Comments received on poems by Gary Edward Geraci

“Marfa, Marfa you are worried and upset about many things”
orchidee said:

Yes, I understand about heritage of buildings. But what about - when I went to share the Peace (handshake, etc) an elderly chap was asleep behind me! Maybe the sermon/homily had caused him to doze off?!

December 10th, 2018 02:41

I Defeated Satan
Gary Edward Geraci said:

I think one of the most tangible written demonstrations of the existence of the devil (Satan), for me, outside of inspired, biblical revelation, came to me in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s “The Brother’s Karamazov.” And it’s a fictional novel. But, my oh my, what it describes (I believe from an atheist character in the work), in relation to real world events (then and now), leaves little room for doubt (faith doesn’t strive for nor needs to be validated through scientific certainty - i.e. the heresy of scientism). But we don’t throw “reason” out the door either. Start with the first several modules over at ....

December 10th, 2018 00:32

A Flash in the Pan
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Yes ... with this style, they (the stanzas) are all written to be purposely disconnected. Thanks for your read “O”.

December 10th, 2018 00:12

None Other Like It
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Dusk - thanks for your read and comment; see “Fail: What Happens when Richard Dawkins Tries to Refute Aquinas” by Matt Fradd for how claims regarding the alleged mutual incompatibility of “omniscience” and “omnipotence” are concluded within our Catholic community. I’ll try to check out your work too. Peace and love....

December 9th, 2018 23:44

None Other Like It
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary. I understand - \'religion\' gets mixed up with this, and causes a lot of the troubles, fightings, etc. That\'s how I see it.

December 9th, 2018 02:43

None Other Like It
dusk arising said:

Who would want to offer anything to such a cruel god. Gods so called omnipotence gives god the power to do good but god chooses to do evil things to individuals and whole communities..
Brainwashed continue worshiping.

December 8th, 2018 19:23

Hot Furnace Burning
Goldfinch60 said:

Those feelings can be with you in the most unexpected places.

December 2nd, 2018 01:16

Hot Furnace Burning
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

December 1st, 2018 12:30

Locked Out!
orchidee said:

You got in that church yet? Is it open now?!

November 25th, 2018 02:40

Locked Out!
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

Such beautifully spiritual words that consume the reader. Churches being shut is, unfortunately, just the beginning. The powers that be would love to put an end to Christianity.

Great write!

November 24th, 2018 17:07

Locked Out!
orchidee said:

Doh! I know. Some churches were shut at Easter. They were having \'United Services\' at one central church.

November 24th, 2018 13:09

I Defeated Satan
Goldfinch60 said:

Satan is always defeated when you say sorry.

November 18th, 2018 01:59

I Defeated Satan
orchidee said:

You \'fighting that good fight\' (of faith) there?!
Some think they defeat satan by chucking some one out of \'their\' pew. Or that may be the \'unforgivable sin\' to them! Whispers of \'Tut, tut, and who\'s been sitting in MY pew?\'
But reply to them: Smile sweetly and say \'Pews/seats are reserved only in heaven\' (or for special occasions in church).
Though some places don\'t know what pews are! I\'m rambling on now. lol.

November 17th, 2018 12:38

I Defeated Satan
dusk arising said:

He he he. I think you defeated the person who invented the concept of satan. Theres no proof, other than words from man, that satan ever existed. Whole thing was invented to make you be a good boy.
Man also invented a lot of beliefs to gain power over the masses. How wickedly clever was that?

November 17th, 2018 11:24

onepauly said:


November 11th, 2018 02:45

orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

November 10th, 2018 14:39

“Marfa, Marfa you are worried and upset about many things”
orchidee said:

But - I fought (thought) you was talkin\' in (English) cockney slang there. e.g. \'apples and pears = stairs\'.
They would know Marfa - she\'s an OK geezer, as cockneys might say!

November 4th, 2018 02:44

“Marfa, Marfa you are worried and upset about many things”
orchidee said:

Well I know a church - only the side Chapel is open, and never on Sundays! Another group has taken over the main building, so at least there\'s some life there.
I am doubting the Chapel\' s surviving part of their motto: \'Going forward....\' More like standing still or going backwards?! doh!

November 4th, 2018 02:42

A Flash in the Pan
orchidee said:

With the second one - ooh, I know, can\'t have vagrants cluttering up the church, or making the place look untidy. See them off!
Yet a serious side, in that some may be dangerous or look suspicious. Mind that church silver, they might nick it!

October 29th, 2018 02:34

Large Mirror in the Hall
Gary Edward Geraci said:

I try not to drop anything made of glass...but if I do, and I invariably do, I blame it on the fact that I am over the age of fifty...

October 27th, 2018 19:36

Prove Saint Srinivasa Ramanujan
orchidee said:

A fine write
Yes, a fine write
Definitely a fine write
An informative write...
That\'s my attempt at this style - I wish I would shut up! heehee.

October 21st, 2018 01:35

Ten Thousand and Counting
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

October 14th, 2018 01:27

“To Every Human Being Whom Ever Lived Or Will Live Even If For Only A Few Seconds”
dusk arising said:

Love in the mind which strives for purity. No sin or scandal here.

October 13th, 2018 07:54

Norma (Shadorma)
orchidee said:

A lovely write Gary. Not to criticise \'modern\' worship, but one does not hear words like \'sacramental\' much in such places. Some don\'t even know what a hymn book is! It\'s a special event and gasps of surprise if an actual hymn is sung amid the \'choruses\'.
I was miffed at one harvest service - not one traditional hymn. Then at another service we got our tractor out and did ploughing of them fields!

October 10th, 2018 01:52

Norma (Shadorma)
Goldfinch60 said:

A strong write Edward and her strength built up in her younger years made her into the woman of freedom she became.

October 10th, 2018 00:20

Mattress Sale
orchidee said:

A fine write Gary.

September 29th, 2018 10:31

Blown Away
orchidee said:

Erm, I suppose some us do jump up and down, in more expressive styles of worship. I\'m of quiet personality, and my 18+ watchdog, Fido, (in a recent poem) keeps me from too much \'excitement\'! heehee.

September 23rd, 2018 01:30

This Binding Cocoon
orchidee said:

New word there? Befret? In your comment. Ooh! Sounds like a word of ye olden days. A fine write Gary.

September 21st, 2018 09:44

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