Comments received on poems by Draven

orchidee said:

Good write D.

January 4th, 2022 02:59

Rozina said:

Excellent poem. Some family members I know would actually need a hard knock on the head before they realise change is needed.

January 3rd, 2022 23:31

dusk arising said:

You can only hide from what your mind wants until the dawning dazzles and new day is born.

January 3rd, 2022 20:06

Neville said:

reads like a song well poemed ..

but on the other hand ..

it could very easily be a good poem, well sung ...

Neville ........................... :)

January 3rd, 2022 16:49

Caring dove said:

Very good ! Really like your words … and great flow 🙂 sometimes it takes us a while for us to realise we need a change or to make us realise something .

January 3rd, 2022 16:46

Neville said:

& in that moment, the truth is crystalised ............ it dont take a lot to please this old fella, does it ... N :)

January 3rd, 2022 09:22

Neville said:

this was simply crying out to be writ, posted & read ................ Neville :)

January 3rd, 2022 09:19

Rozina said:

Yes, same old same old. Symbolic that\'s all. You\'ve just reminded me there\'s something I need to do - have put it off every year! Thanks!

January 2nd, 2022 22:07

dusk arising said:

I\'m having a good chuckle at your accompanying comment.

Yep I agree, doesn\'t matter which day you start. I recall the first time i heard the following phrase how uplifting it felt \"tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life\"

January 2nd, 2022 13:14

Fay Slimm. said:

Of course we can start again any old time but how many of us as your piece states need a kick up the backside and some resolutions fit the bill at this time of year methinks - a great read Draven.

January 2nd, 2022 10:48

Paul Bell said:

Sometimes the system traps us, sometimes we trap ourselves.
Feel like the last two years for the world.

December 30th, 2021 14:48

Caring dove said:

Sometimes we stay in situations because of our low self worth or confusion or fear .. sometimes we simply think there is no way out ,

December 30th, 2021 09:51

orchidee said:

Oohh, I got a key. I will come and let her out! heehee. Good write D.

December 30th, 2021 09:46

Neville said:

just remember, if enough people bang their heads against the wall .. the wall will come down ............ well penned my friend ... N

December 30th, 2021 09:45

Caring dove said:

It’s difficult to feel stuck and trapped … sometimes we stay in situations even tho we may be able to find a way out .. very confusing , and to feel guilt and self blame is not easy

A good writing )

Sometimes I blame myself for things ,

December 30th, 2021 09:34

Rozina said:

2 lines that explain the situation. Wonderful.

December 30th, 2021 01:43

orchidee said:

Good write D.

December 29th, 2021 07:11

Fay Slimm. said:

Less can be more in poetry -well done with this little gem Draven

December 29th, 2021 06:58

woundedheart said:

Beauty in brevity sincere in so few words. Are you still doing your challengers ?☺

December 29th, 2021 06:19

Paul Bell said:

Some day we\'ll laugh at this.
Remember those years when we stayed indoors, the bars were shut, it was brutal.

December 27th, 2021 05:45

A.H. Browning said:

“Especially in unknown times”
Perfectly worded.

December 26th, 2021 12:23

woundedheart said:

This pandemic if by past trials Spanish flu influenza will last at least 3 years but im guessing this ones playing the long game and is going to affect our lives for years not just illness but has you say travel restrictions especially places like Australia with its strict quarantine rules . At least Germany has beer and great food

December 25th, 2021 17:59

Mercurial Voice said:

love, love, love the mindfulness of this poem.

December 25th, 2021 11:55

orchidee said:

Get well soon! Good write D.

December 24th, 2021 11:49

Fay Slimm. said:

The cold always suits me better too - thanks for the solstice verse Draven and best of festive wishes from me.

December 24th, 2021 09:08

L. B. Mek said:

\'my quarantine: to yours\'
I\'m gonna borrow that,
hope you had fun with your December challenge, not long left now
how time flies...
Happy holidays, dear poet

December 24th, 2021 06:29

dusk arising said:

Celebration of the birth of Sol the sun god and the Mithras feasting.

But we\'re big enough to forgive christianity for attempting to do away with these ancient celebrations.

December 24th, 2021 06:05

woundedheart said:

Solstice pagan celebrations just like Christmas and Easter, love the lines

along with a warmth that I only find
within myself.

Merry Christmas ☺

December 24th, 2021 05:44

Rozina said:

Too many now, worldwide. A good write.

December 23rd, 2021 22:12

Fay Slimm. said:

Oh Draven a spark can indeed fire a whole forest - -what a haunt of a read about the danger of fire and the ravage it brings to all in its path. Thinking with you of those still trying to build homes again.

December 23rd, 2021 16:50

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