Comments received on poems by Dove

Taste of Temptation
Neville said:

I was gonna ask for a double in the first place ...
This is very good RB .. I like it a lot ..

October 11th, 2020 16:21

Taste of Temptation
Trenz Pruca said:

\"the sensual desires takes for twisting in the soul\" So true.
Thank you...

October 11th, 2020 16:14

Taste of Temptation
orchidee said:

Oohh, will too much \'ecstasy\' be good for me? Will it be too much for me?! heehee.

October 11th, 2020 14:09

Was it just a Dream
Dove said:

Well thank you kindly Sir Neville, and for you I give a double wink,
Thanks for the second glance

October 11th, 2020 13:02

Fay Slimm. said:

A pleasure to read such a sun-shiny verse - -- - I enjoyed every warm and loving line.

October 11th, 2020 10:43

orchidee said:

A fine sunshiney write RB.

October 11th, 2020 02:16

Was it just a Dream
Neville said:

a re-visit .. just because I can .. and because I think these words are more than worth it

October 11th, 2020 02:06

Neville said:

I doubt anyone can read these words without feeling a little warm glow .. I know I did ... and it aint even light outside yet .... I just know it will be though ..........

... Neville

October 11th, 2020 00:57

Goldfinch60 said:

With words like these RB the sun will always be with you.


October 11th, 2020 00:33

L. B. Mek said:

\'Do you fear the unknown
walking at night,
afraid someone may kill you,
then you\'ll die\'
a tad bleak at times, I think... lol,
still a good write full of thought provoking observations and I applaud its positive message, in this year of poisonous uncertainty and festering divisive mentality\'s

October 8th, 2020 04:03


ANGELA AQUI - HOLA ROMANTICA - como estes ahora ? Gracias por esta Poema ~ Mucho Timor ? Fear of ~ Old Age - Knocks on the Door - Lonliness - Walking alone @ Night - Failure - Aliens - Unhappiness - Demons & Death ! Que Lastima !
Because BRIAN & I are Committed Christians we have NONE of these FEARS - NO TENGO TIMOR ! Psalm 23 says *The Lord is my Shepherd - I have everything I need ! Even though I walk in the Valley of Death - I will fear No Evil - Because I am indwelt by Gods Holy Spirit 24/7 - AMEN ! We have no fear of Death because after Physical Death we have Eternal Spiritual Life - With GOD in Heaven - AMEN Comfort each other with these WORDS ! Thanks for Sharing - The Perfect Love of GOD casts out All forms of FEAR - Amen !

Blessings & Peace & Joy ~ con AMOR
Angela - Brian y El Gato Ahumido 💛💛💛
Please check latest FUSION & add an ODE - Thanks ABC
*Hows Your Leader coping with COVID 19 ?*

October 7th, 2020 18:01

Sedoka : Glow of Soft Moonlight
Neville said:

I thought they made watches ....
.... actually this is not only very sweet
and clearly well formed, I take my hat off to you RB ... again :)

October 7th, 2020 11:34

Goldfinch60 said:

Fear is not something I have, all is at peace in my world

“ Do you fear getting old
and wrinkled, or the image of
your mirror as you pass it by? “

been there done that but there is nothing to fear as I got up this morning and all is well.


October 7th, 2020 04:47

Lorna said:

I think once you wrestle with the fear of death and come to realize that it isn\'t that bad then all the other fears will be much much less.

October 7th, 2020 04:24

Neville said:

there is not a single thing that I knowingly fear .. I do dread the thought however of any of my family, friends or those I hold dear ever suffering, or being in pain ...

I also tend to believe that as a species, we have a tendency to avoid, or \'fear\' the unknown ...

I did enjoy and understand your poem today though and it reminded me a little of something I scribbled many years ago about how we collectively perceive certain things .....


October 7th, 2020 00:53

dusk arising said:

Is there really that much fear around??? Not for me I aasure you and I don\'t think i\'m at all exceptional in that respect.
The demons you mention are created by demon makers like the ones who teach children to live in fear of god,... and then go on to confuse by saying god is the god of love (which must be true). Yep, fear is an evil created by organised religions.. an original sin.

October 6th, 2020 22:23

Neville said:

This appeals to me no end .. so well writ and of course timely ....

there is so much truth here too .. although I sense there is a certain amount of tongue in cheeky .........

... and for what its worth, I am very much an eye person ..

10/10 and a gold star ma\'am ...

October 5th, 2020 05:15

L. B. Mek said:

your \'rosy glasses\' - perspective\'s adding a positive twist to your calm measured musings during a time of dreary and confusion, is refreshing!
a timely write

October 5th, 2020 03:38

Goldfinch60 said:

Look into peoples eyes and you can see the beauty within them.

The foggy glasses are a pain but the other thing with the masks is that you realise that in spite of having good hearing you have always read peoples lips as well when in conversation.


October 4th, 2020 23:52

orchidee said:

A fine write RB.

October 4th, 2020 11:31

Lorna said:

But beauty starts with the eyes! Perhaps the best place to look!

October 4th, 2020 08:06

dusk arising said:

Ah the mask of no smiles.... so many times i have said \"I\'m smiling under this\" and it has pleased me when i\'m told \"yes, i can tell, you smile with your eyes also\"

Am i admitting to being ugly when i wonder if i\'m better looking with my mask on? Perhaps i should wear a trench coat too.... and maybe dark glasses?

Oh that damned fogging up.... if you buy a mask with a metal band in the top and shape it to fit snugly to your nose and cheeks, then it won\'t mist up your glasses if you tuck it under them... well works for me anyhow.

I think you are the first i have seen writing about these masks we all have taken to... well done... original.

October 4th, 2020 08:04

I’m Leaning Towards Insane
Dove said:

Smilez, yesterday was the first day I didn’t
Brush my hair! Just left my hair in messy
Braids! Wink!

October 4th, 2020 06:34

I’m Leaning Towards Insane
orchidee said:

Ohhh pop in and see me sometime then. No need to bad hair-day about it! heehee. A fine write RB.

October 4th, 2020 02:27

I’m Leaning Towards Insane
dusk arising said:

To me this reads like a mindful assessment of self in preparation to reset ones self upon a more positive track for future wellbeing. With a lot of colour along the way.

October 4th, 2020 01:04

I’m Leaning Towards Insane
Goldfinch60 said:

Your strength pushes out of your words and you will heal, deal and glisten in your life.


October 4th, 2020 01:03

I’m Leaning Towards Insane
Michael Edwards said:

I know you\'ll think I\'m sad
but I\'m leaning towards insane
and it\'s driving me mad.

Great write.

October 3rd, 2020 15:26

I’m Leaning Towards Insane
Neville said:

Reads like a rainbow ..
Ya need to dive right in ... when ya surface you will be as write a rain ..
I do so look forward to your literary creations R B ...

October 3rd, 2020 12:50

The Moon & Stars
Fay Slimm. said:

Loud applause for this wonderful villanelle - well done again D.......

October 3rd, 2020 04:16

The Moon & Stars
orchidee said:

Good write RB. I was in bed asleep and missed this villanelle. lol.

October 3rd, 2020 02:19

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