Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Sailing With Love.
Neville said:

I\'m so glad I got here first Andy .. you just made my day .. and its only just gone breakfast time ................. N :)

March 27th, 2022 02:26

The Eruption Of Spring.
Crowns4Christ said:

Spring is here indeed,my favorite time of year,

March 26th, 2022 10:28

The Eruption Of Spring.
dusk arising said:

Wonderful celebration of nature\'s joy - springtime - rebirth of colour - like a trumpet call to life - \"come on, get on with it\" is cried from every bough and hedgerow.

Have a wonderful springtime Andy.

March 26th, 2022 05:03

The Eruption Of Spring.
Paul Bell said:

You are right, things are growing, the lawnmower is chapping at the bit.
How long will this last.

March 26th, 2022 05:01

The Eruption Of Spring.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
We might get caught out, thinking the tracks have all dried up, then come across muddy stretches.
I did, and people were doing an obstacle course for about 40 yards, on a narrow verge, having to hold on to gaps between barbed wire, to get past a muddy patch - or turn back.
I turned back once - a patch near some Riding Stables. I would have been in the .....manure!
You got ya welly boots?!

March 26th, 2022 03:01

Accept Truth.
Crowns4Christ said:

Very true Andy

March 25th, 2022 14:05

Accept Truth.
Bella Shepard said:

It\'s true, good things come in small packages, and this little package of wisdom does not disappoint. In this case brevity is the soul of wisdom, very well said!

March 25th, 2022 13:37

Accept Truth.
Thekkinkkattil said:

Well said Andy.Yes sometimes it is really difficult to accept the truth

March 25th, 2022 07:17

Accept Truth.
dusk arising said:

Everything changes but change can be hard to accept. Widom wins the day though and you words today hold much wisdom.

Into my favourites, thank you.

March 25th, 2022 06:48

Accept Truth.
L. B. Mek said:

everything that Neville said
every single, well deserved
syllable of it
I so - second!
dear wise Poet

March 25th, 2022 06:13

Accept Truth.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

March 25th, 2022 02:57

Accept Truth.
Neville said:

You really are on a roll today Andy .. this is so bloomin good I bet it can hardly be buttered ... No kiddin, todays message is superb & one to be locked into the old memory vault ... Neville

March 25th, 2022 02:43

Back Together.
John Prophet said:

Not much for love poems usually, but this one resonates. Nice work.

March 24th, 2022 17:32

Back Together.
Fay Slimm. said:

What a celebration when you two can meet up again - a most romantic read dear Andy - - hoping you both get better real soon. Like the trio playing bessame mucho. - - good rhythm.

March 24th, 2022 15:26

Back Together.
Crowns4Christ said:

Beautiful Andy,it is VERY difficult being apart from the one you love the most,may you be back in each other\'s arms today and every day after

March 24th, 2022 10:54

Back Together.
Bella Shepard said:

What a wonderful poem of yearning for the one you love. Three days apart can seem endless. I love your musical choice as well \"Besame Mucho\" (Kiss Me Alot), it fits like a glove.

March 24th, 2022 09:34

Back Together.
Michael Edwards said:

Great words Andy.

March 24th, 2022 09:04

Back Together.
L. B. Mek said:

\'All because of Covid,
This so annoying disease.
It has kept our bodies apart
But our love has got stronger,
So much stronger in our hearts,
In our hearts and minds.\'
ah, my friend
how darker those sharp corners
of my reality, would be
was I to be, exiled
from accessing your enduring
(I think so many can relate
with what feeling\'s your words
emote, so acutely)
oh and love the subtle, gaiety
in her piano playing, so carefree
that lovely tap dance of playful jazz
on our musical hearts...
thank you!

March 24th, 2022 06:07

Back Together.
dusk arising said:

We should start a competition - \"what\'s the nicest was to catch covid?\"
Well m\'lud, she bashed my blue ball out of the way with a deft blow of her mallet and i kinda broke out in a sweat!

March 24th, 2022 04:38

Back Together.
Doggerel Dave said:

Back to earth here, Andy: you both came off the croquet court and tested positive, so wot wos the point?


March 24th, 2022 03:50

Back Together.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.
And how did I manage to not sing for three days? Answer is: I didn\'t! lol.

March 24th, 2022 02:28

Don\'t Tell Anyone!
Neville said:

mums the word ... take care the both of ya & get well bloomin soon .. N :)

March 24th, 2022 01:46

Don\'t Tell Anyone!
Bella Shepard said:

The secret is safe, not to worry. Such a fun read. I had COVID in Nov. \'21 and 3 days after diagnosis got an antibody infusion which seemed to have the opposite effect. I\'m not quite sure what was in that stuff, but I was stoked, although I did loose my taste for a while.

March 23rd, 2022 14:49

Don\'t Tell Anyone!
Michael Edwards said:

I\'ve also done some ironing today - but better still a walk along the river - spring is everywhere.

March 23rd, 2022 13:40

Don\'t Tell Anyone!
Christina8 said:

Sorry to hear you had COVID. It\'s definitely not grass cutting weather in the USA...At least not in the north! Consider yourself lucky that you are nice and warm in your little patch of heaven!

March 23rd, 2022 13:22

Don\'t Tell Anyone!
rrodriguez said:

I promise I won\'t tell... great that you got around to doing it. Now don\'t stop telling us all the secrets. Thanks for sharing.

March 23rd, 2022 10:28

Am I A Romantic.
Accidental Poet said:

Many a man scoffs at the thought of being a romantic. But love for one woman will be his biggest weakness, while also his greatest strength. 🌹

March 23rd, 2022 07:26

Don\'t Tell Anyone!
Doggerel Dave said:

Fraud! you ain\'t got no covid - you should ha been in intensive care by now dictating your last piece for MPS to someone \'afore you carked it...

Good luck Andy - take care.

March 23rd, 2022 05:30

Don\'t Tell Anyone!
Paul Bell said:

Is it grass cutting time already, is it ironing time again. Subcontracting comes to mind, now, where is that girl.

March 23rd, 2022 04:59

Don\'t Tell Anyone!
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. lol.

March 23rd, 2022 02:58

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