Comments received on poems by evenwheniLie
Take a ride on the transporter
2781 said:
It reminds me of an old movie called \"The fly\".
March 11th, 2023 17:17
2781 said:
It reminds me of an old movie called \"The fly\".
March 11th, 2023 17:17
L. B. Mek said:
even devoid of any theological alignment
I found this a most rewarding read
thanks for sharing, dear poet
(to imagine, as to realise
possibility, as design
fallibility as Nature\'s, sublime
definition as mere introduction
behind closed eyes
our mind\'s, levitate
to see further, dream nearer
that reality, we aspire towards
as in breath, may it be
in that endless, sleep...)
March 8th, 2023 04:26
L. B. Mek said:
even devoid of any theological alignment
I found this a most rewarding read
thanks for sharing, dear poet
(to imagine, as to realise
possibility, as design
fallibility as Nature\'s, sublime
definition as mere introduction
behind closed eyes
our mind\'s, levitate
to see further, dream nearer
that reality, we aspire towards
as in breath, may it be
in that endless, sleep...)
March 8th, 2023 04:26
Cosmic slop 2
evenwheniLie said:
Thanks Eugene S., I did have that in mind as well.
March 5th, 2023 13:19
evenwheniLie said:
Thanks Eugene S., I did have that in mind as well.
March 5th, 2023 13:19
Cosmic slop 2
Eugene S. said:
Enjoyed reading. I can hear it as a rap song or maybe some slam poetry.
March 5th, 2023 11:59
Eugene S. said:
Enjoyed reading. I can hear it as a rap song or maybe some slam poetry.
March 5th, 2023 11:59
Hesitant to be neighborly
Doggerel Dave said:
You don\'t know what bull shit is until you\'ve seen this.... 🙂
February 27th, 2023 17:20
Doggerel Dave said:
You don\'t know what bull shit is until you\'ve seen this.... 🙂
February 27th, 2023 17:20
Michael Jackson
Christina8 said:
Great rap about the famous and never forgotten MJ!! Love this!
February 25th, 2023 09:42
Christina8 said:
Great rap about the famous and never forgotten MJ!! Love this!
February 25th, 2023 09:42
Michael Jackson
2781 said:
Even all the shit he went through couldn\'t stop the truth. I am a fan.
February 25th, 2023 00:52
2781 said:
Even all the shit he went through couldn\'t stop the truth. I am a fan.
February 25th, 2023 00:52
Michael Jackson
evenwheniLie said:
You can’t defend sound and how it makes someone else feels; but MJ is the most recognizable artist ever was.. his name is as known as Jesus one study actually confirm. Not even 2,pac pulled that off
February 25th, 2023 00:47
evenwheniLie said:
You can’t defend sound and how it makes someone else feels; but MJ is the most recognizable artist ever was.. his name is as known as Jesus one study actually confirm. Not even 2,pac pulled that off
February 25th, 2023 00:47
Michael Jackson
Doggerel Dave said:
Not a healthy relationship? None of his latter years sound very healthy to me....
Your turn - defend and change my mind?
February 25th, 2023 00:30
Doggerel Dave said:
Not a healthy relationship? None of his latter years sound very healthy to me....
Your turn - defend and change my mind?
February 25th, 2023 00:30
Cambodian girl
L. B. Mek said:
I guess it\'s not just their legacy architecture
and soothing landscape, that entices millions
of tourists every year, serenading
sun kissed smiles
work just as well...
a fun read, thanks for sharing
hope you had fun
February 24th, 2023 05:14
L. B. Mek said:
I guess it\'s not just their legacy architecture
and soothing landscape, that entices millions
of tourists every year, serenading
sun kissed smiles
work just as well...
a fun read, thanks for sharing
hope you had fun
February 24th, 2023 05:14
War before peace
L. B. Mek said:
witticism, to accentuate
humanity\'s ignorant ways..
I cherish you choosing to write
about something, sobering n grim
with an effort to inject, a fun
reading experience
there-in exists, traits to our enduring
survival of callous, life
thank you, kind Poet
February 24th, 2023 05:08
L. B. Mek said:
witticism, to accentuate
humanity\'s ignorant ways..
I cherish you choosing to write
about something, sobering n grim
with an effort to inject, a fun
reading experience
there-in exists, traits to our enduring
survival of callous, life
thank you, kind Poet
February 24th, 2023 05:08
Scientific breakthroughs
Doggerel Dave said:
Greed is the word, mate - it pervades every level of a hierarchical society.
February 23rd, 2023 03:44
Doggerel Dave said:
Greed is the word, mate - it pervades every level of a hierarchical society.
February 23rd, 2023 03:44
War before peace
Doggerel Dave said:
It never ends, does it?
A truthful portrayal of the situation right now.
February 22nd, 2023 06:26
Doggerel Dave said:
It never ends, does it?
A truthful portrayal of the situation right now.
February 22nd, 2023 06:26
They want to look up your butt hole…
evenwheniLie said:
Oh, I misunderstood.
February 22nd, 2023 00:08
evenwheniLie said:
Oh, I misunderstood.
February 22nd, 2023 00:08
Doggerel Dave said:
You saying there is some meaning to it all, even if it is only pain? can know that. There quite possibly could be none.
February 21st, 2023 22:09
Doggerel Dave said:
You saying there is some meaning to it all, even if it is only pain? can know that. There quite possibly could be none.
February 21st, 2023 22:09
The Convolutionals
Doggerel Dave said:
I repeat, as often as I can: Man made God in his own image and then flipped it - the rest is history.
February 21st, 2023 21:55
Doggerel Dave said:
I repeat, as often as I can: Man made God in his own image and then flipped it - the rest is history.
February 21st, 2023 21:55
They want to look up your butt hole…
Doggerel Dave said:
What are you psychic? You cannot tell if I was upset. Only I can know that.
I can see I haven\'t paid enough attention....I\'m going to audit your work and find out if it holds anything for me..........😆
February 21st, 2023 21:51
Doggerel Dave said:
What are you psychic? You cannot tell if I was upset. Only I can know that.
I can see I haven\'t paid enough attention....I\'m going to audit your work and find out if it holds anything for me..........😆
February 21st, 2023 21:51
Past and present
Doggerel Dave said:
The past as justification for today\'s retribution - no!
The past as a clear lesson from which a better course of action may be found - yes....
February 21st, 2023 18:24
Doggerel Dave said:
The past as justification for today\'s retribution - no!
The past as a clear lesson from which a better course of action may be found - yes....
February 21st, 2023 18:24
The Convolutionals
L. B. Mek said:
so well written, dear Poet
thanks for sharing
(so true! faith as zealotry
an endless
cyclical tale of humanity
where human costs
are calculated
as delusional afterlife accounts
they murder each other, preaching
love for their deity
a father to all, apparently
yet here they are, killing
their deity\'s children
what a warping of logic
imagine if some stranger
went n killed their own
flesh n blood children
and telling them, it\'s a demonstration
of love;
and those bystanders, declaim
that\'s not my faith, they protest
yet, back they go every sunday
funding their conglomerate
ammunition, fund raisers..)
and no atheism\'s nihilistic, nothingness
is not an answer, in my over opinionated
merely a reactionary, position
as impotent opossition
February 20th, 2023 05:01
L. B. Mek said:
so well written, dear Poet
thanks for sharing
(so true! faith as zealotry
an endless
cyclical tale of humanity
where human costs
are calculated
as delusional afterlife accounts
they murder each other, preaching
love for their deity
a father to all, apparently
yet here they are, killing
their deity\'s children
what a warping of logic
imagine if some stranger
went n killed their own
flesh n blood children
and telling them, it\'s a demonstration
of love;
and those bystanders, declaim
that\'s not my faith, they protest
yet, back they go every sunday
funding their conglomerate
ammunition, fund raisers..)
and no atheism\'s nihilistic, nothingness
is not an answer, in my over opinionated
merely a reactionary, position
as impotent opossition
February 20th, 2023 05:01
The Convolutionals
2781 said:
I liked it. I think this one track mind might be catching the flow.
February 20th, 2023 02:32
2781 said:
I liked it. I think this one track mind might be catching the flow.
February 20th, 2023 02:32
The great fall
jarcher54 said:
I assume your reference to the \"great fall\" also hints at the great loss mankind suffered when we were tossed out of paradise!
February 13th, 2023 00:33
jarcher54 said:
I assume your reference to the \"great fall\" also hints at the great loss mankind suffered when we were tossed out of paradise!
February 13th, 2023 00:33
The great fall
jarcher54 said:
I enjoy your free flow of thought, heading in different directions, exploring every option, encapsulating whole philosophies in a hint or a nod or a question. Intelligent beasts we are... we climbed and climbed and... wait, here we are back on the ground.
February 13th, 2023 00:31
jarcher54 said:
I enjoy your free flow of thought, heading in different directions, exploring every option, encapsulating whole philosophies in a hint or a nod or a question. Intelligent beasts we are... we climbed and climbed and... wait, here we are back on the ground.
February 13th, 2023 00:31
Death by freedoms
jarcher54 said:
Ironically, I just read another poem on this site about captivity. Freedom is pretty damn hard to figure out. You nailed that!
February 13th, 2023 00:27
jarcher54 said:
Ironically, I just read another poem on this site about captivity. Freedom is pretty damn hard to figure out. You nailed that!
February 13th, 2023 00:27
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