Comments received on poems by Gary Edward Geraci

Karol Quarrier
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

August 10th, 2019 13:53

Karol Quarrier
dusk arising said:

A man surrounded by peadophile scandal and at the head of the largest finacial establishment in the world namely the Roman Catholic Church.

\"Easier for a camel to pass thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven\"

Hypocrites in christianity.

August 10th, 2019 12:59

Chances Are
Gary Edward Geraci said:

I like those odds, big O, thank you!

August 3rd, 2019 18:06

Chances Are
orchidee said:

The chances are in your favour that this is a good write Gary!

August 3rd, 2019 01:33

Veronica’s Face
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

July 27th, 2019 13:52

First Century of the Third Millennium
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Praise God Outback! This may be the first time in all of your writings (that I’ve followed) that you’ve actually printed a lowercase letter! And yes the distinction makes all the difference in the world.

July 24th, 2019 19:08

Wedding Day
Gary Edward Geraci said:

I d say that you are a kindly traditionalist Orchidee; thanks for stopping by.

July 24th, 2019 19:00

Wedding Day
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. I\'m prone to swoons in me sheltered life. Some poems on here have caused me to feel a swoon coming on! heehee.
I\'m just a \'snowflake\' lol.

July 23rd, 2019 01:41

First Century of the Third Millennium
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. It would be slavery, if it was worship to any other god (small \'g\'). In the hymn \'Make me a captive Lord\', the next line is \'And then I shall be free\', and so on through the whole hymn.
I\'ve deviated from your main theme of colour (extra \'u\' for us in UK!).

July 21st, 2019 01:16

🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:

Sublime reflections and advice, poetic in brevity. Kudos.

Would you pls pleez give your thoughts/ comments on my newest poem too?

July 17th, 2019 15:31

orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

July 17th, 2019 01:55

Holding Purses
Suresh said:

Been there

July 8th, 2019 12:26

Holding Purses
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. yes, in places, clubs, etc, there can be those \'in-the-know\' or be \'cliquey\'.
Even some churches can become a bit like \'The Firm\'. One choir I know was like the Mafia (oh dear!). \'Sing what we want, or else!\'
Now - where\'s my purse and handbag? heehee.

July 8th, 2019 01:46

Holding Purses
Goldfinch60 said:

These things do happen but what you need to hope is that it is not being done just to keep you out of the conversation.

July 8th, 2019 00:15

Holding Purses
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Ha ha! Great point Outback - who would have imagined credit card interest rates hovering between 25 to 30 percent? Thanks for stopping by friend.

July 7th, 2019 12:19

Oath of Office
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

July 4th, 2019 11:26

Oath of Office
Suresh said:

Our oath should also include
\"That I shall do all I can and raise my voice as loudly as I can, to rid anyone who usurps the office for their personal gain, over the nations interest\", such as we are going through at present with self grandiose TRUMP.
He has destroyed democracy forever.
May what this represent be in your heart and mind forever.

July 4th, 2019 10:33

Oath of Office
Laura🌻 said:


HAPPY 4th of JULY!🇺🇸


July 4th, 2019 08:22

That Daft Fly
Suresh said:

While we may swat one fly, or many because we can, remember that daft fly can cause havoc in one or many of us.
Enjoyable read

July 3rd, 2019 10:40

That Daft Fly
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. They only live 3 weeks I read somewhere.

July 3rd, 2019 02:12

Top Floor
Suresh said:

Your belief gives you, your strength, and your words.

July 1st, 2019 10:58

Top Floor
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Thank you Orchidee. That’s why Jesus gave us the Church: something to hold onto when the sands start shifting.

June 30th, 2019 18:19

Top Floor
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. I looked up - but fell off the roof! doh! (heehee).

June 29th, 2019 14:16

orchidee said:

Nice write Gary.

June 27th, 2019 01:44

Blue Wrens
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Thank you Orchidee!

June 22nd, 2019 18:09

I Stood and Died
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Christian’s seek love Outback. No one in their right mind seeks martyrdom as an end game goal. But when it comes, and it comes today, in many forms, as it came during the time of our Lord, Christ prepares the persecuted one to endure: be it a horrific, torturous, death. Death has been conquered my friend; it no longer has the final word.

June 22nd, 2019 18:08

Blue Wrens
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

June 15th, 2019 13:07

It’s A Dangerous World
Gary Edward Geraci said:

And that’s another part of the defense strategy Orchidee: always see behind the pretty picture - the “hey” the “how’s it going” DM that follows - always see behind it the corpulent sweaty guy in his underpants trying to get to your wallet -

June 15th, 2019 10:13

It’s A Dangerous World
Gary Edward Geraci said:

The paragon of manhood is Christ and not the corpulent sweaty guy in his underpants sifting through his illicitly gained collection of young female pictorials like a stack of baseball cards. Come to the defense of these - see them as they truly are - sisters, daughters, mothers, wives - children of God and then you begin to “man up” brother.

June 15th, 2019 10:08

It’s A Dangerous World
orchidee said:

I\'ve got lost in some of this! lol.
I say to people: \'Man up - take courage! The only dangerous thing you gotta worry about is me singing!\' heehee.

June 15th, 2019 01:58

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