Comments received on poems by theneophiles_words

Fates love play.
Soman Ragavan said:

Please see the poem “The Indian soldiers” by “Nature” and my comments.
Soman Ragavan. 3 September, 2023 //

September 3rd, 2023 07:37

Rocky Lagou said:

This is beyond as always dear poet!!! I admire your inspirations, from the \"rebus\" to the \"music\" to the \"river.\" All these images are so surreal, and you tie them all together with such a graceful theme, WORDS! I think metapoetic pieces tend to be some of the most aesthetically pleasing to read, and this just proved that. Words are capable of endless things, \"Whereas masking susceptibility; With a face; Quiet as the ocean.\" Wow, you\'re images never fail to leave me in awe; that line\'s possibly a reference to a stoic disposition? Because if so, I can relate all the way. Thanks a bunch dear poet for this masterstroke!

October 26th, 2022 14:15

Notes of Soul
Rocky Lagou said:

Okay, wow, I was not expecting that ending. The line \"Probably, a museum piece, / That people; admire superficially\" was such a clever analogy. I feel that many can relate to this character chasing their dreams, looking to be recognized for their artistry, by at least someone. Especially us poets I think can feel that way. But wow that ending really redefined the entire poem for me. Like it went from a story to a moral; we never fully appreciate something until it\'s gone. And it\'s so true, trust me I can talk from experience. I think my mother would be the best example, I realized that there were so many things I could\'ve said and could\'ve done to show my appreciation and love for her while she was alive. A deep and true message, wonderfully written.

May 12th, 2022 09:35

Those Hands
Rocky Lagou said:

Wow. I mean I am truly wondersrtuck by your impeccable writing. The old hold so much wisdom and sage advice, we must all look up to them as inspiration. The lines...
\"Torn flesh; echoes

Sacrifices won\'t come;

With a discount tag.\"
Is so impactful. I mean we truly believe we can live our lives without facing hardships and tribulations. Your poem AND your artwork speak to a generation of people, and to generations to come. Amen for your poetry, and Amen for your life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

April 19th, 2022 09:04

Those Hands
L. B. Mek said:

(may I recommend
\'Grandma\'s Hands\'
by Bill Withers, as
a music accompaniment
to this profound
work of Poetry, dear poet)
and may I be so bold
to ask, if you get a second free
check out one of my old, scribbles
titled: \'nature\'s mappings\'
( )
I was quite amazed by the synchronicity
between your eloquent write and my feeble effort..

April 19th, 2022 06:44

Rozina said:

Great lines. Very well expressed.

April 13th, 2022 21:09

Rocky Lagou said:

A wonderful poem and illustration. I love how your living in the future, you made that drawing May 3rd, it reflects just how ahead you are from other poets. No just kidding, I know you live in India and it\'s different from the U.S. notation. But seriously, this was gracious, and creepy, and sad, but rejuvenating. We must all find the key to free those inner-demons. Wonderful job!

April 13th, 2022 12:49

spilleronsheet said:

A very intriguing piece
Looking out the demons and hunting them down
Later realised
What was not out
Was lying beside
Under the bed
Above the bed
So engaging dear Bubblehead.

April 13th, 2022 12:44

Dahlia said:

exquisite, well expressed poet

April 13th, 2022 12:38

Dear Maths
LMTobin said:

Ha! I. believe it was Satan to add the alphabet to math ;)
Honestly--I can\'t get math to save my life. Both my daughters struggled but one of my sons is this insane math genius. I don\'t get it at all. HE doesn\'t understand how we can\'t just get it--\'it\'s all right there\' he keeps saying. Ugh--no, not for normal people :)
Got a kick out of this!

April 8th, 2022 12:53

Dear Maths
spilleronsheet said:

Maths has its own charms and its own disasters
Sometimes logic
Sometimes illogical
Sometimes the methodologies taught wrong
A very funny and innovative read dear poetess…

April 8th, 2022 07:15

Dear Maths
L. B. Mek said:

biggest problem with maths
is getting that foundation, to stick
in our minds..
if we did, then all we need do
is apply new knowledge to it
when needed..
like, imagine
every time
you read a complex, poem
you first have to remember
your alphabet, order
and know
your adjectives from your adverbs..
but your forget them
and have to start from A...
(still, a fun read
I too wish, Maths
could be a little easier
thanks for sharing, dear poet)

April 8th, 2022 06:01

L. B. Mek said:

\'I chose one Word.
Cause the gray matter,
Demanded answers to
A thousand questions;
That very second.\'
(\"\'Why do you want to write poetry?\'
If the young *Person answers, \'I have important things
I want to say,\' then they are not a poet.
If they answer,
\'I like hanging around words
listening to what they say,\' then maybe
they are going to be a poet.\")
W. H. Auden
(thanks for sharing, dear Poet
what a delightful read)

April 5th, 2022 04:11

A Puzzle Piece
Rocky Lagou said:

Honestly though. We\'re all just pieces that complete the integrated whole of life. An honest and beautiful poem.

March 30th, 2022 12:59

I Will Be There
Rocky Lagou said:

So so beautifully captivating. I mean you really described that loving feeling so richly. Sometimes all we need is just someone who truly cares to be around, they don\'t even have to talk, but just knowing there\'s another living being in the room with us is all we need.

March 30th, 2022 12:57

Rocky Lagou said:

wow that line: \"The endless anguish, / Assembles me\" really hits hard. I can only imagine like a small child being brought up in a state of social chaos. Life and pain is all overwhelming, but we must continue on forth. As always, an amazing poet. Also do me a favor, take \"amateur\" out your bio. 😅💖

March 30th, 2022 12:53

L. B. Mek said:

\'Battle for breath begins.
Conquered by the feel,
Behests to omit a heartbeat,
For the longing relief.\'
(so expertly emoted, with sincerity
what a well written poem, thank you!
for choosing to share)
and since my words fail me
to try and reply to you, poetically
I\'ll borrow from, true genius
and quote from Bukowski\'s, \'The tragedy of Leaves\':
\'what was needed now
was a good comedian, ancient style, a jester
with jokes upon absurd pain; pain is absurd
because it exists, nothing more;\'

March 29th, 2022 04:08

I Will Be There
L. B. Mek said:

wonderfully creative, an emotive deep dive
trying to encompass and unfurl, all
of love\'s diverse complexities
and its border crossings
with dependency
and a bruised heart\'s, hesitancy..
(we\'re not all meant to have
that bestie, since nursery school
or that special, one
love of our lives, but
I do hope
we all get a portion of each
gracing our life, at the very least...)
thanks for sharing, a wonderful read

March 22nd, 2022 04:55

A Letter to HOPE
L. B. Mek said:

hope inducing, thanks for sharing

March 14th, 2022 05:40

Rocky Lagou said:

I feel so cozily embraced in the words of your poetry, you can\'t even imagine. I feel safe in your poetry. I love how relatable this poem is and the way you touch a little on the Butterfly Effect in the third stanza is lovely. Finely done as usual! ✨💖

March 8th, 2022 11:28

Rocky Lagou said:

A coming of age! Growing up can be scary but also liberating! It\'s a sense of new independency and a chance to prove your worth to the world! You surely expressed this very well and the complicatedness of being \"grown up.\" Well done! 💖

March 1st, 2022 10:47

L. B. Mek said:

wonderfully creative and some insightful commentary, thanks for sharing

March 1st, 2022 05:40

Rocky Lagou said:

I mean, Wow! Your poetry just doesn\'t get old. You really have a flair that is so captivating and elusive as a poet and I commend you for that! The way you described these \"strange\" events and the paradoxes in life that are hard to describe was done so finely and richly. You really have a command over words and your poems revitalize my hope! Great poem! 💖

February 28th, 2022 11:54

spilleronsheet said:

Very beautiful write
Resonating with those lines
Making me flutter in my mind

February 26th, 2022 13:21

Rozina said:

You are absolutely right. I like your poem.

February 25th, 2022 18:12

Rocky Lagou said:

P.S.: Thanks for \"faving\" my poems! I really appreciate it! ✨🤗

February 23rd, 2022 12:17

Rocky Lagou said:

Omg!!!! I\'m sorry but this is not being appreciated as it should be! If only there was a way to promote this beauty on MPS!! I love your style of syntax and the way you play with the wording and presentation of your poetry is SO SO graceful and unique. I love this story I embarked on unknowingly, you depicted very well. Friendships can be complex! ✨💖

February 23rd, 2022 12:15

Rocky Lagou said:

Wow! How did I JUST find out about this! This is ART! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your poetic style and the way you formatted this poem is exquisite! You did an amazing job in expressing your emotions and the \"little things\" which have big impacts. I love the authenticity and sincerity of you work! Bravo! 💖✨

February 23rd, 2022 12:10