Comments received on poems by Sassy Lou

Tony36 said:

Love it

June 11th, 2024 16:06

Broken Pieces
Lorenz said:

Where are you ?

May 25th, 2024 09:56

Bachelor Girl
Thomas W Case said:

Powerful. They say there is someone for everyone.

October 21st, 2023 00:39

He\'s The One
Thomas W Case said:

I feel you on this one. Great job.

October 20th, 2023 11:22

Insidious Change
peto said:

The only constant is chance
Thoroughly enjoyed the read

October 13th, 2023 17:13

Exit, Stage Left
orchidee said:

I didn\'t know I told you I loved you! heehee.

July 6th, 2023 00:57

Bachelor Girl
peto said:

A step back?
Usually finds us when least expected
Well named
Words seem sassy
Enjoyed the read

June 28th, 2023 03:44

I Just Love You
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Like the mention of strawberry wine .. nice writing

June 28th, 2023 01:40

Love Me or Leave Me
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Difficult when we care for someone but their behaviour hurts us .. and yeah some people are selfish in their ways .. a sad writing tho well expressed

June 28th, 2023 01:06

Bobby O said:

Confined could mean temporarily interrupted. You write well, you think well, so I’m guessing you will outwit the confinement when your spirit and strength demand it.

June 13th, 2023 01:52

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
Peter Gates said:

A common story of unrequited love told well by someone with so much love to give.

June 3rd, 2023 07:12

My Individual
Soman Ragavan said:

My comments on the poem \"My individual” by Sassy Lou
Your poem is touching. It is a sad human story as one often sees on poetry sites. Poetry is the perfect medium for expressing one’s emotions and experiences. Take courage. Best wishes. Soman Ragavan. 26 May, 2023. //

May 25th, 2023 23:07

Not Over
L. B. Mek said:

a lovely read, thank you
I\'ll keep my fingers crossed
it all works out for you

March 3rd, 2023 06:37

Not Over
Sumit Datta said:

Great memories in the making.Nice poem.

March 3rd, 2023 00:20

L. B. Mek said:

read it twice and my uncultured mind
barely gleaned a portion of meaning
yet enjoyed the read, each time
so richly worded, thanks for sharing

January 27th, 2023 07:02

Me Time
NilavroNill said:

good one

January 27th, 2023 04:25

Me Time
L. B. Mek said:

empowering, hope you have a great year ahead
thanks for sharing

January 16th, 2023 03:47

My Angel
charles69 said:

I read and re-read your poem and was mildly shocked and suddenly touched by the last section. I think it is a fine and not at all a sad poem, but an expression and sharing of the love between two people.I am a little confused however in that I can\'t be sure if the companion, the angel, is your, the speaker\'s child.Very touching poem. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good poetic, literary work.

January 4th, 2023 09:38

Fading Away
mvvenkataraman said:

Superb free verse indeed,
The flow is excellent,
The meaning is gloomy
But, it has fine meaning,
Thanks for this poem,
But, I hope this is a poem
Not about you surely,
If so I pray for your peace,
May God bless you friend!

January 3rd, 2023 12:39

abbasptry said:

Such a beautiful poem... makes me happy to see parents write poems about/ to their children.

January 2nd, 2023 07:28

thinkerbell said:

A heart touching piece of poetry 🥺🥰

January 2nd, 2023 01:06

Game Over
L. B. Mek said:

more power to you!
onwards, let your shadows
swallow your past regrets
boldly, forth you step
with hope in your heart
and hard earned, wisdom
to call upon
if time gets hard, onwards
striving to make up all that lost time
don\'t waste an extra second
onwards, ever
stay strong!
thanks for sharing

December 19th, 2022 05:05

L. B. Mek said:

it happens
some, in mere 28 mins
some in 28 days
28 years, is a lengthy time
may you eventually fight through the hurt
to a place where the mementos
you\'ve accumulated
are not tarnished, but treasured
sometimes, we need to open our hands
and simply let go, let what will be
like burnt toast, we scrape away
the bad parts
and make the best of what\'s left...
thanks for sharing, stay strong
hope you get answers to your why\'s
at some point, for what its worth

December 16th, 2022 06:38

I Just Love You
Crowns4Christ said:

This is so beautiful ,a love like this brings a tear to my eyes,

December 6th, 2022 22:16

I Just Love You
Ash :) said:

\"Your lips are like the taste of Strawberry Wine\" beautiful line, the whole poem is beautiful

December 6th, 2022 21:29

Jail Talk
PoetVids - I am WriteBeLight only in Video Version :) said:

Wonderfully done. You are spot on. Some people will say anything to manipulate to get what they want, and in the meantime, cause a lot of hurt and pain. I get this write!

December 5th, 2022 18:22