Comments received on poems by evenwheniLie

Sprinkle some crack on ‘em
sirlocowicked AKA Bubba said:

I knew you and your daughter were crack heads

October 11th, 2022 12:40

Kanye West
Doggerel Dave said:

Yes - I\'ll let Paul have that one, think - anything more would be a waste of space and energy. And indeed your piece is shorter than usual.
But by far the biggest waste of space is...... yeh, you guessed it....

October 9th, 2022 17:57

Kanye West
Paul Bell said:

Guy\'s a legend. Oops, meant leg-end.
In their world, they\'re cool. In ours, he\'s just a fool, and in many others, he\'s just a tool.

October 9th, 2022 07:56

When it’s time
Doggerel Dave said:

You are a rhymer extraordinaire. Do you consider your style rap? I\'m not good at this - too ancient, I think...

October 8th, 2022 05:19

Well hello
evenwheniLie said:


October 7th, 2022 18:01

Well hello
sirlocowicked AKA Bubba said:

I didn\'t realize that this is a porn site very sorry ass poem

October 7th, 2022 15:04

Critical race theory
evenwheniLie said:

That’s a good analysis Doggerel Dave, exactly

October 6th, 2022 02:13

Critical race theory
Doggerel Dave said:

I\'m not qualified to analyze all your issues stated there, but I\'ll vote for one line for sure: \"How are you teaching history without teaching the past\"
Take care

October 6th, 2022 00:55

Sprinkle some crack on ‘em
orchidee said:

I don\'t fancy \'em on me cornflakes at brekkie! lol.

September 27th, 2022 09:29

Sprinkle some crack on ‘em
Doggerel Dave said:

I\'m out of breath and run through after that....!!!

September 26th, 2022 20:15

Escape from heaven
jk said:

\"We walk towards a dream, cause in life we’re getting reamed\" - wow.. I really like that. Thank you for sharing!

September 2nd, 2022 18:15

We about to lose our job
evenwheniLie said:

Thanks for reading my truth L. B. Mek; we seem to be destined for destruction, it seems to be in our DNA. Fear and ego has always been our worst enemy as a species, they are the shadow we cast when ever one human being is in the room.

August 16th, 2022 06:04

We about to lose our job
L. B. Mek said:

\'We have a problem, so your answer is to destroy everything that’s around, you clowns get down, gone-get, quit, run out into the street and get hit, then do a back flip, I hope you break your hip. All this because you wanted to police the world;\'
these words, are truth - itself!! dear Poet
what a great write!
(they ask why Rome fail?
I ask, how it managed
to bully the world for so, long...)
in the words of Robert Frost
from \'stopping by woods on a snowy Evening\':
\'My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.\'
(you see, dear Poet
to me, the worst part
is that there is so much worse
left for us, to experience
in this chaotic turmoil and strife
we call life..
and so, we must learn
to appreciate
what little glimpses of calm
we\'re gifted
within our Tornado\'s of reality)
but still, we have yet
\'many miles to go before we sleep\'
so we brace ourselves
for the worst and choose
to step, in hope
that we - individually, may
be saved
somehow, from the Very, worst...
we can get angry, react
try and sort the world out
rave and shout, wildly
let it all out
gather in our thousands
burn the homes of those \'in power\'
and become
the next France or Sri Lanka...

August 16th, 2022 04:12

Old Fart
evenwheniLie said:

Thanks again, I try to make them make sense plus make it a nice to read.

August 13th, 2022 16:24

Old Fart
Adela said:

Great poem!

August 13th, 2022 16:17

Before the Wanderings
L. B. Mek said:

Brilliant! what a write
so happy for you, dear Poet
this must have felt so rewarding
to shed
although we will never, forget..
\'before the same story was told and told and told, before we became a remnant of the original globe. Before we started to stay put, and keep things that we took.\'
(did you know, wise Poet
the first mythological deity, worshipped
\'en masse\'
was, Chaos...
and one of the first all powerful God\'s, to be imagined
by human\'s, was adorned with eyes
all over its head
meaning, even back then
before we could draw, read or speak
we knew
of humanity\'s fallible traits
the one closes to divinity, was our capacity
for awareness!
when we, all
can exist, bravely witnessing
ourselves and our surroundings
with unvarnished, \'un\'squinting
then, maybe
we can hope for a future
with promise of a kinder fate...!)

August 11th, 2022 02:44

Holy moly
L. B. Mek said:

sheer profound , poetic Brilliance!
\'they stay up until the morning dew figuring how to screw you, lock us into a prism of athleticism while they build wealth from capitalism,\'
how wise, your eyes
dear Poet
(I read and learn)
thank you!

August 9th, 2022 01:55

The pulpit
Raven333 said:

Another great poem evenwhenilie, Great flow to it also!!

August 2nd, 2022 15:07

A.I is gonna get the job
L. B. Mek said:

so timely! such an important topic
thanks for sharing, dear poet
(but here\'s the problem with
us trying to imagine AI\'s future, see
we\'re actually running out of the raw materials
to make evermore refined
motherboards and their cpu
super brains..
that, is what\'s at the core of usa
and the word\'s fear of china
they, by a gigantic margin
have huge reserves of the necessary
raw materials
so when the world has run out
they can still do their thing..
a scary thought
not only will our way of life
but, everyday we await what advanced
machine our enemies produce
we\'ll be back to digging bunkers
and morse cod\'ding\' our hopes...)

July 28th, 2022 03:06

Quantum mechanics of an old man
RL Randall said:

My ego is undressing, but it’s not in the total nude, that would be rude, can’t ignore the living, This line is so true for those of us that are growing old. This was a very good read for me.

July 26th, 2022 04:55

Quantum mechanics of an old man
evenwheniLie said:

Thanks L.B. MeK,

July 26th, 2022 04:30

Quantum mechanics of an old man
L. B. Mek said:

what a seamless example
of \'stream of consciousness\'
so much to unpack, such a challenging read
thanks for sharing, dear poet

July 26th, 2022 04:21

Hateful jezebel
evenwheniLie said:

Thanks Raven333

July 25th, 2022 11:16

Hateful jezebel
Raven333 said:

Another good one my friend, loved the flow!!

July 25th, 2022 11:05

Mister Purple got flash
Raven333 said:

You know I do believe I have known a few of these. nice write, loved the rhyme.

July 23rd, 2022 23:52

Is ole head where he’s suppose to be.
L. B. Mek said:

may, those who deserve it
be rewarded
with all the Peace, they seek!
(a thought provoking read
wonderful rhyme schemes
and even better flow
thanks for sharing, dear Poet)

July 22nd, 2022 05:28

Give up the tapes
L. B. Mek said:

i see an analogy, here
only, in my imagination
tapes be votes and taxes
and the government
be the ones wielding, covid
like a weapon
on its own citizens..
I choose to search for the deeper
wisdom, in your insightful poetry)
thanks for sharing, dear poet

July 21st, 2022 02:12

Give up the tapes
evenwheniLie said:

It’s good to hit that funny bone sometimes! LOL

July 21st, 2022 02:07

Give up the tapes
Raven333 said:

LOL, I loved it!!! It put a smile on my face. I thought that was a great read.

July 21st, 2022 01:40

Halo joe
Raven333 said:

LOL, another good one, I liked how you talked about Joe. I think I can identify. we all have them Joe\'s..

July 19th, 2022 17:50

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