Comments received on poems by Garth Rakumakoe
Draven said:
Very nicely written. I like the ideas you\'ve put forth a lot.
December 9th, 2021 18:52
Draven said:
Very nicely written. I like the ideas you\'ve put forth a lot.
December 9th, 2021 18:52
Caring dove said:
I really like this ! It made me think . We can know and sense so much , even without maybe even seeing this . I guess blind peoples other senses may be somewhat stronger .., I’m not sure . But I do like how you have expressed this .,
There is so much more we can see or atleast feel … and know .., beyond sight .., even with those who can physically ‘ see ‘
A great writing 🙂
December 9th, 2021 14:50
Caring dove said:
I really like this ! It made me think . We can know and sense so much , even without maybe even seeing this . I guess blind peoples other senses may be somewhat stronger .., I’m not sure . But I do like how you have expressed this .,
There is so much more we can see or atleast feel … and know .., beyond sight .., even with those who can physically ‘ see ‘
A great writing 🙂
December 9th, 2021 14:50
spilleronsheet said:
A very insightful poetry
Deep and sound
What comparisons you make are truly one of a kind
Loved each and every line
Adding to my horizons of knowledge
December 9th, 2021 14:38
spilleronsheet said:
A very insightful poetry
Deep and sound
What comparisons you make are truly one of a kind
Loved each and every line
Adding to my horizons of knowledge
December 9th, 2021 14:38
Goldfinch60 said:
So true Garth, we do not die, we only leave this to move on into our Spirit that goes on to infinity.
December 3rd, 2021 01:44
Goldfinch60 said:
So true Garth, we do not die, we only leave this to move on into our Spirit that goes on to infinity.
December 3rd, 2021 01:44
Neville said:
on behalf of all concerned, I thank you sir ............................................... N :)
December 2nd, 2021 08:50
Neville said:
on behalf of all concerned, I thank you sir ............................................... N :)
December 2nd, 2021 08:50
Goldfinch60 said:
It can help so many people in their world Garth.
December 2nd, 2021 02:04
Goldfinch60 said:
It can help so many people in their world Garth.
December 2nd, 2021 02:04
Paul Bell said:
Always feel it does no harm in praying, even if the prayer is an inner call to arms. You still hear of miracles in the world, so the mystery of life is still within us.
December 1st, 2021 15:44
Paul Bell said:
Always feel it does no harm in praying, even if the prayer is an inner call to arms. You still hear of miracles in the world, so the mystery of life is still within us.
December 1st, 2021 15:44
dusk arising said:
Prayer can be a great healer if it is done with all sincerity.
December 1st, 2021 14:29
dusk arising said:
Prayer can be a great healer if it is done with all sincerity.
December 1st, 2021 14:29
mdrogers said:
To me faith is like AA, for some it works others it doesn\'t. I\'m not the one to tell anyone what to believe. Good one
December 1st, 2021 14:24
mdrogers said:
To me faith is like AA, for some it works others it doesn\'t. I\'m not the one to tell anyone what to believe. Good one
December 1st, 2021 14:24
Caring dove said:
I believe in the angels and the divine . I guess prayer can be powerful .., I sometimes say a healing prayer to clear negativity .
A good writing 🙂
December 1st, 2021 13:42
Caring dove said:
I believe in the angels and the divine . I guess prayer can be powerful .., I sometimes say a healing prayer to clear negativity .
A good writing 🙂
December 1st, 2021 13:42
Who Among Us?
Goldfinch60 said:
Very good and very true words Garth, we may be too late to save the world but those who could save the world will not as there is nothing in it for them.
November 29th, 2021 02:22
Goldfinch60 said:
Very good and very true words Garth, we may be too late to save the world but those who could save the world will not as there is nothing in it for them.
November 29th, 2021 02:22
Who Among Us?
dusk arising said:
In the words of a famous Billy Joel song \"We didn\'t start the fire\". But we sure can sart to put it out.
I have started... have you?
It takes more than poetry.
November 28th, 2021 17:05
dusk arising said:
In the words of a famous Billy Joel song \"We didn\'t start the fire\". But we sure can sart to put it out.
I have started... have you?
It takes more than poetry.
November 28th, 2021 17:05
Who Among Us?
Fay Slimm. said:
Oh the power in these haunting lines and the shame of civilization for its selfish greed -- this goes into my favourites for its reminders of what mother nature suffers - - and how bitterly the consumer age shall regret her pain.
November 28th, 2021 16:41
Fay Slimm. said:
Oh the power in these haunting lines and the shame of civilization for its selfish greed -- this goes into my favourites for its reminders of what mother nature suffers - - and how bitterly the consumer age shall regret her pain.
November 28th, 2021 16:41
Who Among Us?
Neville said:
filled to overflowing with sad and bitter truths ... and that summative line of yours Garth, sadly say\'s it all .. N
November 28th, 2021 15:09
Neville said:
filled to overflowing with sad and bitter truths ... and that summative line of yours Garth, sadly say\'s it all .. N
November 28th, 2021 15:09
Who Among Us?
Paul Bell said:
I would blame the industrialised nations. Britain being high up the list in the beginning. Consumerism probably comes next. I would now say Mother Nature is responding to the plight of her garden, and with total ferocity. Man will always be greedy, and probably wouldn\'t be missed.
November 28th, 2021 14:34
Paul Bell said:
I would blame the industrialised nations. Britain being high up the list in the beginning. Consumerism probably comes next. I would now say Mother Nature is responding to the plight of her garden, and with total ferocity. Man will always be greedy, and probably wouldn\'t be missed.
November 28th, 2021 14:34
Who Among Us?
Caring dove said:
A good writing … and people can be very selfish and uncaring towards nature … I love nature so much and I hate how much it’s affected by others
November 28th, 2021 14:06
Caring dove said:
A good writing … and people can be very selfish and uncaring towards nature … I love nature so much and I hate how much it’s affected by others
November 28th, 2021 14:06
Inside Out
Caring dove said:
Really liked the read … interesting words , great flow )
November 27th, 2021 17:32
Caring dove said:
Really liked the read … interesting words , great flow )
November 27th, 2021 17:32
Love Seasons Of Two
dusk arising said:
Unsure why i like this but I do. Great flow and mystery.
November 27th, 2021 16:48
dusk arising said:
Unsure why i like this but I do. Great flow and mystery.
November 27th, 2021 16:48
Love Seasons Of Two
kitty the naughty poet said:
a beautiful poem that brought a smile to my face. thank you for sharing
November 27th, 2021 14:03
kitty the naughty poet said:
a beautiful poem that brought a smile to my face. thank you for sharing
November 27th, 2021 14:03
Love Seasons Of Two
Caring dove said:
Very beautiful poem . I couldn’t help but smile at this ! Had to favourite it aswell .
I’m not sure I could write like that
A truly lovely read
November 27th, 2021 13:46
Caring dove said:
Very beautiful poem . I couldn’t help but smile at this ! Had to favourite it aswell .
I’m not sure I could write like that
A truly lovely read
November 27th, 2021 13:46
I Wrote Of You
Neville said:
reads like a dream .. quite beautiful sir .. no idea why I aint been here before .. and what an impressive first posting too my friend .... Neville
November 27th, 2021 13:28
Neville said:
reads like a dream .. quite beautiful sir .. no idea why I aint been here before .. and what an impressive first posting too my friend .... Neville
November 27th, 2021 13:28
Inside Out
Neville said:
I thought I left my thoughts on \'Inside Out\' yesterday when I first visited .. but for some reason, for a micro-second it seemed that I hadn\'t .. but then .. I had ... there is something strange going on here .. Anyway, it is just as good today as it was on Friday 26th November 2021 ............................. very good indeed .. Neville
November 27th, 2021 13:18
Neville said:
I thought I left my thoughts on \'Inside Out\' yesterday when I first visited .. but for some reason, for a micro-second it seemed that I hadn\'t .. but then .. I had ... there is something strange going on here .. Anyway, it is just as good today as it was on Friday 26th November 2021 ............................. very good indeed .. Neville
November 27th, 2021 13:18
Inside Out
Goldfinch60 said:
Very powerful words Garth, one can only hope that love will be there for all in time.
November 27th, 2021 01:30
Goldfinch60 said:
Very powerful words Garth, one can only hope that love will be there for all in time.
November 27th, 2021 01:30
Inside Out
Nicholas Browning said:
Expectations betray us, and everything we thought we knew could very well turn out to be a subjective viewpoint some far-away scientist told our ancestors to believe, and so we do in turn. The battle with the self is one of the most noble, for to even attempt to battle anything else we must first survive ourselves.
Just my own perspective, not preaching or anything lol.
A wonderful read, Garth. I very much enjoyed. Have a like on me, free of charge.
November 26th, 2021 12:09
Nicholas Browning said:
Expectations betray us, and everything we thought we knew could very well turn out to be a subjective viewpoint some far-away scientist told our ancestors to believe, and so we do in turn. The battle with the self is one of the most noble, for to even attempt to battle anything else we must first survive ourselves.
Just my own perspective, not preaching or anything lol.
A wonderful read, Garth. I very much enjoyed. Have a like on me, free of charge.
November 26th, 2021 12:09
Inside Out
Neville said:
Be very proud of these words, now fixed in time & dated this 26th day of November 2021 for always & forever ... Neville
November 26th, 2021 11:08
Neville said:
Be very proud of these words, now fixed in time & dated this 26th day of November 2021 for always & forever ... Neville
November 26th, 2021 11:08
Inside Out
L. B. Mek said:
by my own \'narcissistic\'
(there are no \'expectations\'
in narcissism, dear poet
All, is as willed - it just is
or if it fails - to be
its existence, degraded
to irrelevance)
ergo, your way of thinking
doesn\'t denote, narcissistic tendencies
rather, it demonstrates your lack
of it..
When the world is so full of mindset\'s
that oppose our own, we
far - too readily, assume
and internalise, the wrongness
we perceive, in that self-sabotaging
\'it must be me\', ideology.
When in fact
try: as the world might
its us - stubborn few
who see, clearly
its just, we\'re so much
a minority
our vision is belittled, to fantasy.
\'mismatched color virtues
wrinkled and tumble dried;
though never ironed
Perhaps loyalty’s quality
is an overrated double stitch
It seems, when genuine still had longevity
what seemed real was the fantasy\'
(a great write!
with seemingly endless, depth
thanks for sharing)
November 26th, 2021 06:56
L. B. Mek said:
by my own \'narcissistic\'
(there are no \'expectations\'
in narcissism, dear poet
All, is as willed - it just is
or if it fails - to be
its existence, degraded
to irrelevance)
ergo, your way of thinking
doesn\'t denote, narcissistic tendencies
rather, it demonstrates your lack
of it..
When the world is so full of mindset\'s
that oppose our own, we
far - too readily, assume
and internalise, the wrongness
we perceive, in that self-sabotaging
\'it must be me\', ideology.
When in fact
try: as the world might
its us - stubborn few
who see, clearly
its just, we\'re so much
a minority
our vision is belittled, to fantasy.
\'mismatched color virtues
wrinkled and tumble dried;
though never ironed
Perhaps loyalty’s quality
is an overrated double stitch
It seems, when genuine still had longevity
what seemed real was the fantasy\'
(a great write!
with seemingly endless, depth
thanks for sharing)
November 26th, 2021 06:56
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