Comments received on poems by Rozina

Do Birds Divorce?
Rozina said:

Thank you. Yes woundedheart too said the same about the vultures! The lawyers in this site may respond…..

December 16th, 2021 18:16

Do Birds Divorce?
Coyote said:

I imagine the vultures are the divorce
Great write Rozina🙂

December 16th, 2021 13:26

Do Birds Divorce?
spilleronsheet said:

That’s new
It’s a trivia for me that I never knew
The fact laced with flowing words
So poetic
And carrying the message of the climate change
Our selfishness separated the creature’s love
Well spun dear Rozina

December 16th, 2021 13:07

Do Birds Divorce?
L. B. Mek said:

a fun take, on a desperately sad topic
thanks for sharing

December 16th, 2021 06:55

Do Birds Divorce?
woundedheart said:

Well you learn something new every day bird divorces and what next vultures divorce laywers getting half of everything he catches lol

December 16th, 2021 04:04

Do Birds Divorce?
dusk arising said:

I guess female humans find it easier than the male to find a partner LOL.
Do you think the Albatross have feelings such as being broken hearted. What sorts of behaviour would they exhibit i wonder?

December 16th, 2021 03:59

Noisy Bird
Rozina said:

Dear yellowrose, Thank you.

December 16th, 2021 02:38

Noisy Bird
Caring dove said:

Birds are lovely . If they annoy us , they don’t mean to . Can be annoying to be woken up by them , I guess … especially if it’s so early ,

I love hearing birds tho

December 16th, 2021 02:17

Noisy Bird
Neville said:

quite simply lovely .. nah .. much more even than just that .. made me mouth spread sideways and up into a very broad smile ........................ N :)

December 16th, 2021 02:14

Noisy Bird
Rozina said:

Thank you. I just googled the sound a robin makes - it sounds pretty, musical. The Noisy Bird makes an awful noise! One man’s noise is another man’s music?

December 14th, 2021 02:08

Noisy Bird
Goldfinch60 said:

Maybe I am weird but I love hearing birds at dawn, no matter what time dawn is, generally hear in the UK the first bird to sing is the robin. It is also the last bird to sing at night.
Good fun write Rozina.


December 14th, 2021 01:40

Doggerel Dave said:

That\'s me to a \'T\'
Your piece neatly covers it - thank you.

December 13th, 2021 23:01

Noisy Bird
Doggerel Dave said:

I identify with this mutchly - here in \'stralia we suffer from a bird, a koel by name, which drives me nuts in, I think, Spring. A real pain in the eardrums. Wrote about it here many moons ago,
Can\'t be the same bird as this one is a single bandit.
Your poem cheered me up - nice to know I\'m not the only one who suffers........

December 13th, 2021 22:52

Noisy Bird
Coyote said:

Sounds like you got even lol. A delightful write on an otherwise gloomy day🙂

December 13th, 2021 18:20

Noisy Bird
Maymorning said:

Loved this, your poem cheered me up on a miserable day. Thanks for the laugh.

December 13th, 2021 09:34

Noisy Bird
Rozina said:

Dear Teddy, Thank you for your lovely comments. This morning I read Relic’s poem A Bird Overhead. This afternoon I read Robert’s Insomnia. I think my Noisy Bird is full of mischief and enjoys torturing us! Totally unlike the robin.
I come from the island of Penang in Malaysia, a tropical country. Migratory birds fly across Malaysia to escape the cold. But this bird could be a local fellow. I will find out more. Good night - need to sleep a few hours before trouble starts!

December 13th, 2021 08:59

Noisy Bird
spilleronsheet said:

That’s really funny
Yep birds can be annoying especially at odd hours
You really made me laugh
How well was your inspiration
Keep writing my dear friend
Hope to read more of your magic

December 13th, 2021 08:49

Noisy Bird
L. B. Mek said:

We have an \'enthusiastic bird\'
issue in our house as well, lol
fun read, thanks for sharing

December 13th, 2021 05:23

Noisy Bird
Paul Bell said:

So, a bird in the hand is getting buried in the bush. I just hire an eagle, works wonders.

December 13th, 2021 05:04

Noisy Bird
dusk arising said:

Blimey, that drawing is the ex mother-in-law to a tee.
I know how you feel about those pesky birds, to combat exterior noises i use a bedside radio to create a more acceptable diversion.

December 13th, 2021 04:51

Genes And Traits
Paul Bell said:

Would send you my lottery numbers, but they\'re dire. I think we\'re all getting covid at some point, having had it myself. Onwards and upwards.

December 12th, 2021 08:19

Genes And Traits
Lorna said:

After years and years of struggling with such questions, I am now of a mind that Que cera cera..... Your words Do the best that we can sums it up! Good one Rozina....

December 12th, 2021 06:26

Genes And Traits
Goldfinch60 said:

Good words Rozina, we are what we are and all we can do is the best we can with what we have got.


December 12th, 2021 01:18

Rozina said:

Thank you. There is still much to learn and to share.

December 11th, 2021 21:52

Goldfinch60 said:

Good words Rozina, it is surprising how some things frighten people but not others.
May your home always calm your fears.


December 9th, 2021 01:55

Lorna said:

Absolutely adorable and I don\'t think ending up as the garden gnome would be so bad!

December 8th, 2021 12:14

spilleronsheet said:

It’s funny
Yet so sad
The protagonist is paranoid
Much is what at times we live
We lurk for a secure life never taking risk
Living in shadows of fear
Most of the times I guess I too lived
But then is it facade
Life is adventure, a true roller coaster
Well penned dear Rozina
You placed the heart’s fear on the sheet

December 8th, 2021 08:20

dusk arising said:

Safest here upon my sofa.
Goodness me, I\'ve become a Gopher!

I like it and could not help but join in.

December 8th, 2021 07:01

Paul Bell said:

Strangely enough, I think most people do die in the home. This requires another stanza.
I\'m in my home.
But am I alone.

December 8th, 2021 05:14

Coyote said:

So beautifully true Rozina. Awesome write.

December 7th, 2021 14:12

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