Comments received on poems by 2781

As I
2781 said:

It\'s a strange thing but other versions don\'t do it for me. This will sound strange to some, the KJV has a simplicity that allows access and gives room for expansion. As my dear departed mum might say, \"these days they leave nothing for the imagination!\"
Others might say it\'s all imagination!
But wisdom is justified of her children. x

August 3rd, 2023 06:59

As I
orchidee said:

Was it \'The Message\' version inflicted on you, that you heard?

August 3rd, 2023 06:48

As I
orchidee said:

Ohh, don;t get me started on \'The Message\' Version. Well, I haven\'t started on it. lol. Only heard odd verses from it, unaccustomed as I am to finding \'Bravo\', \'Whoopee\', and such like in the Bible. Doh!
Not that I\'m old fogey or super-strict about translations.

August 3rd, 2023 06:47

Line upon line
orchidee said:

Good write 7.
Can I call you 7 sometimes? Or even 2, 8, or 1?
It\'s sad, I know. haven\'t I got anything better to do? lol.

August 1st, 2023 09:30

Burnt offerings
orchidee said:

Good write 2.
Can I call you 7, 8, or 1? heehee.

July 30th, 2023 08:23

Feeding the Beast
2781 said:

July 30th, 2023 02:12

Mottakeenur Rehman said:

It emphasizes the importance of discernment in identifying those who might not be trustworthy and the consequences they may face in the end.

July 29th, 2023 13:46

Bobby O said:

Immediately I have 88 nominees.

July 29th, 2023 05:06

orchidee said:

Oh no! You mean me?! (heehee).

July 29th, 2023 04:16

orchidee said:

A fine sheep-write 2781.

July 28th, 2023 06:44

Bobby O said:

You write well. If there is an Almighty my guess is his/her involvement is less than noticing everyone. There are billions. If that kind of power exists then God should at least intercede and abolish child rape. Not stopping that can’t be explained by any zealot that prints the virtue of faith in him. Child rape is allowed by God and that’s why I have questions. I respect any and all different beliefs however.

July 28th, 2023 03:32

David Wakeling said:

This okay if you are religious.If not it is annoying

July 28th, 2023 03:07

Jeffrey Weese said:

2781, your poem \"Written\" beautifully captures the spiritual journey in search of truth. Despite my personal lack of religious orientation, I found your words resonating with a universal quest for understanding and guidance. The simplicity of the structure enhances the profundity of the message, inviting contemplation. The use of phrases like \'His sheep hear his voice\' effectively evokes religious imagery, while also conveying a wider message of seeking and heeding guidance. The succinctness of \'Follow his voice / Seek him now / While we / Can\' emphasizes the urgency and importance of this search. Overall, your poem is thoughtful and well-constructed. Excellent work.

July 27th, 2023 10:03

Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t try
L. B. Mek said:

well offending people, apart
going with the flow and letting things unfurl
as they were meant to, is always a good strategy
in life, I think..
we just have to remember
all the blessings in our lives
so we can stay grateful and humble..
(but what do i know)
a thought provoking read, dear poet
thank you!

July 24th, 2023 03:05

What we are
arqios said:

Yay! A star tree - from mustard to gold, increasing and growing, unfolding and flowing for all eternity!

July 21st, 2023 07:51

What we are
orchidee said:

I got birds flapping in me hair - that mustard seed\'s grown to a tree! Taking the \'kingdom\' as individuals. It\'s corporate too, we know.

July 21st, 2023 04:48

Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t try
Bobby O said:

That was nice. You go dude, you go!

July 20th, 2023 15:49

Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t try
orchidee said:

A g\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ood write 2781. Notice the back-slashes there? lol.

July 20th, 2023 11:44

Garth Rakumakoe said:

Quite an apt descript in title, and wise in content... Honest in every write.

July 19th, 2023 15:15

orchidee said:

Was \'vexation\' the new word ya learnt?!

July 19th, 2023 09:53

2781 said:

I learnt a new word, if nothing else!

July 19th, 2023 08:14

Neville said:

good grief is something of a misnomer a saying .. just saying ..

July 19th, 2023 08:11

2781 said:

Thanks for reading and commenting.
I believe Climate change is real, and man made. Just disagree with the solution. Cheers!

July 18th, 2023 17:23

Eugene S. said:

Interesting. It kinda (at first glance) eludes initially to the climate change religion, denies it, then ends as a justified traditional religious belief.? Even more interesting is that both said religions typically identify humanity as being at fault, yet they are so diametrically opposed to one another.

I agree that humanity is at fault! (Hopefully that doesn\'t come across as a cop out)


July 18th, 2023 17:17

Ok Waleed said:

I don’t see climate change as the wrath of god more like the foolishness of capitalism

July 18th, 2023 12:24

orchidee said:

Good write 2.

July 18th, 2023 11:10

2781 said:


July 17th, 2023 08:50

L. B. Mek said:

(forgive my lengthy rant below dear poet
just needed to get these words off of my chest
for a while now
thanks for inspiring me)
truth is
segregating a community
and insuring divisiveness thrives, is essential
in insuring, A select minority is capable
of herding, The downtrodden majority
and to do that, \'they\' break us apart
into pigeonhole identity\'s
fuel us with hate and point out
our supposed enemies, for us
tribal warfare
a never ending plague of our species
since we first realised we weren\'t
alone on this planet
millennium after millennium
entire tribes/cultures, nationalities
forced to escape
from one aggressor to safe-heaven remote wilderness lands
and then, that same community fractures
and the same cyclical story begins again
one aggressor tribe, making a defeated
flee for their lives;
even now in modernity
it\'s a tool, indoctrinated from childhood
to identify a heritage consisting
of regressive binary identities
as slaver or a slave, when
in actuality, all of human history
is engraved with acts of cruelty:
Arab nations raiding the British islands
enslaving anyone that lived too near
to the coast
Cervantes, one of the most iconic writer\'s in history
a slave, whose freedom had to be purchased
India\'s tainted crimes against the Sikhs
African\'s selling and buying slaves
before the Portuguese ever arrived
we have an African Shogun in Japan
an Indian warrior king that was once a slave
and on, and on
till, even this very day, millions of \'modern\' slaves
are all being dehumanised
because of their supposed inferior race (weaker tribe)
by those profiteering from their free labour
but in the west, the narrative
is \'white\' equals racist slaver descendant
when that very reductive identity of \'white\'
can\'t even be qualified or quantified
are the Brit\'s, \'white\' what percentage?
which \'white\'?
that small island, enslaved
by three of Europe\'s conquerors
from Celtics, to Romans
to Vikings?
or the Americans, consisting
of those fleeing religious oppressions?
so yeah, Racism
is an ugly part of our society at all levels
and an act of perpetuated ignorance
that strives to imbue a generational hatred of each other, continuously
but assuming someone is racist by the pigment of their skin
is just as wrong, as assuming someone is inferior because they are a minority race in our community
let us, instead
judge each other by our actions, alone
not our pre-emptive assumptions
based on the prejudice
that\'s being thought to us
by those
who need us to stay divided
so they can wield their power
upon us
without fear of retribution..)

July 17th, 2023 02:59

Dreamer son
orchidee said:

Good write 2.

July 17th, 2023 01:50

John Prophet said:

For sure there are those who need to be taken down a peg or two!

July 16th, 2023 09:59

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