Comments received on poems by evenwheniLie

Foolish Child
L. B. Mek said:

it\'s crazy, dear Poet
I\'m reading your insightful words
and becoming more, despondent
we exist in a cyclic, regressive epoch
of \'parentless children\'
\'parentless children\'
divorce, as financial action plans
and those 18 years, of payments
as a reductive, valuation
of a child\'s, worth...
who to judge, where to point
a finger
how to end
this societal cycle of degradation?
how do we teach
what no one, deigned
to teach, us?!)

April 24th, 2023 05:58

Parisab said:

Strong and reflective-Thanks for sharing

April 22nd, 2023 01:49

evenwheniLie said:

My inspiration is built brick by brick of appreciations.

April 21st, 2023 20:36

sasherington said:

Wow! I love the imagery and the style. Do you have any inspiration?

April 21st, 2023 19:37

L. B. Mek said:

(really related with your words
but i felt you were referring
to cheating, outside of the ohysical realms
sorry if I interpreted this wrong
thanks for sharing, another poignant read
dear Poet)
equality of merit in our relationships
is that dream, we dare not remember
to slide with those mirages of life
like drake, feigning that hip hop lore
\'started from the bottom\'
(of middle class Canadian comfort)
our love, too
if we\'re being truthful, not a warzone
like most
we just, take each other for granted
at time\'s
we forget, just how fallible we are:
\' Our feelings is king, our egos are gold
and our facts are untold,
so there’s no sense in asking for justifications
or explanations,\'

April 10th, 2023 05:29

Miss Graham
L. B. Mek said:

so true, dear Poet
(yet Rosa\'s story, a little more
politically polished by posterity)
than Miss Graham
and her legacy, of teaching children
that freedom, began
in the classroom!
it\'s heroes like her
that insured the miracle
of a people
enslaved for centuries
and belittled for being illiterate
manged to scale
societies, steep hills
to become a majority, literate people
in less than a century
a feat of human collective ambition, surpassing
all expectations
\'freed black\', were more literate
than their previous slave owners in the south
while still being oppressed and marginalised..
and all because visionaries like Miss Graham
established kindergartens and schools
so early...
now look at us
a million, millionaire sports stars
and Hollywood sell-out\'s
yet barely a thousand schools or grants established between them all
so sad to contemplate
(that you\'re related to her
makes me proud to have met your
empowering words)

April 3rd, 2023 06:00

Miss Graham
2781 said:


April 3rd, 2023 04:24

Sweet tooth
2781 said:

Those dogs can smell what\'s bad for them

April 1st, 2023 03:49

2781 said:

That was quite a journey. Must have learnt a thing or two along the way?

March 31st, 2023 05:50

L. B. Mek said:

laud the creativity
and your first few lines were written to a tight beat
i read n learn, dear poet
(this be that groundhog day, screenplay
they could never allow to be screened,
since sleeping sheep, need not be disturbed
best to keep them herded
within reality\'s cushioned
reliving mirrored existences
where \'déjà vu\'
is merely an exotic French word
to strut their cultured personas)

March 31st, 2023 04:48

To rhyme, or not to is the question
Doggerel Dave said:

Very amusing,
That piece of abusing...

March 30th, 2023 05:35

To rhyme, or not to is the question
David Wakeling said:

Great poetry rhymes.That\'s what helps to make it great.Anyway you are not listening so it doesn\'t matter

March 30th, 2023 02:56

2781 said:

Man, that\'s a bad case.

March 29th, 2023 04:25

2781 said:

Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you.

March 28th, 2023 01:19

David Wakeling said:

It is not \"got\" to die.It should be \"have\" to die.Learn English before you try to write poetry.There are too many errors to bother reading

March 25th, 2023 15:46

scarletttt said:

woah the thought that went into this! captures so much in a few mere lines

March 25th, 2023 13:44

Mark of the beast
evenwheniLie said:

Glad u enjoyed it, but it’s true; we are the barbarians

March 24th, 2023 13:32

Mark of the beast
L. B. Mek said:

\'Is it a single man or woman;
maybe the beast is legions of
swastika bearing nazis; or does it
lurk in the hearts of every man,
hiding and biding it’s time\'

\'but it’s just another crime
that gets you used to more crimes.
Maybe the beast
is a trait that’s too built-in to escape,\'
(from C. V. Cavafy\'s Poem
\'the Barbarians are coming\':
\'Why this sudden bewilderment, this confusion?
(How serious people’s faces have become.)
Why are the streets and squares emptying so rapidly,
everyone going home lost in thought?

Because night has fallen and the barbarians haven\'t come.
And some of our men just in from the border say
there are no barbarians any longer

Now what’s going to happen to us without barbarians?
Those people were a kind of solution.\')
how insightfully, Brilliant!
dear Wise poet, thank you!
(I read and learn)

March 24th, 2023 06:37

Thank God for the Nation
Ok Waleed said:

Ramadan next week

March 19th, 2023 22:33

In God’s court
evenwheniLie said:

I see them to be, we are the author of our successes as well as our failures

March 14th, 2023 03:48

In God’s court
2781 said:

Amen. All my problems are internal.

March 14th, 2023 03:39

Control the dice
orchidee said:

I rolled two dice and scored 13. Eh?! lol.

March 13th, 2023 02:59

Take a ride on the transporter
evenwheniLie said:


March 11th, 2023 18:51

Take a ride on the transporter
2781 said:

It reminds me of an old movie called \"The fly\".

March 11th, 2023 17:17

L. B. Mek said:

even devoid of any theological alignment
I found this a most rewarding read
thanks for sharing, dear poet
(to imagine, as to realise
possibility, as design
fallibility as Nature\'s, sublime
definition as mere introduction
behind closed eyes
our mind\'s, levitate
to see further, dream nearer
that reality, we aspire towards
as in breath, may it be
in that endless, sleep...)

March 8th, 2023 04:26

I think I see Gods and angels
L. B. Mek said:


March 6th, 2023 05:51

Cosmic slop 2
evenwheniLie said:

Thanks Eugene S., I did have that in mind as well.

March 5th, 2023 13:19

Cosmic slop 2
Eugene S. said:

Enjoyed reading. I can hear it as a rap song or maybe some slam poetry.

March 5th, 2023 11:59

Hesitant to be neighborly
Doggerel Dave said:

You don\'t know what bull shit is until you\'ve seen this.... 🙂

February 27th, 2023 17:20

Mean for no reason
Doggerel Dave said:

Thanks. The whole culture is shit.

February 26th, 2023 05:35

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