Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Strange Friend.
Rozina said:

Sometimes it\'s easier to talk to strangers, later they become good friends. A lovely message.

April 13th, 2022 00:41

Strange Friend.
spilleronsheet said:

Lovely message dear Andy, strangers are friends that you haven’t met….

April 13th, 2022 00:04

Strange Friend.
Christina8 said:

Indeed! I am so shy though. I suspect i will be meeting some friends on vacation soon! great write!

April 12th, 2022 08:34

Strange Friend.
dean langmuir said:

Very nice write,take care.

April 12th, 2022 05:30

Strange Friend.
L. B. Mek said:

another life-affirmingly, illuminating
waterfall of a poem
promoting positivity, in such
accessibly relatable words..
thank you, dear Poet
what a lovely message, to share
with this broken world

April 12th, 2022 05:09

Strange Friend.
orchidee said:

I\'m gonna croon! \'Strangers in the night\'......!

April 12th, 2022 02:20

Strange Friend.
dusk arising said:

Yes indeed and these strangers share our humanity. Each with their own likes and hates, pleasures and sorrows. What weight of life do these passing characters carry which we cannot see?

A great reminder that we are all precious individuals on this colony we call Earth.

April 12th, 2022 01:43

Strange Friend.
Saxon Crow said:

Very true GF

April 12th, 2022 00:50

Strange Friend.
Crowns4Christ said:

Exactly right dear Andy,

April 12th, 2022 00:42

Strange Friend.
Fay Slimm. said:

Such wise words Andy - friends are but strangers we have met and now know. A lovely thought.

April 12th, 2022 00:40

Shining Love.
Crowns4Christ said:

Love is such a beautiful thing, one of the best blessings that God could give us is love especially when you find your other half, the one that truly makes us feel complete and that there\'s nothing missing in life anymore,you and I have found that with Dion and your lady

April 11th, 2022 14:07

Shining Love.
rrodriguez said:

Wow, this reminded me of how love encompasses every aspect of our life when we have someone to love dearly. Thanks for sharing and best to your my friend.

April 11th, 2022 13:25

William Who?
Rocky Lagou said:

Exactly. I feel that most people get turned off by the idea of poetry because of the ways they were introduced to it. Schools make it seem complicating and dull but I hope that a new light would be shed on the art that is poetry!

April 11th, 2022 08:30

Shining Love.
L. B. Mek said:

Happy Birthday!🥂 , to the one
who introduced , such warmth
into the life
of such a deserving and humble, man
hope you two, enjoy
a sun kissed day of celebration!
thanks for sharing
your happiness with us, Andy

April 11th, 2022 05:50

Shining Love.
spilleronsheet said:

Love and romance mingling with spring welcoming the summer in backyard
Best wishes dear Andy on a new journey and the travel of togetherness that follows

April 11th, 2022 04:45

Shining Love.
orchidee said:

Not necessarily settling down as an \'oldie\' (who am I calling \'oldie\'?! lol), but finding love, contentment, satisfaction, etc in life. A fine write Gold.

April 11th, 2022 03:03

Shining Love.
Fay Slimm. said:

Love shines with many faces and you have found again a wonderful joy of togetherness with a new love - may your happiness live on and on dear Andy.

April 11th, 2022 01:38

Shining Love.
dusk arising said:

Not just words, you really enrich your pals lives here sharing your joy with us like you do. A joy to read (get a room LOL)

April 11th, 2022 01:20

Shining Love.
Rozina said:

Such a beautiful love story. The right people at the right moment cross each other\'s paths and, an explosion! Warm wishes.

April 11th, 2022 00:48

William Who?
Thekkinkkattil said:

You may be right or wrong Andy but .the. literature you studied might have made you a great poet and our gain at MPS

April 10th, 2022 21:00

William Who?
Crowns4Christ said:

Shakespeare is not for everyone,

April 10th, 2022 17:32

William Who?
spilleronsheet said:

A very different subject today dear Andy
Well I have mixed feels over Shakespeare
I did like Julius Caesar
But Romeo and Juliet I found it too cliche
So kind of neutral to him

April 10th, 2022 14:33

William Who?
Bella Shepard said:

I was not exposed to Shakespeare in high school and came to the bard as an adult, so my experience is a bit different. I had the luxury of choice. While my ear is not a tuned to the English of his time, I have managed to get the gist of the stories, and have found some story lines that reverberate today. I love the words, and the beloved actors who have spoken them. I have taken my granddaughters twice to see Shakespeare in the park and it was something we could enjoy together. Shakespeare is certainly not for everyone. And you are right, the best way to turn people off of something is to force feed it to them. Now ice cream, that\'s a different story. Maybe if you\'d been given 3 scoops of chocolate with Hamlet it would have been different. Good Write dear friend!

April 10th, 2022 13:09

William Who?
dusk arising said:

As a victim (joking) of secondary education i was not priveledged to having the bard rammed down my throat. All I know about the chap and his works are the scraps which have come my way and been pushed away by me rather quickly. Macbeth was on the TV recently and I decided to indulge, to see what i was missing. What a load of twaddle i found myself enduring. It wasn\'t long before i changed channel.
I\'ve encountered people who love the stuff though one comes to mind who i think was rather in love with the idea that they should be perceived as a bard lover rather than the real mc coy.

April 10th, 2022 10:58

William Who?
Christina8 said:

I was definitely not a Shakespeare fan in school but wouldn\'t mind seeing a play now, just not gonna get out one of his Except that one poem, \"(something about) a summers day? Though art more lovely and more temperate.\"

April 10th, 2022 08:31

William Who?
Michael Edwards said:

I\'m with you - I never understood it then and still don\'t. Would love to see a play in modern English but the purists would be up in arms and the storey lines (bit like opera) are so silly that I doubt if ever I would still be in the theatre for final curtain.

April 10th, 2022 02:54

William Who?
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
We had Chaucer in his olde language. Very difficult and frustrating, with no translation.
But I read The Canterbury Tales later on, with the old words explained, and it was enjoyable.

April 10th, 2022 02:15

Hey - Hey Rise Up,
Laura🌻 said:

Dear Andy,

Thank you for sharing your poem. Peace will win and evil will be pulverized…I just hope it will happen sooner rather than later.

Laura 🌻

April 9th, 2022 23:43

Hey - Hey Rise Up,
Crowns4Christ said:

I didn\'t know that they got back together, that\'s great, I used to listen to them

April 9th, 2022 16:49

Hey - Hey Rise Up,
Christina8 said:

Awesome Andy, and thanks for sharing the song!

April 9th, 2022 10:45

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