Comments received on poems by Sonoran Bard

Blackstar said:

Humorous, playfully deceptive, somehow wholesome...

March 5th, 2022 11:08

Love Rocks
Rocky Lagou said:

HEHEHEH!!! Comedy gold. The unexpected \"animal farts\" and the last line really drove the message home. Such a lovely romance tale and it\'s all abruptly stopped in such a brutal way. Poor rocks. πŸ’–πŸ˜…

March 3rd, 2022 10:42

Wrong Battle
Rozina said:

Absolutely agree. Great message.

March 2nd, 2022 18:14

Wrong Battle
Bella Shepard said:

Wonderful poem! I especially love the last stanza which allows us to simply be. It is OK.

March 2nd, 2022 13:40

Wrong Battle
Rocky Lagou said:

What an uplifting and reassuring poem my fellow poet! You really wrote this with such a friendly and comforting tone and I feel like many people will relate. We\'re all bound to our own fears and inhibition and we should learn to grow out of that and see the light inside of us. Great job! πŸ’–

March 2nd, 2022 13:30

Rocky Lagou said:

Wow what a poem! This was so powerful and the imagery you used was so creative and interesting. You really conveyed a strange sensation very well and I laud you! πŸ’–

March 2nd, 2022 11:23

L. B. Mek said:

forgive me, after reading your words
I couldn\'t help myself from penning these scribbled words below
as some feeble poetic reply..
thanks for sharing, a good read..
(but have you landed, or still
flying - free
how does it feel, to not need
those roads
with their one way paths and no U Turn, decrees
do you think
there might be something meaningful
to discover
where you are, right now
in the chaos and turmoil
can you see
the you, that finds the calmness
from within, to pen
such words of introspective wisdom...
and hey, if ever you find your way back
to the highways of life
now you know, you can steer clear of the lights
and do things you way, why
cos you\'ve survived
while everyone, is speeding past red lights
still awaiting their eventual crashes...)

March 1st, 2022 04:55

Rocky Lagou said:

Omg! I honestly don\'t think you understand just how much this poem moved my heart. I mean TRULY touching. You have a gift. I love poetry that incorporates parallelism and repetition so excellently and you executed this with grace. I love the emotions just gushing out of this piece and I\'m honestly captivated. Bravo! πŸ’–

February 22nd, 2022 13:45

One Word
Rocky Lagou said:

Wow! This was punched with meaning and I felt the power. By any chance, is the word \"He?\" You mention pronoun so just my take on it. πŸ’–πŸ§

February 22nd, 2022 12:01

Why Death
Rocky Lagou said:

Oh all the questions of life! Life is such an enigma! I love the format and purpose of this poem! Keep up the great work! πŸ‘

February 16th, 2022 11:20

Blades of Cascade
L. B. Mek said:

simply beautiful!
thanks for sharing

February 15th, 2022 04:49

Blades of Cascade
Rainbow said:

Nice poem

February 14th, 2022 17:45

Kitchen Canvas
L. B. Mek said:

now that\'s, what I call True Horror! lol
thanks for sharing, fun read

November 2nd, 2021 04:18

Buried Alive
The BlackShakespeare said:

Short and to the point...Things will change...nothing stays the same.

October 28th, 2021 19:18

Buried Alive
Paul Bell said:

Three lines of sadness which a lot of people can concur with.

October 28th, 2021 13:05

L. B. Mek said:

\'To dwell by the river and watch it pass.
To sit on the bank and find its peace and joy.
We’re not so different, if you look around.\'
such soothing lines,
and a poem imbued, with a wonderfully empowering message;
thanks for choosing to share

October 28th, 2021 02:42

Caring dove said:

Great writing ) I like your words

October 27th, 2021 10:38

Off the Radar
Paul Bell said:

Yes, sometimes you have to go back to move forward.

October 22nd, 2021 11:09

Rainbow said:


October 21st, 2021 14:59

iAli said:


October 21st, 2021 10:53

Remembrance or Imagination
Caring dove said:

An engaging piece of writing ! )

October 21st, 2021 10:08

The Pick
Caring dove said:

I really like this πŸ™‚ nicely expressed poem

October 21st, 2021 10:07

Caring dove said:

Lovely writing ! Sweet words )

October 21st, 2021 10:05

The Pick
L. B. Mek said:

you\'ve developed your metaphor gradually with patience and insightful consideration,
and I admire your use of punctuation to pace your delivery, adding to its accessibility.
A wonderful write to showcase your technical prowess.
thank you for choosing to share
(I read and learn)

October 21st, 2021 04:28

The Pick
Paul Bell said:

Every piece has its purpose, and maybe every purpose in life is governed by that one piece.

October 20th, 2021 15:40

Remembrance or Imagination
A.H. Browning said:

This is very captivating to me. Very wonderful write. I would love to know just a tiny bit of your inspiration here.
Enjoyed very much.

Kindest Regards,
A.H. Browning

October 20th, 2021 00:19

L. B. Mek said:

\'We\' that\'s an everyone included, \'we\'
have reactionarily, constructed
a societal wide phenomenon
of a meritless, based \'assumption\' of worth..
with causes ranging, from those \'participation\' medals
that seemed so clever, as acts of humanist kindness, only
to have them \'mature\' as the basis, for an entire generation
achieving adulthood status, and finding out
ain\'t no one! gonna give you sht for free, in-fact
the world, works Very hard
at ensuring you\'re denied,
what you justly deserve!
(really related, to the tamed Rage
your writing subtly hints at;
like that unfathomable realisation of the ludicrous state, we\'re being asked to inherit the world,
after all this decades of supposed progressive thinking
and all-that pixelated, binary \'Achievement\'...
thanks for sharing, a great read)

October 19th, 2021 04:14

Caring dove said:

I like this ) good poem ., sometimes it’s difficult to feel we can be ourselves .. maybe we fear being rejected or judged

October 18th, 2021 13:34

Beautifully Different
Paul Bell said:

Well put, we\'re all categorised to say nothing now just in case it offends the man on the moon. This will be the day there\'s a man on the moon online reading this.

October 16th, 2021 03:51

Beautifully Different
Goldfinch60 said:

May that common ground be found by everyone and the world will be a wonderful place.
Good words Sonoran Bard.

October 16th, 2021 03:33

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