Comments received on poems by evenwheniLie

Give up the tapes
Raven333 said:

LOL, I loved it!!! It put a smile on my face. I thought that was a great read.

July 21st, 2022 01:40

Halo joe
Raven333 said:

LOL, another good one, I liked how you talked about Joe. I think I can identify. we all have them Joe\'s..

July 19th, 2022 17:50

Halo joe
evenwheniLie said:

As always I’m glad you enjoyed the poem, and yes I had to put a light on the dubious believers Bible touting frauds.

July 19th, 2022 12:10

Halo joe
L. B. Mek said:

(theology, would be much more
if those \'devoted\' believer\'s
could find enough, belief
to keep it all to, themselves
and let
the rest of us, simply - be)
I don\'t really get \'saving lives\'
to gain your way into a heaven
with such a high, entry price
surely, the guards at the door
will see through, all that
duplicitous, self-serving heroics
(thanks for sharing, dear poet)

July 19th, 2022 05:54

Run African run
evenwheniLie said:

Always trying to make people think, thanks.

July 18th, 2022 10:52

Run African run
Doggerel Dave said:

As usual, you\'ve given me a perspective on a matter I haven\'t thought much about before.
Thank you.

July 18th, 2022 08:08

large mirror on my wall
L. B. Mek said:

we have rivers before mirrors
and Narcissus\'s myth
before, selfies..
we, think
our generation\'s, aspirations
are unique
but that feeling of removed - connections
with that sense of self, is a theme
that\'s been prevalent
since the beginning of time..
so i think
it\'s ok, if sometimes
we look for more
and hope, for something magical
to grace our lives..
(sorry for waffling on
but I connected with your words
and couldn\'t help myself)
thanks for sharing, dear Poet

July 18th, 2022 02:47

They dumbing us down
evenwheniLie said:

Thanks Raven333.

July 16th, 2022 18:08

Philadelphia, or Philly
Raven333 said:

I have never been to Philly but it was nice to hear about it and your younger years. Was another great write and your rhyme was very tight.

July 15th, 2022 11:54

Philadelphia, or Philly
evenwheniLie said:

Glade you enjoyed the poem, thanks.

July 15th, 2022 06:38

Philadelphia, or Philly
L. B. Mek said:

a true ode, with effortless flow
such a great read
thanks for introducing me
to your beloved Philly

July 15th, 2022 03:39

Philadelphia, or Philly
evenwheniLie said:

I will always remember growing up in philly as a child, racing popsicle sticks down the street by the curb in the fire hydrant water, my grandmother magically making my pro kid sneakers look brand new with white shoe polish when I only thought it came in black or brown. Slap boxing, racing up and down the street, playing with our matchbox cars, reading the latest comic books, etc., if I could do it all again I would a thousand times. I hope it’s a reality that awaits me after I die, it is surely my heaven every time I close my eyes and meditate on it.

July 15th, 2022 02:21

They dumbing us down
Raven333 said:

Dam they dumbing us down, I loved it. I really enjoy reading your stuff.

July 14th, 2022 13:52

These meats is killing me
Raven333 said:

I loved that.. I do agree with you though to much dam chemicals. By the way, I loved your Rhyme.

July 14th, 2022 13:37

They dumbing us down
evenwheniLie said:

Thanks, for chiming in..

July 13th, 2022 23:10

They dumbing us down
Doggerel Dave said:

They dumb down only willing subjects.

I do like your stuff, even if it\'s not me, and will call in when I can.

July 13th, 2022 20:11

Doggerel Dave said:

Got you......I think..... You are a hard case - so just keep on berating - some of it will penetrate, even to a cynic like!

July 11th, 2022 04:53

LGBTQ friend or foe
evenwheniLie said:

Thanks wordsillneversay, I think it’s a nice conversation piece the black and the LGBTQ communities should have.

July 9th, 2022 12:29

LGBTQ friend or foe
wordsillneversay said:

i really, really like this

July 9th, 2022 12:20

Batman the unwanted
Dove said:

Silly & amusing...

July 6th, 2022 05:19

Raven333 said:

This poem definitely gets you thinking, it has a really good flow to it. Keep Writing!!!

July 3rd, 2022 13:25

What is the self
Paul Bell said:

As the policeman said to me. You only have yourself to blame, and that\'s why you\'re attending this self-awareness class today.

July 1st, 2022 14:03

Earth to Wade Watts, calling Wade Watts!
L. B. Mek said:

are these ready player one, references?
forgive me, i don\'t know that story/character..
but still:
\'…..Way in the meta-verse\'
\'way more beautiful
then raw reality, is it not; or is
this just a technicality
of our inner realities, or
are we too blind to see our inabilities
to accept that fate we wish to escape. Deep
down we hate being mere
mortals, which
is just another portal
to wishing we were immortal, is
this immoral..\'
is easily one of the most profound stanza\'s
I have read this year!
thank you, dear Poet

July 1st, 2022 04:07

What is the self
Raven333 said:

Great poem, and yes it is \'self\' I think in all ways it were we start and end.

June 30th, 2022 20:32

What is the self
L. B. Mek said:

first, we must find
to excavate
from within: the meaning
of self..
(in my humble opinion)
thought provoking
thanks for sharing
dear poet

June 30th, 2022 06:12

Outdoor Jazz in Philly
evenwheniLie said:

It sure was al17, it was beautiful and unexpected, I was going to the store up this way and noticed they was setting up their equipment and people slowly gathering…. Which made it an actual lovely surprise

June 25th, 2022 10:21

Outdoor Jazz in Philly
AL17 said:

Love this! Good vibes

June 25th, 2022 06:55

Raven333 said:

greatly penned, I to can identify with others and myself. addiction is a horrible thing to see and to go through.

June 25th, 2022 00:19

Doggerel Dave said:

Please don\'t even try - you would be on a hiding to nothing.
The will to change has to come from him and him alone.
If subsequently he makes that decision then good - but the help should be professional as you cannot live your life and take on such a burden.

June 24th, 2022 08:26

evenwheniLie said:

Thanks teddy.15; I do love him but when they’re their own worst enemy it’s hard to help..

June 24th, 2022 07:16

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