Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Daily Artwork.
Cassie58 said:

What a lovely thought to think of each new day as a fresh canvas waiting to be lived. At the end of a bad day, we can always hope that the morrow will be better. Enjoyed your posted music as much as your words. Thank you Andy. Have a beautiful day.

April 20th, 2024 02:26

Daily Artwork.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

April 20th, 2024 02:20

The Mountain Of Life.
Thomas W Case said:

Superb work.

April 19th, 2024 11:54

The Mountain Of Life.
Accidental Poet said:

Yes Andy, we all take our own path to the top of the mountain, except the fool at the bottom running around trying to stop us. And if he\'s happier there at the bottom, that\'s his choice. Great poem Andy. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

April 19th, 2024 08:02

The Mountain Of Life.
Bella Shepard said:

Would that we each find the courage and confidence to follow our own path. A very fine and most uplifting poem to start the day, thank you dear Andy!

April 19th, 2024 06:50

The Mountain Of Life.
Doggerel Dave said:

You take your path and I\'\'ll take mine, Andy. Pretty sure it will lead to the same place - oblivion, most likely.

April 19th, 2024 05:55

The Mountain Of Life.
Teddy.15 said:

Every day is a brand new mountain dear Andy. 🌹

April 19th, 2024 05:14

The Mountain Of Life.
sorenbarrett said:

A great message that more should heed. Different paths to the same goal. Nicely said Andy.

April 19th, 2024 03:40

The Mountain Of Life.
orchidee said:

What I want to know is - When will the grand Old Duke of York make up his mind? He keeps leading those 10,000 guys up and down the hill (or mountain). They\'re fed up now, going back and forth! lol.

April 19th, 2024 02:22

The Mountain Of Life.
Neville said:

although it be huge .. persist and thou shall get there ..

April 19th, 2024 01:19

They Came To The Door.
Doggerel Dave said:

Yo spent an awful amount of energy being nice - you are never that expansive here, AndyπŸ˜‚

I have a two liner that does the trick:

\" - You are sowing your seed on barren ground\"
\" - Next door will invite you in for a cuppa.\"

April 18th, 2024 19:34

They Came To The Door.
Thomas W Case said:


April 18th, 2024 15:46

They Came To The Door.
sorenbarrett said:

I used to believe in an organized religion but then I used to believe in Santa Claus as well. Then I grew up. I still have beliefs. Hard to get through life without them. I believe the sun will come up tomorrow. Good write Andy.

April 18th, 2024 03:38

They Came To The Door.
2781 said:

Preach it!

April 18th, 2024 03:31

They Came To The Door.
David Wakeling said:

I\'ve always ignored organized religion.I just believe in myself these days.If I can\'t do it it don\'t get done.

April 18th, 2024 03:17

They Came To The Door.
Neville said:

I have a bit of a dilemma going on ..
I both agree entirely ..

April 18th, 2024 02:36

They Came To The Door.
orchidee said:

A bloomin\' miracle! You outspoke some JW\'s.
The joke is that we say: \'Witnesses? Where\'s the accident?!\' lol.

April 18th, 2024 02:34

Doggerel Dave said:

With care and discretion - is there nothing which would get you riled up, Andy? Do not politicians profit by your indifference?

PS: Thanks for your musical contributions - after I\'ve briefly sampled, I flip them to utube and carry on with great background.

April 17th, 2024 21:12

Thomas W Case said:

Brilliant work. I have someone I need to try that with.

April 17th, 2024 15:17

Accidental Poet said:

What they don\'t understand is the door swings both ways. They can be a victim of their own scheme. Well written Andy. πŸ‘

April 17th, 2024 06:34

David Wakeling said:

Makes good sense as usual mi amigo.great poem and great message

April 17th, 2024 03:15

orchidee said:

Sounds like KP - the first part of this! lol.

April 17th, 2024 02:20

Teddy.15 said:

Actually speaks so loud to me, I recently was tricked by my colleagues and now I cannot trust them. Working in a foreign country is tuff but they did wrong and I\'m fine with that. ❀️

April 17th, 2024 02:19

Neville said:

in certain instances indifference rules
indeed we can all be victims of it .. in fact, the title of my third book was Victims of Indifference .. still available folks and cheap as chips

.. Neville

April 17th, 2024 01:57

Cassie58 said:

Oh yes, indifference can work wonders. Apathy is certainly a weapon of non violence and I’m all for using it when and should it become necessary. I am listening to your gorgeous posted music. It is so relaxing, I am almost falling back into sleep. Have a wonderful Wednesday Andy.

April 17th, 2024 01:42

People Watching Once More.
Accidental Poet said:

Yes Andy, a child\'s innocence is to remind adults of how precious life really is. And so well penned. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

April 16th, 2024 07:21

People Watching Once More.
John Prophet said:

So sad innocents can be so abused.
Love this image though.
Nice work.

April 16th, 2024 06:17

People Watching Once More.
Teddy.15 said:

Sounds to me that the grandfather is also doing his job as a grandad very beautifully. That child seems to be very well brought up and appreciation between old and young very clear to see here. 🌹

April 16th, 2024 04:32

People Watching Once More.
sorenbarrett said:

With children and grand children of my own, I remember the greatest joys were when they were small and trusting, loving and joyful. Great write Andy

April 16th, 2024 02:33

People Watching Once More.
2781 said:

Your right about children, they get vital lessons in those tender years.

April 16th, 2024 02:23

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