Comments received on poems by evenwheniLie

Earth to Wade Watts, calling Wade Watts!
L. B. Mek said:

are these ready player one, references?
forgive me, i don\'t know that story/character..
but still:
\'…..Way in the meta-verse\'
\'way more beautiful
then raw reality, is it not; or is
this just a technicality
of our inner realities, or
are we too blind to see our inabilities
to accept that fate we wish to escape. Deep
down we hate being mere
mortals, which
is just another portal
to wishing we were immortal, is
this immoral..\'
is easily one of the most profound stanza\'s
I have read this year!
thank you, dear Poet

July 1st, 2022 04:07

What is the self
Raven333 said:

Great poem, and yes it is \'self\' I think in all ways it were we start and end.

June 30th, 2022 20:32

What is the self
L. B. Mek said:

first, we must find
to excavate
from within: the meaning
of self..
(in my humble opinion)
thought provoking
thanks for sharing
dear poet

June 30th, 2022 06:12

Outdoor Jazz in Philly
evenwheniLie said:

It sure was al17, it was beautiful and unexpected, I was going to the store up this way and noticed they was setting up their equipment and people slowly gathering…. Which made it an actual lovely surprise

June 25th, 2022 10:21

Outdoor Jazz in Philly
AL17 said:

Love this! Good vibes

June 25th, 2022 06:55

Raven333 said:

greatly penned, I to can identify with others and myself. addiction is a horrible thing to see and to go through.

June 25th, 2022 00:19

Doggerel Dave said:

Please don\'t even try - you would be on a hiding to nothing.
The will to change has to come from him and him alone.
If subsequently he makes that decision then good - but the help should be professional as you cannot live your life and take on such a burden.

June 24th, 2022 08:26

evenwheniLie said:

Thanks teddy.15; I do love him but when they’re their own worst enemy it’s hard to help..

June 24th, 2022 07:16

evenwheniLie said:

s.zaynab.kamoonpuri Lb Mek didn’t say that evenwheniLie did. That would be me.


June 23rd, 2022 12:55

evenwheniLie said:

I know I came off like the hate is there, but the hate has been expired, I have white, Asian and Hispanic friends who come to my cookouts and we listen to one another, they help me to properly direct my words so I can put them right in the living room of my intended targets.. I know natives owned slaves, I also know Africans owned black slaves as well.. but at the moment it’s our one time slave holders of the European type that’s causing modern day issues for us. I often ask myself, what’s the natural process of a people, becoming another people? Leaving one’s homeland and the culture, their belief in a particular god may change overtime, language may change even etc; overtime…. But being conquered by another, enslavement has to be a possible source of being changed from what your forefathers were as well. I’ve come to accept this as fact with no hate… it’s more of the constant crap we get from these people in modern times that’s nerve racking. Mankind’s overall treatment of one another is senseless.. but in the past what’s happened to Africans, native Americans, India, Hawaii, China, all have one conqueror in common. The conqueror’s children are trying to change the narrative their forefathers left them.. they don’t get to do that, because it’s at our expense. History is the only thing that can explain our present state. Otherwise the worldwide conditions of people of color would be explained away as us simply being inferior small brain two steps up from monkeys. That’s why they continue to say Africans didn’t build the pyramids, they only admit mankind walking out of Africa if they can control the narrative, that narrative being we are evolutionarily beneath them and a much early stage in their development… which makes us appear to be lower in the evolutionary ladder then themselves.. it’s a slight of the hand scientific racism, like the insulting idea of it must have been aliens who built the pyramids if it wasn’t them.

June 23rd, 2022 11:24

L. B. Mek said:

\'that’s why I throw rocks at them, and get down and dirty cause I think its right, to kick them in their windpipes.\'
this had me laugh out loud
cos of just how much fervent vehemence you imbued in your wording
while, being self aware - enough
to make fun of your fury..
(see, brother
some of my best friends
have been a different colour to my
but our heart\'s have been the same
of crimson bruised and heartache
pulsing, to that same stuttering beat..
see \'Those\' spewing, divisive
bul sht
want us, to think we\'re different
from each other
try to, break black america apart
from America
so minority\'s vote blue, without first asking
if blue
is a good fit..
make a day in june, some
\'slavery\' independence/emancipation day
\'some \'folks\' in the south, heard
they were free, later than most\'
when it took another year or more for the Native Americans
to free, their black slaves...
yeah, how about that for fckry
of distorted history, they ever mention that in books?
but wait, why glorify juneteenth
cos they try to make people believe
July 4th ain\'t for them...?
so they get the minority vote
put an impotent president in office
just so they can claim
they had the first black, one
next election
they went for the first woman, in charge
so are the reds, the answer
cos they ended slavery
centuries ago
hell no!
the same president
that signed the freedom of black slaves
the go-ahead to hand 38 Native american Sioux\'s
to make a statement
on Dec 26th
yeah, one day at church
cutting turkeys and saying grace
next day
ordering mass murder
as a statement..)
so what am i saying
which side am i choosing
what my point?
\'Think, think
and quest for truth\'
don\'t take the quick read
bullet point versions
they selling for cheap
only then
can you Vote! knwing
what the game is
make your Chess moves
in life
what the rules are...
till then
you, we
are just domino pieces
being pushed around..
\'don\'t allow, their Hate
to fuel you with, Hate..\'
free yourself
to Think, knowledgably
for yourself
then pass the Torch, keep
the fight alive
and Hopefully, we can end
the cyclical Fckry of society
before the world, freezes over...

June 23rd, 2022 05:50

Are we seeing
Paul Bell said:

I work on the rule, I don\'t care what colour or creed you are. If you\'re religious, good for you, I\'m not, so don\'t inflict your beliefs on me. Do people care what colour the surgeon is when he or she is saving your life, I bet they\'re not. In saying all that. I do hate the opposition supporters for 90 minutes every Saturday.

June 22nd, 2022 11:22

Are we seeing
evenwheniLie said:

I try to enlighten as I become enlightened myself, the American society constantly tries to possess you, I find it’s a constant self exorcism I have to periodically go through every so often. I meditate often. Thanks for noticing me and my poetry. ❤️

June 22nd, 2022 05:01

Slave Bible
evenwheniLie said:

Thanks for reading and understanding, it’s the understanding that’s gold; even now most of us are our own worst enemy because we still have the mind of a slave.

June 21st, 2022 09:53

Slave Bible
L. B. Mek said:

\'They was scholars for dollars, with a crack of a whip, made any man holla, those saints was liars,\'
and still they do it, Fckrs
that so-called enlightened, warped
mouth piece Thomas Sowell
talks of black\'s owning, slave farms
as some distortion
of depthless misery in our collective
black history
fcker! pointing out exactly how much
they enslaved our mind\'s
as well as broke our backs and hopes..
(you know how many billions
have watched Forrest Gump
not knowing
who the fck Nathan Bedford Forrest
such Fckry, right there
and they argue racism isn\'t built-in, systemic)
and Yet, we who know
are left to despise
all those wannabe
victimhood, ambulance chasers
hands-out for the sacrifices their
hereditary suffered, to gift them
a future, yet
generation after, Fck\'d generation
wasting schooling opportunities
and paths to a better life
so, twisted fools like Sowell
can sit there all righteous
pointing fingers on their YouTube thrones
cos they were blessed with a little
or Denzel, good looks
betraying themselves and pretending their skin
is a different shade of black
for a little more coin
sighting their success, like
one out of a million is a ratio
to bank our hopes on, F\'ckrs
I wish
James Baldwin was still around
to smash, reality back into their self-serving, conceited mindsets..

June 21st, 2022 05:29

Selfish Love
L. B. Mek said:

\'it’s these
knight in shining armor
looking for love, suckers
causing the traffic
on the highway of love\'..
(yup, endless generations
by fairy-Tall-tales
of damsels in distress
and entitled, heroes
in supposedly
dignified, murderous plots..
all in the name of some, warped love
where two people
become devoted to each other
they even know each other\'s
while in reality, decades
of marriage - later
a single misunderstanding, can bring it all down
crumbling, like
those empires
who thought, their victories
entitled them to dream of power
everlasting and righteous
because fate granted them a little
from life\'s, endless struggles and strife..)
so much Bull sht
only, when
we realise, how lucky we are
\'for every kind smile
sweet words
and warm touches\'
we\'re afforded in life, will we Truly understand
what love\'s True worth, is
till then
\'its all, games of pretend
desperate to simply, belong\'..
(really sorry dear Poet
I read your words and just started typing
forgive me if I\'ve misinterpreted your words
or acted rudely by penning such a lengthy comment)
thanks for sharing and inspiring
my little scribbled, reply

June 20th, 2022 05:59

January sixth get Mike Pence
evenwheniLie said:

Thanks Teddy15; the world seems to have run out of humanity, civilization has reached it end, the order is about to fall, hopefully it’s somewhere in our nature to reconstruct another, but no matter what we build you can’t stop the inevitable breakdown, but maybe it can give us another 6,000 year run.

June 18th, 2022 17:37

The alien’s ray gun
Blueledge said:

Maybe. Hopefully. It\'s just early days for humans and if we could look forward 100 years we\'ll be smarter.

June 18th, 2022 12:29

The alien’s ray gun
Blueledge said:

Maybe. Hopefully. It\'s just early days for humans and if we could look forward 100 years we\'ll be smarter.

June 18th, 2022 12:29

January sixth get Mike Pence
Blueledge said:

It\'s unbelievable that politicians who supported the coup still have their jobs.

June 18th, 2022 01:09

Herschel Walker
evenwheniLie said:

Surely you’re joking? Lol

June 16th, 2022 11:45

Herschel Walker
Paul Bell said:

Lot of reparations happening around the world, Herschel was ahead of the game.

June 16th, 2022 11:21

The humans are coming!
L. B. Mek said:

from title to last line,
from cynically comical
to insightfully profound
I enjoyed this read, immensely
thank you! dear Poet
\'when he’s trying to get a drink, and get angry, cause
he’s angry, but then we sit in fright, about
something the news man said about no rainfall, and
the coming thirst, due to some sort of drought.\'
(deep, so
so, deep!
a cyclical society, seeped
in all-things, morosely bleak
yet, still
we few, who dare
still, seek
dream, yearn
and hope
in that alone, there\'s
for us, to grip
dogpaddle and swim
till that last, chocking
sip of gifted, life...)

June 14th, 2022 05:44

We are the Gods
L. B. Mek said:

forgive me, but
\'in my humble opinion\', I lack
the intellect or eloquence
to do justice, to your profound words
so, I\'ll lean on Spinoza\'s visionary
words, to attempt
a poetic response to your poetry
thanks for sharing:
“Those who wish to seek out the cause of miracles and to understand the things of nature as philosophers, and not to stare at them in astonishment like fools, are soon considered heretical and impious, and proclaimed as such by those whom the mob adores as the interpreters of nature and the gods. For these men know that, once ignorance is put aside, that wonderment would be taken away, which is the only means by which their authority is preserved.”
― Baruch De Spinoza, Ethics

“I would warn you that I do not attribute to nature either beauty or deformity, order or confusion. Only in relation to our imagination can things be called beautiful or ugly, well-ordered or confused.”
― Baruch Spinoza

“The more you struggle to live, the less you live. Give up the notion that you must be sure of what you are doing. Instead, surrender to what is real within you, for that alone is are above everything distressing.”
― Spinoza

“The more clearly you understand yourself and your emotions, the more you become a lover of what is.”
― Spinoza

June 13th, 2022 06:42

Death is my horizon
L. B. Mek said:

but maybe
that gleaned wisdom of yield
from our survival\'s
perseverance, can highlight
to imbue meaning, in our suffering
maybe, not
in the words of Nas:
\'Life\'s a bitch and then you die, that\'s why we get high
\'Cause you never know when you\'re gonna go\'
(thanks for sharing)

June 13th, 2022 05:00

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