Comments received on poems by Seek

Truth Be Told
Lorenz said:

Zionister ghetto .

October 4th, 2024 13:09

Joyful Rage
Seek said:

I do not doubt that the generosity you extend to me reflects your own giving nature. That spirit requires an openness with oneself that is sure to yield dividends in your own search for higher and deeper meanings in your life. I am flattered by your post and glad to have shared this poem with you. Thank you Samer.

October 16th, 2021 14:29

Joyful Rage
Samer Amin said:

A Great Beautiful Mind

A mind of a great analytical observational power, reflects deeply on the cynical and inexplicable behavior of the natural elements around us,

paraphrasing his insightful ideas into fantastic poetic lines.

A mind that has separated himself away from the intrinsic human tendency to walk on the most comfortable path that has ever been created which is commonly called the wishful thinking.

A mind that is always resolute to keep walking on the tedious intricate roads which need a lot of bravery and determination and are called the rational illuminating thinking in spite of the dim, bleak surrounding darkness.

October 16th, 2021 14:10

Joyful Rage
Seek said:

Thank you from the depths of my heart Teddy, for your generosity and for affirming the timelessness of truths, no matter how trivial. It takes one to know one. You are that one and I hope, that I am too. Again, thank you. No numbers or stats required to affirm universal truths.

October 15th, 2021 07:53

๐Ÿคs.zaynab.kamoonpuri๐ŸŒท๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ˜ฝ said:

Wow an awesome floral wonder poem as you talk of the flora in an awesome soulful way. Kudos for this fine muse.

Pls Pleez do read and comment my newest poem too.

February 26th, 2020 06:16

Goldfinch60 said:

Their beauty is lost to those who assemble them and can only be seen by those who look deeply into them.


February 25th, 2020 01:56

Saxon Crow said:

I love this S. A sad take on something beautiful

February 24th, 2020 13:53

dusk arising said:

The sadness of the florists \'merchandise\'.

The cast-off \'didn\'t quite make the grade\' bloom - never to fulfill is intended purpose. The assembled beauties used as a tool to warm the heart of a willing mistress.

Mother nature, what have we done with your beauties?

February 24th, 2020 10:29

Cosmic Reflections

BRIAN HERE ~ Good Evening Seek ~ Thanks for sharing this epic Poem of about 115 lines on a topic *COSMOLOGY* dear to my heart ! I am a BIOCHEMIST but also a committed Christian so I find a major flaw in Mechanisitic Evolutionary Science. Mechanistic Atheistic Evolutionists assume that (for which there is no evidence) Life created itself spontaneously on Planet Earth from inanimate matter ~ atoms & molecules of biochemicals. Amino acids - sugars - lipids (fats) etc. Their argument is *There is life on Earth ~ therfore millions of Years ago it must have arisen spontaneously rather than it being created specifically bya Divine Being ~ GOD*. They also predict that *If the conditions are right* LIFE will arise spontaneously on other planets orbiting their own Suns. Some predict there will be millions of these Planets in the Universe despite total lack of evidence. You hint at this possibility in LINE 20 :

As planets circle their suns ~ some packed with life !

Poetic licence OR Evolutionary surmise but no evidence ?

Then again in lines 30 & 29 frorn the end :

Knowing that identical blocks building universes
Build all else, humans too ... unity in diversity

These statments of *LIFE* being logically common & universal in the Cosmos is however contradicted in line 19 from the end :

Rejoicing life, UNIQUE to this PLANET (EARTH)
Are we talking here about LIFE in general being UNIQUE
or just MAN (H.Sapiens) being unique !

I love this Poem but Im just raising the Philosophical / Religious question about Man / Intelligent Beings being UNIQUE to Planet Earth ~ because God created them here ~ or arising spontaneously from a fortuitous mixture of Organic Chemicals and the right environment. I appreciate your Poem is not intended to be a Philosophical or Scientific Treatise on the Origin & Nature of Man ~ but Im just sharing some thoughts on isolated statements out of context ! Incidently if you consider the distance between an ELECTRON and the SIZE of the UNIVERSE then an ADULT HUMAN COMES EXACTLY IN THE MIDDLE ! So we do have some COSMIC significance ! The above is not Negative Criticism simply Positive Observation ~ OK

Blessings & Peace to YOU & YOURS
Yours BRIAN & ANGELA ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›

February 10th, 2020 19:22

Cosmic Reflections
Seek said:

Excellent question to ponder. In the world I (maybe we) live in, the line between the real and the virtual and that between truth and falsehood has become increasingly blurred. When they are slowly but surely chipping away at our right to shape our own world views, living in a real world becomes ever more challenging. Your visit and comment is truly appreciated, da. Thank you Sir!

February 9th, 2020 22:41

Cosmic Reflections
dusk arising said:

The wisdom of years woven here into a very pleasing read.

Everything was fine until humanity arose. Then humanity invented the need for a god, one true god. Leaves you wondering if it was the same god who looked upon the dinosaurs.

February 9th, 2020 19:37

Domestic War
Neville said:

A compelling read from one end to the other sir... hat\'s off to thee..

January 22nd, 2020 13:55

Domestic War
Goldfinch60 said:

Super write seek, that peace must always be within us all.


January 21st, 2020 01:10

Domestic War
Nemo said:

What a great write ๐Ÿ‘Œ
Wars destroyed so much around us and inside us.
Very well described tho ๐ŸŒน

January 20th, 2020 09:01

The Stamp
Barry Hodges said:

I have to say I found this almost impossible to read, especially the first line which is incomprehensible. What are \"zygote lays\"?

January 16th, 2020 11:39

The Stamp
Nemo said:

Wow, perfectly descriptive really enjoyed reading this ๐ŸŒน
The only way to change the current system of our world is to fight hate with love โค๏ธ

January 12th, 2020 15:54

The Stamp
kevin browne said:

This reminds reminds me of historical events in human nature and the evolving wisdom that most of us miss and loe out on. Scientists, historians, philosophers and the great writers who left their own individual stamp on point of their studies and compilations of the abundance of crafted work with a pen. Do people ever relate to the fact that human repetitiveness of mostly mundane antics that persiddt to stand in our way to evolve into a deep thinking miracle when once recognised. The clouds of confusion fluster most, yet the sunshine of perception will reveal the clarity of new and exciting landscapes of thought that you almost declare yourself a God. Knowledge from the past is one of the most imp[ortant things to study on this ever changing planet. Allow the doors to open up the universities of life with new and bright intelligent geniuses to come forth with their new and unheard ideas yet to be revealed. Loved your work here..!!!

January 12th, 2020 12:05

The Stamp
Seek said:

Thanks Angela and Brian for your lengthy comment. I don\'t know if you took time to read my brief profile. I am a retired scientist (Ph. D in immunology with 2 years post-doctoral studies) my first professional degree was in Veterinary Medicine). I\'m glad you thought the \"genetic\" poem interesting. I hope the crux of my message that we are all born with our genetically determined traits was clear. We do not have a say in that. Yet others are quick to judge, even punish fellow humans for what neither party had control over. I thought because of your deeply religious views, my poem would resonate which is why I solicited your input. Still I\'m very grateful for your post. Congrats for your coming wedding.

January 11th, 2020 05:37

The Stamp

Good Morning from the UK ! Both ANGELA & I are Scientists and have studied GENETICS ~ This is the fist Poem on GENETICS we have seen ! HUMAN developemnt from Conception to Birth is a very interesting subject ! We are both PRO-LIFE and consider that after conception the ZYGOTE is a viable HUMAN BEING ! Genetics decrees that we inherit the characteristcs & traits of our Birth Parents encpsulated in the 23 genes of the MOTHERS OVUM & the FATHERS SPERM. Females can only produce X sex chromosomes but a Man X & Y sperm hence it is the Father who determines the GENDER of the CHILD ! To be born MALE or FEMALE has wide ranging implications ! We are not MIRROR IMAGES of our Parents but a FUSION ~ *Chips off the Old Block* ! Biologically we are conceive equally but due to Society we are BORN very UNEQUAL ! Also millions of EMBRYOS are aborted each Year ~ many naturally but an increasing number (for convenience ?) dliberately by Clinical (or back-street) Abortion.
ANGELA & I are fortunate - as individuals - to have been born in England (1983 & 1988) into Good Christian Families with GOOD GENES ! Consequently we are well educated and work with People (Physiotherapist and Lecturer in FE/HE) in respectabl JOBS ! I (BRIAN 36) - have never Fathered a Child & ANGELA (31) has never been PREGNANT. We are getting married in APRIL and consider that (God Willing) we will make Good Parents ~ AMEN !

Thanks for Caring & Sharing ~ Peace & Joy
Love ANGELA & BRIAN ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก

January 11th, 2020 05:18

Neville said:

what we have here is a delightful bit o poetry, brimming with love & gratitude, almost to the very point of adoration.....


September 5th, 2019 08:53

trin said:

Every line of this poem captured me! I love the depth of it, this is true love!

August 27th, 2019 20:53

When Evil is God
trin said:

This piece is absolutely amazing. You have an amazing gift for sure.

August 26th, 2019 15:00

Fay Slimm. said:

A wonderful example of looking at romance whilst love takes a rest - - a fortunate lady takes you penning to paradise -a thrill of a read Seek.

August 16th, 2019 06:58

Rule by Tweetcree
poetboy123 said:

Amazingly, somehow you\'ve managed to capture the ramblings of raving old fool perfectly! Brilliant piece, I loved every second of it.

August 6th, 2019 19:40

Rule by Tweetcree
dusk arising said:

Years of USA politics home and overseas condensed into poetic irony and blossoming in contemporary Mr cartoon Donald.
What fruits shall we harvest?

August 6th, 2019 13:02

Rule by Tweetcree
dusk arising said:

Years of USA politics home and overseas condensed into poetic irony and blossoming in contemporary Mr cartoon Donald.
What fruits shall we harvest?

August 6th, 2019 13:00

Vanishing Normalcy

Love your poem SEEK a DREAM that we all share ! Im 35 & my Fiancee ANGELA (with whom I share this site) is 31 so we will probably have to survive in this sad DATABANK Society for another 50+ Years. The whole World is dominated by electronic devices & robots ! Thanks for caring - sharing & warning !

Blessings & Peace & Joy
Yours BRIAN & ANGELA ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก
Thanks ~ Weve accepted you as a Friend ~ OK

August 5th, 2019 11:54

When Evil is God
Seek said:

The reply button was inactive, Outback. Still, nice to hear from you and thanks for taking time to read.

July 23rd, 2019 20:50

When Evil is God
dusk arising said:

Looks like I am not the only one who sees the evil which resides withing organised religion and their deity.
Though one hopes that any devout follower of a church/religion may react to your words in a state of self disgust, i suspect they will be oblivious to their sanctifying guilt. Brainwashed into righteousness.

July 23rd, 2019 10:49

Joyful Rage
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Masterfully written Seek in these stanzas of six. Natureโ€™s wrath as a metaphor to our own...And God help His most devoted band of followers residing in the Philippines (my wifeโ€™s native lands) whom more so than any other peoples - or so it seems to me - are bolstered and refined in faith by one horrific killer typhoon after another! May God bless them and comfort their souls.

February 16th, 2019 16:41

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