Comments received on poems by Garth Rakumakoe

When Love Dies
Garth Rakumakoe said:

Accept my gratitude, dear Nev... This piece wrote itself in many ways. To love is to hurt at times my friend. We live, learn, and strive to grow, and become wiser. It was one of those avenues. Sleep and blessings to you, from my window of the world friend. 🙏🏼

August 19th, 2023 02:11

When Love Dies
Neville said:

unable to sleep, I have been up for most of the night here in the UK, and at 05.00 a.m. BST

I have so far read and enjoyed two outstanding poems .. this is exactly one half of that whole amount .. Neville

August 18th, 2023 23:20

Warm And Tender Love
Parisab said:

Your poem coneys that as a child you were deeply moved by music and imagery: the inner workings of a good poet-Your poem left an impression, thank you

July 20th, 2023 00:18

Warm And Tender Love
Neville said:

change is the only constant .. yet few see it as a friend ..
I can still make out where I\'m coming from tho halfway round the bend .. N

July 19th, 2023 16:15

Warm And Tender Love
Jennifer George said:

Your reflection on the passage of time and how your perspective has evolved, especially through the eyes and innocence of your little one, is really heartwarming. The transformative power of love and the way it can heal past wounds, leaving behind valuable memories and a renewed appreciation for the present. Sooo good!!

July 19th, 2023 14:19

Warm And Tender Love
Caring dove said:

A good writing
Especially like these words

Today, my teardrops are pennies, and my heartaches are gold.

Sadness turned into joy )

Difficult when we don’t feel enough love then we have to somehow find it within ourselves and from other people

Nice that you have a child ..

We all need to feel love from someone else

And learn how to love ourselves I guess

July 19th, 2023 09:06

Social Media
Bella Shepard said:

WOW! The commentary on our society in this illuminating poem is tragic but oh, so true. We seem to be losing our ability to communicate face to face, and to put words together in a coherent and meaningful way. Who knows what we will eventually evolve into, but I hope and pray that the poets may lead us back when we lose our way. Thank you dear poet, keep your insightful words flowing!

July 15th, 2023 10:12

Social Media
L. B. Mek said:

apparently, to explain
our capacity to navigate, with nose
submerged in pixel screens
science decided we get a sixth sense
just by our ears..
huh. so this is progress
reverse engineering from our failings
nice, i wonder what we\'ll come up with next
maybe we\'ll lose our capacity to speak
and engineer less fingers, we only need
one to text and swipe and a thumb
with magnetic properties
so crazy, go back a few decades
and all of this would be coming
out of a surreal sci-fi fantasy
fun times, front row seats to humanity\'s regression
(acute commentary, delivered
with a little humour
a therapeutic read
thank you! dear Poet)

July 14th, 2023 02:38

The Way Only You Can
L. B. Mek said:

\'out of body, captured
by sculptured imaginings
conjured up, by your presence\'
so expressive, a beautiful read
thank you! dear Poet

July 14th, 2023 02:26

Social Media
Neville said:

I am convinced it has become a conditioned reflex and in years to come our species will have evolved to consist only of a large head, a much smaller & weak torso .. hardly anything will remain of our lower limbs and an oversized thumb with an indentation or ledge somewhere to rest or hold our mobile/cell phones .. Neville

July 11th, 2023 13:35

Social Media
Teddy.15 said:

A wonderful description ❤️

July 11th, 2023 10:45

Social Media
peto said:

Brilliant Garth
\"Catfish traffic lights \"
I\'m trying to deny any of this describes me
But I do follow your good self
And must slap a like on this superb write

July 11th, 2023 10:15

Social Media
Caring dove said:

Interesting words especially like the last lines wjth mention of the mermaids ))

July 11th, 2023 08:57

The Way Only You Can
Garth Rakumakoe said:

Absence and the fondness of heart, definitely sir. Thank you so much for the appreciation. ❤

July 7th, 2023 14:00

The Way Only You Can
peto said:

On fire at the moment Garth
I feel a sense of loss in it
Yet also
A phenomenal connection
Loved the read

July 7th, 2023 03:48

The Way Only You Can
Caring dove said:

I like your writing )) lovely and interesting way with words

Love the ending lines

whose palatable vibratos
thus murmur; Happy Soul
the way only you
can make them

🙂 good poem

July 6th, 2023 08:05

Jazz State Of Mind
peto said:

A wonderful way with words
Hope you don\'t mind a punk on this page
You got me wondering if I should listen to more
Top notch read

July 6th, 2023 07:02

Jazz State Of Mind
Neville said:

Jazz children unite .. Darn near pitch perfect in my book, well in any book really, its just that there are many who don\'t know it yet .. but they shall ......... Neville 🎷 :)

July 5th, 2023 11:49

Jazz State Of Mind
Teddy.15 said:

Oh yes, nothing quite beats jazz, on my bucket list to go to new Orleans one day. This is full of such appreciation for a magical art Ella Fitzgerald being one of my faves ❤️ gorgeous dear Garth.

July 5th, 2023 10:04

Ngwana Mama
Caring dove said:

Hi Garth .. a sad writing .. tho expressed well ) I’m sorry for your hurt over the lack of a real relationship with your sister

I can understand how relationships with your family can feel difficult sometimes / or not even feel like you can even relate or feel that close to others

July 3rd, 2023 00:56

In Crevice
Garth Rakumakoe said:

Profound and wise words, Neville. Thank you, kindly.

July 2nd, 2023 03:04

In Crevice
Neville said:

it only takes one little thing to alter the course of a previously programmed life .. this is very good indeed .. and I do know what I\'m talking about .. Neville

July 2nd, 2023 02:59

Jazz State Of Mind
Garth Rakumakoe said:

Noted sir, very much so. I concur completely. Perhaps I err on the side of modesty, and you are clearly a Jazz aficionado. Please accept my humble apologies in that regard, your sentiments are not lost on me, especially considering the humility with which you raise them. Peace, love, and blessings your way, Sir Bobby O. I bow graciously. ❤

July 1st, 2023 20:20

Jazz State Of Mind
Bobby O said:

Absolutely love this but Jazz to Jazz please permit a tiny request to slightly adjust an angle of view. ?
0They don\'t understand
that we are merely paintings”
I’m hopeful you might consider a promotion from MERELY PAINTINGS” to a modifier w a touch more reverence?
“They don’t understand our sophisticate of style lends its cache’ to paintings regal, elegantly ( authentically??) born, in arts chivalry mode…”
Upping this modifier doesn’t wrinkle the wonderful fabric of the piece and it slightly shifts the status of Jazz within the framework of the piece . Jazz gets promoted and a limiting word “merely “ waits for another spot to play ??
Just Sayin’

July 1st, 2023 17:38

Jazz State Of Mind
Parisab said:

I’m a “jazz child” and I won’t apologize…thank you for the sublime write and May I invite you to visit my scribbling as Jazz Liberation-Maybe our frequencies have intersected…

July 1st, 2023 16:19

Carrying Water
Garth Rakumakoe said:

I have no words to show my gratitude for such a moving response. May healing and peace find the heart of man, always. We live and we learn sir, and from that we grow. Blessings and grace to you.

June 30th, 2023 07:28

Lone Purple
Garth Rakumakoe said:

Cherished words, L.B - Never to lose significance. Humbly yours sir. ❤

June 30th, 2023 07:21

Carrying Water
L. B. Mek said:

\'and the overwhelming rubix cube of emotions I’ve had to learn to untangle over time to try make sense of myself,\'

\'I don’t know how I gathered myself up, from the scattered pieces that came from being a part of you.\'

\'If only I had enough fodder to make it true when I say the words I love you, I\'m certain it would secure me the longing and affection I envy in others when they speak of home\'

\'Something inside said I should commit these to paper. Something I cannot explain.\'

\'These words are not my own anymore. I release them. They belong to the paper now. I need my children to shed tears of a different kind,\'

\'I cannot trace and tell the mute awkward questions in our eyes\'

\' I don\'t mind carrying this water, for the both of us - only now, I got too used to walking alone.\'

(Poetic genius, purposed
as cathartic, self expression
that inherited cycle, ends
with our life\'s inequitable
may these words soothe
your heart\'s callouses, dear Poet
I too have some experience
of a mother I cherish and love
whose presence in my life, is toxic
to say the least...
stay strong!
(I read and learn)

June 30th, 2023 03:25

Lone Purple
L. B. Mek said:

what a feat of poetic imagery
and abstracted eloquence
of unfurled, insightful complexities..
a breathtaking reading experience
so well crafted, dear Poet
(I read and learn)
thank you!

June 30th, 2023 03:14

I Was Here Before
Teddy.15 said:

Dear Garth, this is truly an outstanding poem. ❤️

June 29th, 2023 16:14

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