Comments received on poems by Dove

“ Promises of Vows
Neville said:

as a man of my word, as a rule, I vow never to make em ...

however, if you have ever been let down ma\'am feel free to point me in his direction ...

... if you reckon its a triolet, then its a triolet .... Nice un R B :)

September 27th, 2020 12:07

“ Promises of Vows

HOLA ROMANTICA ~ Gracias por este Poema ~ Trioleta ! Thnaks for colour coding ~ Sad content. Brian & I were 11,500 miles apart for 15 months (New Zealand) but we diid ZOOM most days which helped ! Separation is the hardest WORD ! Physical contact is so so important when you*re just newly engaged ! It would be even harder now we are married and have tasted the JOYS of intimacy ! For an ENGLISH (& American ?) TRIOLET the rhyme pattern shouuld be ABa Aab AB the one you have posted is ABc Acc AB but it doesnt matter there is always POETIC LICENSE even in Classic Poetic Forms ! The important thing ina TRIOLET and a VILLNELLE is the REPETITION ~ OK !
Love the VISUAL ~ DREAMY !

Blessings & Joy & Peace to You & Yours
Con Amor A & B & El Gato Ahumido 💛💛💛

September 27th, 2020 11:51

“ Promises of Vows
Michael Edwards said:

Doesn\'t matter what it is - It\'s still a great write.

September 27th, 2020 11:23

“ Promises of Vows
orchidee said:

I dunno if it\'s a Triolet either - well, it\'s not a Toilet! lol. A fine write RB.

September 27th, 2020 10:25

“ Promises of Vows
Dove said:

Changed the words , so don’t know if it’s still a Triolet

September 27th, 2020 07:40

“Palindrome” Passion
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful and clever write RB.


September 27th, 2020 00:50

“Palindrome” Passion
Trenz Pruca said:

Very sensuous. I enjoy the words and the musing generated.

September 26th, 2020 15:22

“a kyrielle “ New Start
Neville said:

I think without doubt, this is the most perfectly crafted kyrielle that I have checked into for quite a while .... a fine example of yet another poetic form I have never yet attempted .... my hats still off to ya since the last one of yours I read earlier .... N :)

September 26th, 2020 11:19

“Palindrome” Passion
Neville said:

How absolutely amazing Romantic Bloom ...
I have noted on several occasions how you have the knack, skill & ability to shape, craft and solve puzzles etc ...

Something I am not very good at ...


September 26th, 2020 11:14

“Palindrome” Passion
orchidee said:

Good write RB, and I\'m glad some one(s) having fun here. Fido is fanning me, as I have swooned! lol.

September 26th, 2020 11:03

“a kyrielle “ New Start
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful emotive words RB.


September 26th, 2020 01:29

One Summer’s Day
Trenz Pruca said:

A good day should always be remembered.

September 25th, 2020 13:41

“a kyrielle “ New Start
orchidee said:

Good write RB.
A thousand times I said Hello - Hello, Hello, etc....! (Note to self: Do shut up Orchi. lol).

September 25th, 2020 10:42

One Summer’s Day
L. B. Mek said:

it\'s all fun and games until they mess with my \'Wotsits\': then it\'s out with my arrow kit,
and I would never, ever - harm more than than one seagull - at a time! ha, those nature lovers ain\'t got nothing on my empathy spectrum..
lol, sorry to mess around in your comments, I\'m just in a goofy Friday morning mood (Wotsits are scrumptious cheesy snacks/crisps btw)
good write

September 25th, 2020 03:23

One Summer’s Day
orchidee said:

Good write of happy days RB.

September 25th, 2020 02:02

One Summer’s Day
Goldfinch60 said:

Time spent be the sae can show so many different things but it gives peace and love to us all.


September 25th, 2020 00:40

“ Kyrielle Sonnet” Mountain Peaks
Neville said:

I used to do a lot of mountain climbing .. this made me shiver just remembering some of those dizzy heights ...

September 24th, 2020 14:09

“ Kyrielle Sonnet” Mountain Peaks
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful sonnet RB, those mountain tops can be so wonderful in all seasons.


September 24th, 2020 00:27

“ Kyrielle Sonnet” Mountain Peaks
orchidee said:

Good write RB.

September 23rd, 2020 12:24

“ Kyrielle Sonnet” Mountain Peaks

BRIAN AQUI ~ Gracias por esta Poema bonita. Love the Form & Function of the KYRIELLE. In the USA & the UK we have to understand that Fell Walking is different in each Season ! Spring ~ wrap up well & enjoy the Flowers & bright green New Foliage. Summer ~ take care in the Sun & Sun-showers. Autumn the Aspens in Colorado are stunning. Winter in the Mountains anywhere is a WONDERLAND. Frozen Waterfalls take your breath away ! BUT Fell Walking and Rock Climbinng need great care & proper gear in WINTER. However the views and the Purity of the Air is worth the RISK ~ AMEN.

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours ~
Con Amor y Abrazos y Beaos de Nos a Tu
Angela y Brian y El Gato Ahumido 💛💛💛

September 23rd, 2020 10:49

In the Shades of Darkness
orchidee said:

A fine write RB. I\'m the weed between two roses. lol.

September 23rd, 2020 01:50

In the Shades of Darkness
orchidee said:

A fine write RB. I\'m the weed between two roses. lol.

September 23rd, 2020 01:50

In the Shades of Darkness
Goldfinch60 said:

Your petals are always full of colour and love RB.


September 23rd, 2020 00:32

In the Shades of Darkness
ron parrish aka wordman said:

and may you soar forever in the light

September 22nd, 2020 16:03

A “Villanelle” Touch the Light
ron parrish aka wordman said:

floating on moon beams riding the stars visiting venus and mars

September 22nd, 2020 14:15

Sedoka : Glow of Soft Moonlight
Michael Edwards said:

just found this - a gem of a write.

September 21st, 2020 13:22

Sedoka : Glow of Soft Moonlight
Trenz Pruca said:

Ah, moonlight\'s memories. Good catch.

September 21st, 2020 13:15

Sedoka : Glow of Soft Moonlight
Goldfinch60 said:

Such beautiful words RB, that moonlight can bring such raptures within us.


September 21st, 2020 00:26

Sedoka : Glow of Soft Moonlight
orchidee said:

Oohh, you mean me?! Or have delusions of grandeur again?
I might sing you a sweet love song, but you would run away, saying \'Is that two cats fighting?\' lol.

September 20th, 2020 12:14

Clerihews- comic verses
Neville said:

Hardly bardly, but wunderfully wurdly...

Mary had a little duck, she also had a bat
Her duck would often hang upside down
Now wot ya think of that... 😎

September 20th, 2020 09:31

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