Comments received on poems by aDarkerMind

Three Kicks The Mule
Paul Bell said:

Orion sure is the resting place for the greats, but before that greatness is bestowed upon you, nature must grant you permission and time to succeed.

October 24th, 2021 10:31

Three Kicks The Mule
aDarkerMind said:

a more than generous comment Teddy;
and as kind and supportive as always.
to poetess and a dear friend,
Thank You x

October 24th, 2021 08:17

When Every Thing Was All
spilleronsheet said:

What a wonderful imagery
Nature taken for granted
Will show her emotions one day
She will show that she shouldn’t be ignored

October 23rd, 2021 22:21

Sing Loud The Counted Day\'s
spilleronsheet said:

Great writing dear poet…keep sharing..stage set beautifully….

October 22nd, 2021 15:07

Sing Loud The Counted Day\'s
Paul Bell said:

Got a feeling the end of this year is going to be the real testing time.

October 22nd, 2021 10:56

When Autumn Breathed Her Silence
dusk arising said:

Stunning dark poetry beautifully composed.

October 21st, 2021 10:27

Bright Lights and Roundabouts
L. B. Mek said:

on the thin side of the knick-knack tree
pipes her half-starved eyelids
dull as stone, bright as keys

her house of pregnant plums where claws her turtle-neck;
half-house her own; half someone else.

her scarlet eyes trace footprints
to her wedgewood sea
where greet-boy\'s dry-roast
thirteen rose-buds

dead as winter\'s spleen;\'
(and you even managed to keep the thirteen theme!
thank you, my friend
this was the spiked punch, I was looking for
to juxtapose my tepid vanilla)
\'what a Talent!\'

October 21st, 2021 04:08

A New Beginning
L. B. Mek said:

when I was far too young, to remember age numbers,
there was a place we stayed for an elongated summer,
the front doors gates, were literally on the curve of a major road, traffic choked for 16 hours every day,
but, the back yard opened-up to this expansive lush green garden, and at the bottom of the steep little dip, marking its end
there was a lovely stream, so translucent fresh and clean and full of smooth cobbled stones;
such a unique corner of the world, where two extreme\'s coexisted, either side of a place we called home, for a while...
(that\'s where your words took me back to
if only for a blessed - cherished, while
thank you!)
a beautiful write, dear Poet
\'with tendril hands, more reaching
than the stars that guide our ways\'

October 21st, 2021 03:59

From Mountain To The Cage;
L. B. Mek said:

\'The Fracking hands, as silent
as four winds, no stitch can heal\'

\'From hand to mouth;
now silence grieves
from heart to village square;
Reflections, bright as physalis; lamplight bright as heartstrings, bright as love,
now goes,
From fountain to the mothers mouth;
star-crossed now distance stems
the flow of life;
Where are we now, now Eden crossed?;
our village streets now paintless, dry as hell!
Our artist of the street now hides; from mountain
to the safety of the cage!\'
(sublime imagery!
loved the way, you weaved all these loud and purposefully brash lines,
into one seamless flow of abstracted
acute, snap-shot of everyday realism\'
(another wonderfully unique reading experience, thank you for sharing
dear Masterful Poet)
\'what a Talent!\'

October 21st, 2021 03:41

A New Beginning
The BlackShakespeare said:

Nice write

October 17th, 2021 11:13

L. B. Mek said:

well, you\'ve got to be one amazing Lady,
for a man like Yeats, to covet you for an entire lifetime
enough, not only to propose to you countless times
but to your Daughter: as well....?
yeah, that - long...
(thanks for sharing, my friend
as usual, just a poetic treat
of a read)
\'the buttoned shoes of soldier, marching
sun-bright to the straight one,
to dolls house
free and orange as, twice as spring

once winter counts
one secret X;

what now
do we,

we pilgrims
to the plague?\'

October 14th, 2021 05:49

To The Manor Born
L. B. Mek said:

\'to the bawl of creeping concrete
comes grace devine
as cateracts in the peering eyes\'

\'to the manor, born and bred
for pumpkin pie
in hunchback park
with croup cough bark,
no blanket leaves can heal;\'..
simply, Brilliant
(what A Talent!)
thank you for sharing, dear Poet

October 14th, 2021 03:03

Crosseyed To Entrapment
Paul Bell said:

Cross-eyed animals in love, seems like yesterday they spotted that monster. Now, would I like this entrapment, maybe an hour just to make sure. Dig the humour in this.,

October 13th, 2021 10:52

To The Manor Born
aDarkerMind said:

maybe not useless...insightful perhaps;
many thanks;

October 13th, 2021 04:33

When Came This Chill
Fay Slimm. said:

I love the style and the metaphor used in this piece of poetic reflection - well expressed too the state of some parts of society - first rate write Melvin and look forward to reading more of your work.

October 12th, 2021 15:58

When Came This Chill
aDarkerMind said:

thank you Teddy;
started off ok, then went someplace else!
most kind x

October 12th, 2021 10:34

Crosseyed To Entrapment
L. B. Mek said:

\'what light
from years of glucose, came the sapless branch to wander?
that times the days.
the days of distance breaking chords of compromise;

when all is choice of norm\', or bitter argument.

the son of snail hung out to dry,
to wile away the flowers
now the minutes caged and bandaged,
only blood of bible on the teeth of hands dismembered.

three stars less each night to shave and store,
there are many more, i\'m sure.\'
(your ability
to tether such wide ranging imagery, to your central points
and still have them collate
in a manner that\'s relatable, even
if your readers are bamboozled by your genius, at first read
is just so impressively, unique!)
\'what a Talent!\'
thanks for sharing, dear masterful Poet

October 11th, 2021 07:22

And When We Die
aDarkerMind said:

your legacy will be wisdom accompanied with a heart the size of our planet Teddy;

October 10th, 2021 05:19

What Talk Of Babbled Truth Is This?
aDarkerMind said:

thank you Teddy.
tho it seems these days were getting all seasons in a single day here;

October 10th, 2021 05:18

In Mothers Eyes, My Sleeping Child.
L. B. Mek said:

so majestic!
words to dive-in and get lost within
thanks for sharing, dear Poet
\'how many miles in veins,

from knotted heart to the castout brambles unseen eye,
can i, as blind as perfume, dumb as smoke,
live hell astride these punch-drunk wings devided?

in endings flight, with fractured hands
on pavement trees, messiahs\' glands,
stand tall as wreath to the spinning grave
of rainbow skull as dry as time dies endless;

on feathers wind, to food of nerves
still have banished meat to the gallery of thimbles,
no less nimble than the bones that cross reflection.
i have cornered stone each bad years crawl,
in stomach\'s waxed, as hungry as an upright man,
to gallows pole of iced winds in my arctic rooms;
to the blue-eyed bronze, the statue in the park,

in heavens womb as bright as i am dark,\'

October 8th, 2021 04:15

Still Love Unrecognised
aDarkerMind said:

thank you Teddy x

and no, you are not way off;

she will never be forgotten x

October 7th, 2021 10:08

Still Love Unrecognised
L. B. Mek said:

\'still, grasping at untethered Hope
still believing in Seagull vigils
still mowing Mediterranean tapeweed
with my gritted teeth, refusing
to swim out of my sea, of blinkered certainty...\'
(what a beautiful conceptualisation of vehement youth\'s narrowed perception of attraction,
that unyielding zeal to prove, \'we were meant to be\') lol
this is just a brilliant poetic treat, to read
dear Masterful Poet
\'What a Talent!\'

October 7th, 2021 03:10

Now Men Come Dressed As Winter
L. B. Mek said:

\'swims mercy
through the corridors
of winters prayer,\'..
we blink our way though life,
we muse and theorise
we ask and answer our own doubts
and yet,
we all arrive on the other end of our \'summer season\'s\' of life, as if punch drunk and blurry
\'with purple heart
on the cold stream guard
when summer came and went?\'\'
(I read and learn, my friend
wondrously distinct imagery, as usual
such an immersive read,
thank you!)

October 5th, 2021 04:58

And The Shepherd Layed Me Down
L. B. Mek said:

there\'s such a calmness, to the feel of this write
maybe anchored to resolve or hopelessness,
but that state of mind, to contemplate and consider, such wide spanning themes and issues, is a rare thing to come across,
we\'re all usually too stuck in our blinkered views, of life
to contemplate the \'landscape\' view perspectives and glean the insight\'s, in the breadcrumbs of those thought\'s we choose to repress, than express...
\' neither gift of child nor the shifting of the shapeless cry,
can i bear no grudge to the distance of the fingers crawl?
o teething child of sister in our chapels rest of birthstone,
a landscape raped and tortured, still the bad tree grows
his second month of april for the bride of may to flavour,
her dull blood in the whirpool of uncoscious mind,
yet still she stalks the typhoon in the callers eye;\'..
(what a Talent!!!
thanks for sharing, and showcasing a little more of your range
dear masterful Poet)

October 5th, 2021 04:50

This Turning World
aDarkerMind said:

thank you Teddy.

and a warm hello from a cold, wet and windy quay;

winters poetry nears!

hope you are well x

October 3rd, 2021 11:10

And The Shepherd Layed Me Down
aDarkerMind said:

as kind as always Teddy x

warm hugs back;

September 29th, 2021 11:12

Goodbye Goodfellowed Architect
L. B. Mek said:

\'so sudden comes the flame of deep regret.
the self-expressed, the green sands
for nature\'s watch; this beast, we
seek to race the running tide
her waters wounds our gateway, to the cyprus moon.
too soon, to live forever in the asphalt dome? kiss,
then tell
how tall must towers climb;\'
(these words resonated with me, more than any of your other Brilliant work, previously shared)
I\'m not sure if there\'s any fallible \'Architect\', on Earth
deserving of such a dedication
but, whoever inspired these words to blossom within you
I thank them, for this memorable read of a gift
I have been privileged to \'second hand\': receive..
\'What a Talent\'!!!
thank you for choosing to share, dear Masterful Word\'smith\'...

September 27th, 2021 05:19

When Came The Carnivore
L. B. Mek said:

\'now we worship
feet of clay with our candles feathered,
lighting saffrons bride
for the married eyes of the dragons fruit,
our bibles bricks and mortar scrawls of rubble
as it crawls;\'
when came, our carnivorous
to a cyclical reality of ever-divisive: Hate,*
(our collective evolutionary, Fall
worded so poignantly Majestic
in your endlessly unique,
Transcendentally profound: searing Imagery)
these write just outright exemplifies, your sheer Wordsmith Brilliance!
\'What, a Talent\'!!!
thank you for choosing to share and inspire

September 23rd, 2021 04:24

The Babble of the Brook
L. B. Mek said:

\'it is only in the loins of trusted colours,
can we trench barefoot the naked screams of oil;\'
Rage! Rage!
and let it all out
that\'s the only way, we
who choose to witness Reality
and not feign obliviousness,
can survive
and cultivate the fortitude
to still: enjoy
some semblance of a life...
(a great write, dear Poet
I think I wrote something, feebly attempting to resemble
what you\'ve crafted so raw and rightfully enraged, in this cathartic read of a poem)
thanks for sharing

September 21st, 2021 04:48

Sundays\' Muse.
L. B. Mek said:

we lose and can never replace
those most sacred gifts, of life
and after
everything, seems to dim
like someone messing with our reality\'s brightness, settings
and further, after
we\'re in front of a blank pixelated screen
and our fingers, dance
as-if we\'re playing piano keys for those,
who no longer have ears, in this world
who no longer hear, our cries of regret and longing
who, no longer have eyes
to see, the tears
that create puddles of our crimson wishing wells...
we no longer, have what we want most by our side
and so we let our fingers bash, those qwerty keys
and we try, to let it all out
because we know, we feel that dread
rising from deep inside, that if we cant find an avenue
to shed some of this weight, on our every breadth
soon, we\'ll drown
in all that ache, we harbour devotedly
just so we can feel, a connection
even, as its threatening
our very grip, to survival...
\'how I marvel every Sunday,
the weathers\' morning pages as they climb
a higher ground,
from the darkened depths of solitude
to the acid on my tongue;
it is here
my strings of symphony cuts\' glass a shade of wood,
in honour of deception
on the banners of the sun;
how many times I have cradled hearts
on my blanket hands,
as cold
as the Jack Frost vampire
teething, sandscripts\' salted hair;

I have no sea-horse
for the riding of Virginias\' long lost waves,
just one speck of blood on the blunt side
of the sword,
to carve her name on the landslide of my wrist;
to co-exist
with the phamptons\' of abyss!\'
(what a Talent!!!
you have been gifted, dear Poet)

September 20th, 2021 04:34

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