpse)
\'Ode to Pandora
-some broth you never chill\'
we\'re accustomed to warmth
and those seemingly abundant
tasty treats of life
we guile away, minutes and days
assumingly little will change
in but a flash, our world is warped
and just like, that piping hot
served, just at the right temperature
to warm our very souls
yet, were we
at our tenth outing of that favourited eatery
to take it for granted and let it, seat
ignored, so ignorantly
how harshly different its taste
now, all cold and wasted
an opportunity...)
I\'m rushing but something like this
forgive me, each line
deserves, its own SA!

August 12th, 2022 02:55

Ode To Pandora
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thank you

August 11th, 2022 19:12

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