Comments received on poems by Rozina

Rozina said:

Thank you. Greedy drug companies, richer countries scooping up vaccines, poorer countries got expiring vaccines donated late and had to throw many away. Anti-vaxxers, anti masks, anti lockdowns, humanity. The virus and friends are ecstatic!

January 29th, 2022 18:29

Paul Bell said:

Billions not yet vaccinated because of greedy drug companies. You can see why this virus is dragging on and on. I think people have just had enough now.

January 29th, 2022 16:52

Fay Slimm. said:

I can relate to your message Rozina and using birds on wires as an is brilliant - - your camera did you proud my friend.

January 29th, 2022 06:46

Neville said:

this is very clever & of the moment ..
I too both like & highly rate your use of analogy here .. not that bad with a camera neither .. certainly better than me ............. Neville x

January 29th, 2022 06:36

Goldfinch60 said:

Super words Rozina, seeing birds like that is so good.


January 29th, 2022 01:28

Jerry Reynolds said:

A fine write, Rozina.
Great analogy birds on. Traffic on the wire. Love it.

January 28th, 2022 16:09

AuburnScribbler said:

A very relatable and brilliantly penned piece here Rozina, I especially like the photo you\'ve chosen; to symbolise the relentlessness of communication.

I hope that you eventually got a warming message across to loved ones, and like you, I hope that certain things can improve.

Bravo, and I hope that all is well!

January 28th, 2022 11:26

Rozina said:

Oh dear, I hope they make a speedy recovery. What has happened here is that during Chinese, Malay, Indian or other festivals, family members took the opportunity to travel to their hometowns. Unfortunately the big family gatherings were the source of various covid clusters as undiagnosed infected members spread the virus around unknowingly. So during various lockdowns these travels were restricted.

January 28th, 2022 05:58

The Michelin Baby
Neville said:

your message is essentially one of hope .... and to never give up on it ..

January 27th, 2022 09:18

I Am Woman
Paul Bell said:

Sometimes you just have to kick ass.
When it\'s time to go, it\'s time to go.

January 27th, 2022 06:51

Of Patients And Patience
Neville said:

this is splendid .. you certainly have something of a special gift Roz .. I bet you had most of your patients in stitches ...................... I know exactly where you are coming from too having worked for **** years withing the health service ......... x

January 26th, 2022 04:40

Of Patients And Patience
Goldfinch60 said:

I can thoroughly understand these words Rozina, my daughter works in a hospital and the things she sometimes tells me are so awful.

During my times with doctors and medics I, like dusk arising, am always polite, respectful and as helpful as I can be and I always get the same back to me, medics are so wonderful.


January 25th, 2022 01:57

If MPS Poets Met.....
AuburnScribbler said:

What a wonderful poem Rozina, and a most welcome idea as well.

Though we are darted all over the world, I\'m sure an event can be arranged, as it would be a great occasion.

Also, I will endeavour to make my acrostics more clear, hahaha!

Bravo, and I hope that all is well!

January 24th, 2022 12:09

Of Patients And Patience
dusk arising said:

When i was a younger man i hated going to the doctors but now i spend a lot of time with various health complaints being seen either at the health centre or various hospitals. I make a conscious effort to be the nicest, most thankful, and pleasant patient I can be especially to the receptionists and phone staff. I know they take the brunt of a lot of disatisfaction from the public and really it\'s quite unfair. In return i feel i have become known and it sometimes is a pleasant surprise when staff go the extra mile to sort out whatever problem i\'m presenting. Who\'s a lucky boy then LOL

Your piece today clearly outlines the frustrations of being the human being inside the uniform so many of us just don\'t think about.

January 24th, 2022 11:45

Of Patients And Patience
L. B. Mek said:

really well written,
offering a subtle peek, into a perspective
few of us
ever take a those few seconds, to consider..
thanks for sharing, dear poet

January 24th, 2022 09:00

Of Patients And Patience
A. Unukogbon said:

Lol, I can understand how a person will want to give their doctor the history of everything they think can be related to an ailment. Patience is truly key. I love the humor within

January 24th, 2022 08:18

Of Patients And Patience
Paul Bell said:

In the waiting room.
The woman’s talking gallstones
He’s going on about his eyes
That one’s under the doctor
What does that mean
She doesn’t understand the younger generation
The price of fish
She’s come in with her leg
That caught my attention
Does she have three
He came in with his leg last week, now it\'s his arm
Her daughters pregnant with triplets
For some reason, I imagined them doing it three times that night
Hospital food is still awful
Maybe it’s the price of fish
You don’t want admitted on a Monday
Note to body, heart attack Tuesday onwards
You don’t want that Dr Campbell
I had him last week
Doctor Baker is nice
My goldfish died
That happened to my dog
Wonder if it ate the goldfish
My doctor\'s experimenting on me
Sure the medical board don’t allow that
Okay, all hell\'s broke loose
Dr Campbell has taken a heart attack
On a Monday as well
Poor Dr Campbell, he was so nice
Well that’s the kettle calling the pot black
What’s wrong with you son
Well I thought I was going nuts
But I’ve now made a remarkable recovery.

January 24th, 2022 07:58

If MPS Poets Met.....
Neville said:

this is not only most original but really quite spectacular .... makes one feel like being part of the family ... 10/10 :)

January 23rd, 2022 06:01

If MPS Poets Met.....
Rozina said:

Thank you.

January 22nd, 2022 04:37

If MPS Poets Met.....
Michael Edwards said:

Not been on for a few days and so glad I fiound this - a super write and tribute to a great bunch of poets - and refreshingly original too.

January 22nd, 2022 04:16

If MPS Poets Met.....
Rozina said:

A picnic of poetry. That is lovely. Thank you.

January 21st, 2022 23:18

If MPS Poets Met.....
FallenAngel1🕊 said:

Hi Rozina,this is great,so funny. Would you believe I had this very thought earlier today,..not writing about it,but how nice it would be to have a summer picnic,..we can call it picnic of poetry ,..choose your potatoes wisely. Lol😂✌️🕊

January 21st, 2022 23:02

If MPS Poets Met.....
spilleronsheet said:

So sweet dear Rozina
Often did I wonder what a beautiful sight it would be to meet all beautiful poets that we read
To all poets that I read, they all are like celebrities to me

Those souls that we read
One day we may give them shape
And nevertheless I was searching my initials too
So happy to see myself there
Thanks a lot dear Rozina

January 21st, 2022 17:52

If MPS Poets Met.....
L. B. Mek said:

now that\'s a dream
worth waxing poetic about...
thank you, simply beautiful
what a Friday treat..
loved your Second stanza,
(\'T.15\' as our lead-off
one hit homerun, wonder!
I\'ll be there, hidden somewhere
cheering y\'all on
with my pom-pom\'s
and Kylie, short-short\'s)
\'oh yeah, trust me
ain\'t no one gonna wanna see
that image, in reality
so staying hidden, is a must for me\'

January 21st, 2022 08:01

If MPS Poets Met.....
Paul Bell said:

Are we organising a piss up in a brewery, somewhere, maybe poet\'s corner? Put me down for a crate of ale, and a coke to be sociable.

January 21st, 2022 06:02

If MPS Poets Met.....
Caring dove said:

Great poem ! 🙂 I bet some of us would be able to talk easily to each other ..

I like your words

And I really like this site

January 21st, 2022 04:25

If MPS Poets Met.....
dusk arising said:

Thats a fun read.... I think a meet-up would be great but there would be so much noise with everyone wanting to orate.

January 21st, 2022 04:15

If MPS Poets Met.....
Goldfinch60 said:

Great words Rozina, one day I dream I am going to get an island and we can all meet and be with each other in harmony.


January 21st, 2022 04:07

The Moon and The Lamppost
Rozina said:

Thank you. No worries, you can use the photo anytime. I took the photo with my old iPhone 5 camera when I went out early in the morning to get the newspaper.

January 19th, 2022 08:43

The Moon and The Lamppost
Neville said:

one does not have to struggle to determine how, where. why and when you found the inspiration for these very entertaining and novel words Roz .. and just between you n me .. I wish I had found this page before as I would have liked to have used your photo for the cover of one of my anthologies .. with your permission of course ........ :)

Neville :)

January 19th, 2022 04:19

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