Comments received on poems by Dove

A Treasure within my Soul
Dove said:

Thank you kindly Mek!
I appreciate you read and comment

September 7th, 2020 22:57

A Treasure within my Soul
L. B. Mek said:

wonderfully rhythmic and blessed with that rare quality of effortless flow

September 7th, 2020 04:06

La’ libertas : Fantasies
L. B. Mek said:

I second what Andy said above,
like your wonderful flow as well

September 7th, 2020 03:50

La’ libertas : Fantasies
Goldfinch60 said:

One day those fantasies may be come real and the love will come to fruition.


September 7th, 2020 00:46

A Treasure within my Soul
ron parrish aka wordman said:

and may it linger there forever

September 6th, 2020 14:33

A Treasure within my Soul
Goldfinch60 said:

May that treasure be forever in your soul.

Welcome to MPS.

September 6th, 2020 01:24

A Treasure within my Soul
Goddess of the Mist said:

A very sweet poem with a unique rhythm!

September 5th, 2020 21:50

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