Comments received on poems by Heather T

foolish heart
Louis Gibbs said:

What a sad commentary on a disturbed individual who took me in as well, though I did wonder about his unending pity party. I became aware of the accusations, but withheld judgment until confirmation like this. Condolences to all the compassionate ladies who were the victims of his illness. Shame on the man who deceived us all for so long! Thank you so much, Heather, for this brave poem.

July 28th, 2017 20:26

foolish heart
Poetic Dan said:

Dam it! My gut told me this from day one!
But I said I was doing it again, being judgemental seeing my stepfather in everyone and thing.
Thank you for helping with this lesson of trusting that feeling, and trying to not go back to that place where I trust no one\'s words but I\'m still a bit in shock too, as I shed tears for this pain and then helped in some way.
So many emotions at once I don\'t know where to start! Most that it sets a bad example for people to know who to trust.

Thank you so much for your open heart felt words.
They mean alot!

July 28th, 2017 17:37

foolish heart
FredPeyer said:

I admire your strength, courage, and honesty!
I know you did not want to bring all this into the open, but I am glad you did.
The purpose of this site is for writers to share their work, not for old guys to harass women or try to pick up girls. It is wrong, may even border on the criminal and gives us other old guys a bad name!
Heather, I for one am with you and with anybody else (heard of a few) on this site who have been harassed. Enough is enough. No more harassment, no more lies, no more inappropriate language to ladies and girls, no more cowboys.

July 28th, 2017 17:08

Goldfinch60 said:

Powerfully passionate words. Good write.

July 27th, 2017 02:41

kevin browne said:

now this heated my mind up whereby it got too hot but it\'s very very beautifully thought out and written. can\'t get enough of it actually but I hope the life of love progresses in good fashion. love to love.

July 26th, 2017 18:45

charlesbarrett said:

Bravo. The imagery in this piece is amazing. I particularly liked “uttering gooseflesh”. You paint such vivid pictures with words. Nice work, as always. Thanks for sharing.

July 26th, 2017 17:55

malubotelho said:

I also love how you write because you are very, very talented and you don\'t spare the words. You really make a great use of them. Very professional writing. Thanks for sharing.

July 26th, 2017 15:54

ShannonXx said:

This is beautiful

July 26th, 2017 15:22

willyweed said:

torrid and powerful, ain\'t love grand!

July 26th, 2017 15:04

malubotelho said:

Sad but the way you write is beautiful. Very talented writer.

July 25th, 2017 16:23

Michael Edwards said:

This hits home - such a sad poem recording so well the grief within a community. So sensitively written.

July 25th, 2017 15:08

charlesbarrett said:

Beautifully written. Beautifully expressed. So much emotion, creativity, and skill went into this, and it shows. You’re a beautiful writer, Heather. Thank you for sharing and very sorry for the losses in your community. Your tribute was tremendous.

July 25th, 2017 14:54

FredPeyer said:

Heather, thank you for a very moving tribute to these mothers. Losing a child, no matter how old, is the absolute worst that can happen to a parent, and I just pray that I will be spared and go before them.

July 25th, 2017 14:47

Fay Slimm. said:

So sad that your community has dwindled with such unwelcome grief dear Heather - this tribute captures the awful demand of saying goodbye to those nearest and dearest with apt Biblical references woven into the lines. The verse haunts the heart and what a tragic bell tolls with that final word chosen - -- gone.

July 25th, 2017 13:44

kevin browne said:

such a beautiful dedicated poem for those who you write about. only my imagination can think of how much pain there is among your work. a superb write my friend.

July 25th, 2017 12:45

charlesbarrett said:

Just beautiful.

July 23rd, 2017 14:23

raqs sashame
Augustus said:

Beautifully and authentic.

July 22nd, 2017 22:06

raqs sashame
Frank Prem said:

I think this is a great poetic subject, Heather, as is dance generally.

The poet entering the veils (sort of) and peeking through etc

Great write. Good choice.

July 22nd, 2017 21:14

raqs sashame
malubotelho said:

Beautifuly explained. Very sensual poem. and the animal gods of them

rise thick and take up serpents.
I like that verse. Very imaginative. Thanks for sharing this beauty.

July 22nd, 2017 19:35

raqs sashame
FredPeyer said:

I have no idea where YOU get all these ideas! Marvelous writing.
\'Stoned seduction\', was there anything else involved beside music?
Love this poem.

July 22nd, 2017 18:48

malubotelho said:

Beautiful writing. Very nostalgic and atractive mind setting. It took me to my old house in Brazil where I left everything behind, even pictures. Thanks for sharing

July 21st, 2017 21:13

FredPeyer said:

Are you talking about me Heather?
Great poem, fits me to a T. Left my first home for my second home and my second home for my third home. But now I am home. Sorry, while I agree with everything else you so eloquently wrote, cannot agree with the last stanza.
I do get homesick sometimes, primarily for comfort food I had as a kid and cannot get here, but otherwise I am happy where I am now.

July 21st, 2017 16:16

Louis Gibbs said:

One can never go back \'home\', can they, as your poem so well portrays to me. \"home isn\'t home anymore\" says it all. Thanks for sharing this nostalgic poem, Heather!

July 21st, 2017 16:09

song of the hollow house
whisperingquill said:

I love the echoes in this its Orphic and melodious a tremendous write
chimera in its trance .

July 20th, 2017 01:02

song of the hollow house
Renzi said:

That is amazing. Again you brought me to a glorious place in my mind. You\'re golden 💓

July 19th, 2017 03:47

song of the hollow house
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write and the verses between the stanzas work very well.

July 19th, 2017 01:35

song of the hollow house
kevin browne said:

a very creative poignant poem which will sit in my heart for a while to come. I love this little gem and it\'s future. Heather T, you\'re a star.

July 18th, 2017 18:34

song of the hollow house
Fay Slimm. said:

So evocative of brooding time when mirrored with imagery as moving as this makes such a triumph of excellent poetry. First rate writing Heather.

July 18th, 2017 15:23

song of the hollow house
FredPeyer said:

Well Heather, I can see, smell, and feel these old houses in your incredible poem, this \'withered hymn of hollow houses\'!!!
If you keep going like this I need to brush up on my superlative words

July 18th, 2017 15:13

song of the hollow house
Michael Edwards said:

Just magical - wonderful use of a great language.

July 18th, 2017 14:57

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