Comments received on poems by aDarkerMind

Wallflower Green
Alan R said:

he knows best when he knows less of me...this is a really beautiful line!

July 2nd, 2024 00:43

Wallflower Green
Thomas W Case said:

Powerful work. I love your use of language.

July 1st, 2024 19:51

Wallflower Green
Teddy.15 said:

How very true the show must go on. Beautiful and most profound dearest Melvin. 🌹

July 1st, 2024 15:25

Where The Smaller People Go
Thad Wilk said:

Awesomazing poetry,
poetic perfection
just flows
through each
penned line!
Much enjoyed
my friend!
Best regards, peace Thad

July 1st, 2024 09:25

Where The Smaller People Go
Dan Williams said:

Esoteric. Nice. Makes me wonder just who are the smaller people.

June 30th, 2024 23:36

Where The Smaller People Go
Thomas W Case said:

Tremendous use of language. Powerful work.

June 30th, 2024 12:29

Where The Smaller People Go
Teddy.15 said:

Like a cat that has nine lives we only get our fair share of chances, Dear Melvin, this is extraordinary and speaks so loudly to me especially today, having battled shingles for more than 16 months you certainly hit my nerves, kudos,
I particularly love these lines

nine times each we have slain loves stocks and shares.

our kingdom was our own, it was lush

it was a blood-rush high of cortisone.

our muscles lost in the day-to-day

our bones repellant sprays on a nervous twitch

Oh kudos my friend. 🌹

June 30th, 2024 04:21

It Stands But Doesn\'t Move
Teddy.15 said:

If only we could choose to make a monent stand still a moment in time and forever keep it there, but such is life we are not such magicians. Your words are truly felt and even wanting so desperately to turn a clock back even for a mere moment we know that we cannot, therefore we wait for the next fase. Your work is stunning dear Melvin, as original as it gets and I\'m truly humbled to read it Sir. 🌹

June 29th, 2024 03:25

It Stands But Doesn\'t Move
Thomas W Case said:

Superb work, my friend.

June 28th, 2024 19:10

How Can I Scoff This Giving Of Unreal?
Teddy.15 said:

Nostalgia you just gave me a view of my own mother and the babycham we used to share when I was very young, she only ever drank babycham. I love this dearest Melvin. 🌹

June 27th, 2024 15:00

How Can I Scoff This Giving Of Unreal?
Thomas W Case said:

Superb work.

June 27th, 2024 12:20

My Haven Is A Horse-Box
Teddy.15 said:

A wonderful theme and horses are truly good for the soul. 🌹

June 24th, 2024 12:27

My Fluorescent Artichoke
Teddy.15 said:

Wonderful imagery. 🌹

June 23rd, 2024 15:02

My Fluorescent Artichoke
Thomas W Case said:

Absolutely tremendous. I love it.

June 23rd, 2024 13:20

How Far From Where It Came
Meera Mere said:

Amazing poem aDarkerMind

\"I will read again all letters from your grave

chant your name through a choral evensong

and trade your soul for a vinyl cigarette.\"

June 23rd, 2024 01:08

How Far From Where It Came
Teddy.15 said:

Dearest Melvin, how extraordinary you do write, one can be so lost yet a simple reminder can bring us back to.our surface. Another incredibly emotional ride with you. 🌹

June 22nd, 2024 04:36

No Beneficial Light
Teddy.15 said:

How truly wonderful is your poem, rain on fire and just the thought of such a slumber. Isn\'t it funny how our semi-conscious can also affect us with pleasure or with sinister. Personally when I dream it\'s like I\'m in another world. Love your title dear Melvin a wonderful read and most inspiring. 🌹

June 22nd, 2024 03:47

It Is Monday, And The Dead Are Still Awake
Cassie58 said:

I found myself in a graveyard. The feelings were deep and sorrowful. Your poetic expression extraordinary.

June 21st, 2024 02:37

It Is Monday, And The Dead Are Still Awake
Teddy.15 said:

It seems unfair that some get all the tragedies of life yet others are unscathed, June is my hardest month along with January, but in the end each passing day week month year seems to bring me to that bit closer to solace. Loved every line dear Melvin. 🌹

June 20th, 2024 17:21

It Is Monday, And The Dead Are Still Awake
Thomas W Case said:

Tremendous abstraction.

June 20th, 2024 12:09

A Buttercup in a Crowded House
Teddy.15 said:

Most inspiring read dearest Melvin, as you are aware a subject close to my own heart

a buttercup in a crowded room.

for those who choke on anger

more discreet than distance dared to glow

Magnificent Lines
And your last so powerful. 🌹

June 19th, 2024 12:18

My Avacado Heart
Bella Shepard said:

This poem is bursting with incredible imagery and contemplation. The beautiful, final stanza ties it all together with a golden bow.

June 19th, 2024 08:55

My Avacado Heart
Thomas W Case said:

Tremendous. I love your work.

June 18th, 2024 15:09

My Avacado Heart
antra.sharma_ said:

Inspiring!!!!! Amazing words and vocabulary used!! Nicely penned

June 18th, 2024 13:12

In My Sunday Morning Mews
Teddy.15 said:

The very essence of the bitter sweet in life. Beautifully done my dear Melvin. 🌹

June 18th, 2024 02:35

All Thimbles And Thumbs
Teddy.15 said:

That sounds like a hell of a party to me dear Melvin, bring it on, wonderful. 🌹

June 18th, 2024 00:10

All Thimbles And Thumbs
Thad Wilk said:

Powerful penning indeed!
Poetic perfection
just flows through
each wonderfully
woven line!! 👍
Best regards, peace Thad

June 17th, 2024 16:13

All Thimbles And Thumbs
Thomas W Case said:

Superb work. Great images. Fresh and origiginal.

June 17th, 2024 10:10

In My Sunday Morning Mews
Thad Wilk said:

Powerful penning
poet, strong
feelings and
thoughts eloquently
expressed, poetic
perfection throughout
each line!!
Have a grrrr8
Best regards ✌️. Thad

June 16th, 2024 14:21

In My Sunday Morning Mews
Cassie58 said:

Some incredible lines here. Every line a poetic treat. Lovely.

June 16th, 2024 04:52

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