Comments received on poems by Gary Edward Geraci

This Time
Gary Edward Geraci said:

“The less-instructed atheist will ask whether God can make a weight so heavy that He cannot lift it, in the happy belief that, whichever answer we give, we shall admit that there is something God cannot do. But the question is literally meaningless: a weight that an omnipotent Being cannot lift is as complete a contradiction in terms as a four-sided triangle. In either case the words are English, but do not mean anything because they cancel each other out. There is no point in piling together a lot of words, regardless of their meaning, and then asking triumphantly “Can God make that?” God can do anything, but a contradiction in terms is not a thing at all. It is nothing.“ (ibid)

June 8th, 2019 11:45

This Time
Gary Edward Geraci said:

“A four-sided triangle, for instance, is in this sense inconceivable. It is a contradiction in terms, because a triangle is a three-sided figure; and a four-sided three-sided figure cannot be conceived and cannot be.” Theology and Sanity by Frank Sheed

June 7th, 2019 21:21

Climbing steps implies a journey of sorts...
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Thanks Orchidee. - Yes - through the lenses of my faith as a practicing Catholic: in communion with the Magisterium and according to Christ’s teaching through the light of sacred Scripture, I believe the bread and wine is transubstantiated into the body, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ! Miraculous and a wonderful sign of our Lord’s continued act of humility in remaining here with us as He promised. Matthew 28:20.

June 7th, 2019 20:54

This Time
orchidee said:

I get angry with God at times, as other do. We might even say the F word. Sometimes it\'s just used out of laziness though.

June 6th, 2019 01:57

Shifting Winds
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. He, the Holy Ghost was sent about 2,000 years ago. I know some, me included, may get Him out His \'box\' around Pentecost for a while, then put Him to bed for another year, as it were.
Oh we know the joke: Little child says: \'Don\'t want to go to church; don\'t want to meet the Ghost!\'

June 2nd, 2019 11:26

Shifting Winds
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Ok now your “Batmantizing” the verse Outback.

June 2nd, 2019 11:06

orchidee said:

I find it rather cryptic this. I feel I have the general idea of it. Yes - numinous too. Man\'s longing for something, or better still someone, outside of him/her self.
Seeing as we are made in the image and likeness of God.
Pity my singing is not much in His \'likeness\' (heehee) - can it be helped?! More like the likeness of two cats fighting (Oh it\'s not that bad!).

June 2nd, 2019 01:51

Gary Edward Geraci said:

Outback I thought you’d at least approve of my use of the “*” in this piece. It is indeed most curious: the longing of mankind for the numinous! Does that not in itself point to some transcendental horizon?

June 1st, 2019 19:23

Erroneous Leanings that Sexual Impulse Leads the Human Person
Gary Edward Geraci said:

And yes, I discerned there (at the silent retreat) that Diamond and Outback really are my friends.

May 30th, 2019 12:49

Erroneous Leanings that Sexual Impulse Leads the Human Person
Gary Edward Geraci said:

“Mere creatures” - I picked up that gem while on a silent, 3 day retreat this past weekend. Furthermore - I couldn’t pass up on the anagram between: “we’re” and “mere” [inverting the “w” almost gives a “m” (definitely in my own sloppy handwriting style) a nice play on these man-made symbols that we call words Outback].

May 30th, 2019 12:42

Erroneous Leanings that Sexual Impulse Leads the Human Person
Gary Edward Geraci said:

If I’ve learned one thing from President Donald Trump: publicity is publicity...

May 30th, 2019 09:48

Erroneous Leanings that Sexual Impulse Leads the Human Person
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Ha ha - all glory to God!

May 30th, 2019 09:47

Temple Guest
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Always good to see you and Fido, Orchidee!

May 22nd, 2019 08:13

Temple Guest
orchidee said:

Good write Gary. I won\'t give stuff to my (non-existent) dog, Fido, then. He sniffs out poems that should be marked 18+, where some naughty people don\'t tick the 18+ box!
OK, I won\'t cast my jewels to the pigs in me pig sty, out me back yard. Erm, methinks I not quite got the hang of this poem\'s theme! (lol).

May 22nd, 2019 01:42

Temple Guest
Suresh said:

Your faith is your strength, just don\'t demonize others, for diversity makes us stronger

May 21st, 2019 23:30

A Charitable, Certainly Not Curt, Way To Respond To One’s Detractors
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Thank you Diamond - I’d say some of the bitterest, most anti-Catholic venom I’ve witnessed, comes from former Catholics. You are gentle by comparison. Thank you for your perspectives. One cannot move toward the Lord until one first corresponds to the grace our Lord gives as he calls one’s soul into conversion. And you’re right: one can’t trade one’s vice in the same way one trades a car (referring to your comment in your poem “Hoax”). One can do nothing alone but one can do the impossible, including the losing of a vice to a virtue, with God’s grace. Prayers sister...May you find true joy in your heart!

May 19th, 2019 23:01

A Charitable, Certainly Not Curt, Way To Respond To One’s Detractors
Suresh said:

Faith can be a powerful elixir or poison.
What a pity, there has been and is more bloodshed in the name of faith

May 19th, 2019 11:41

What if...
Suresh said:

Your words spell here, that no matter what, you have lived the life you chose - and no more \"what ifs......\"

May 18th, 2019 12:51

What if...
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Like a good, retired friend from work used to tell my fellow coworkers: you ought to go on TV and sing - that way people can turn you off! Thanks for stopping by Orchidee.

May 18th, 2019 11:51

What if...
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. I also asked \'What if... I shut up singing?!\' heehee. People would thinks two cats had stopped fighting! lol. I\'m a drama queen here.

May 18th, 2019 11:17

Turning Point
Suresh said:

When one is certain that they are certain, is when must doubt their certainty.

May 16th, 2019 12:01

Turning Point
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Profound and direct—love it!

May 14th, 2019 23:09

Good Friday
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Glad to hear of your successes Outback. A healthy skepticism in “the system” gives us checks and balances, a way to identify and to bring a wayward ship back on course.

May 14th, 2019 11:30

Medal of Freedom
Gary Edward Geraci said:

God governs the very next letter tap in this reply, the very next breath we both take in pondering this simple reply. I praise Him for both your existence and mine.

May 14th, 2019 10:27

Turning Point
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Good point Orchidee. I made a small change in the third line of the Haiku: replacing the word “in” with the word “of”. I’d say for many, unbelief, is their faith of choice and they consciously (certainly subconsciously) practice it every day. But as you know, grace comes knocking on everyone’s door.

May 13th, 2019 06:44

Turning Point
orchidee said:

Some a say a bit of doubt, or unbelief, is OK for us. They say it will lead us to surety and belief.
Yet if so, not too much doubt, or we may get stuck in it. Though it might be easier at times NOT to believe - but it won\'t profit us.
This help at all , if not sounding too garbled?!

May 13th, 2019 02:16

“Multifaceted Challenges Living a Lay Contemplative Life”
orchidee said:

You done that gardening, Gary?! heehee

May 4th, 2019 12:31

Crossing Paths
orchidee said:

A nice write Gary. I don\'t insist on being named \'Protestant\' but we don\'t believe in purgatory - not usually.

May 3rd, 2019 01:57

Heart of Flesh
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. In a fairly \'high\' Protestant church (well, as \'high\' as: they use incense anyway, and the Vicar nipped out for a cigarette quick at the end of the service!), they have. a bit tacked on the end to Our Lady.
But it\'s just a garbled 2 minutes Epilogue thingy for them really. Someone nips round to the statue and gabbles away. Doh!

April 28th, 2019 02:12

Where is Truth?
orchidee said:

Good write Gary. Pilate asked \'What is truth?\'

April 27th, 2019 01:33

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