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Frederick George Scott Poems


Frederick George Scott was a Canadian poet, Anglican priest and lover of the role of the British Empire in world affairs.  Besides his lyrical and often patriotic poetry he wrote a number of hymns in praise of Canada’s role in supporting the British in conflicts such as the Boer War and the First World War.  He lived for much of his life near the ...

Florence Earle Coates Poems


Florence Earle Coates was a very widely published American poet with some three hundred poems having featured in magazines including The Literary Digest and Atlantic Monthly. She also had a deep interest in music and a good number of Florence"s poems were adopted by musical composers including Charles Gilbert Spross, and turned into songs. She was born Florence Van Leer Earle on the 1st July 1850 ...

Frederick Peterson Poems


Frederick Peterson was an US born neurologist and writer who was one of those rare breed who were able to make a success in both literary and scientific fields.  During the 20th century psychoanalysis became a common thing around the world but Peterson stood at the cutting edge of this new science.  His study of great men like Jung and Freud led to published articles, ...

Fyodor Sologub Poems


Fyodor Sologub was a Russian poet, novelist and playwright who was a member of the Russian Symbolist movement of writers and artists.  He sometimes used the first name Theodor alongside his work which was often of a pessimistic, morbid nature.  He adopted the European fin de siècle style and it is believed that he was the first Russian writer to do so. While more ...

Ethel Turner Poems


Ethel Turner was an English-born writer who moved to Australia when she was six years old. She became famous for her poetry and novels but was best known for her children’s stories. She was born Ethel Mary Burwell on the 25th January 1873 in the South Yorkshire village of Balby which is close to Doncaster. She had a difficult childhood, losing her father when she ...

Eustache Deschamps Poems


Eustache Deschamps, who is sometimes referred to as Eustache Morel, was a 14th century French poet. He was also appointed as a diplomat by King Charles V, travelling extensively around central Europe to such countries as Moravia, Bohemia and Hungary. This led to other official appointments in various French locations. He was born some time during the early 1340s in the town of Vertus which ...

Eunice Tietjens Poems


Eunice Tietjens was an American writer, lecturer, magazine editor and journalist. Her literary output was prolific, with at least four volumes of poetry alongside novels and children’s stories seeing publication. She was born Eunice Strong Hammond on the 29th July 1884 in Chicago, the daughter of an artist. Her education was provided at various establishments in Europe and this will have given her a ...

Frederic William Moorman Poems


The English writer and university professor F W Moorman was an expert on the Yorkshire dialect and used it to great effect in a number of his poems. His literary output included poetry and plays and he edited works by Shakespeare and others. During the last six years of his life he was Professor of English Language at the University of Leeds. He was born Frederic William Moorman ...

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev Poems


Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev was a 19th century Russian poet who literary historians consider to be the last of the great Romantics, the other two being Mikhail Lermontov and Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. He also translated the classics into Russian and spent many years working abroad as an official in the Russian Foreign Office. He was born on the 5th December 1803 into very comfortable ...

Eve Langley Poems


Eve Langley was an Australian-born poet and novelist who spent much of her life in New Zealand. Her work often reflected the difficulties that women of her era had in being accepted as a serious writer and choosing to be an artist or writer alongside (or instead of) the traditional female family role. She was born Ethel Jane Langley on the 1st September 1904 ...