Comments received on poems by jim56

say a prayer
orchidee said:

Yes, lets - among all the terrible things going on there.

April 1st, 2022 10:09

say a prayer
dean langmuir said:


April 1st, 2022 07:02

morning song
orchidee said:

A fine write Jim.

March 31st, 2022 07:47

morning song
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

It’s beautiful . I love the sound of birds .. makes me smile too ! Lovely writing 🙂

March 31st, 2022 06:07

morning song
MDStone said:

Yes, something about their songs brings life and hope anew. Thank you for sharing your heart and thoughts.

March 31st, 2022 06:01

morning song
L. B. Mek said:

nature\'s free symphony\'s, only few
have the ear to appreciate
before, we need hearing aids
at max volumes..
(thanks for sharing
and reminding us, dear poet)

March 31st, 2022 05:39

springtime day
orchidee said:

Yes, lovely Spring!

March 30th, 2022 08:22

spring delight
Crowns4Christ said:

Thank you the beautiful image to drown out the chaos

March 29th, 2022 20:07

spring delight
orchidee said:

Good write Jim.

March 29th, 2022 08:49

spring delight
L. B. Mek said:

\'i love it in the spring it brings such delight
makes the world feel happy makes the world feel bright
all the many flowers putting on there show
with there many colors that give your heart a glow\'

March 29th, 2022 05:54

world love
Crowns4Christ said:

That\'s Heaven my friend, unfortunately just a handful of us will experience this

March 28th, 2022 15:41

mothers day love
orchidee said:

Good write Jim.

March 27th, 2022 11:02

robin song
orchidee said:

A fine write Jim.

March 26th, 2022 11:18

robin song
Crowns4Christ said:

One of my favorite things to do is to sit and listen to the birds sing while drinking my coffee, makes me wonder what they are singing, hahahaha

March 26th, 2022 11:07

help the ukraine
orchidee said:

Good write Jim.

March 25th, 2022 10:41

ukraine courage
Crowns4Christ said:

Completely agree Jim

March 24th, 2022 19:07

united again
orchidee said:

A fine write Jim.

March 23rd, 2022 11:19

peace plan
orchidee said:

Good write Jim.

March 21st, 2022 12:12

many flowers
Crowns4Christ said:

The beauty of God\'s creations

March 19th, 2022 17:24

many flowers
sally said:

such a positive and inspiring poem as always, i love flowers and i love how you described them with such joyful words, Amazing !

March 19th, 2022 12:25

many flowers
orchidee said:

Good write Jim.

March 19th, 2022 10:20

angel love
Crowns4Christ said:

Very beautiful Jim,a perfect picture of heaven

March 18th, 2022 21:18

angel love
orchidee said:

Good write Jim.

March 18th, 2022 11:28

angel love
sally said:

lovely poem , well done !

March 18th, 2022 08:14

love again
Christina8 said:

Very inspiring message, Jim! It\'s uplifting. Great job!!

March 17th, 2022 10:24

love again
sally said:

wonderful poem, there is always light after darkness,Thank you a million for sharing this piece of art : )

March 17th, 2022 06:30

love again
AL17 said:

A lovely message Jim. Pain doesn\'t last forever, love will find its way back to you.

March 17th, 2022 06:02

angels everywhere
orchidee said:

Good write Jim.

March 16th, 2022 13:28

angels everywhere
Jo March said:

Yes, I agree with you but I also believe that there is a heaven in the sky. There is this song by the Scorpions \"Under the Same Sun\" where they ask: Is there a heaven in the sky? I think there is and just like you say we will all eventually go there. And yet, I also believe that certainly our current reality is shocking and painful in many ways. I still believe, however, that if we think enough positive thoughts we might be able to create a heaven on earth, so to speak, even if we do so in our small groups. Thank you so much for this poem. I truly enjoyed it!

March 16th, 2022 10:58

angels everywhere
Crowns4Christ said:

That day is coming soon my friend,a glorious day is the arrival of our One True King

March 16th, 2022 10:45

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