Comments received on poems by Kurt Philip Behm

First & Last (+1)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks Jerry.

July 9th, 2021 17:01

First & Last (+1)
Jerry Reynolds said:

Profound write, Kurt.
Now you got me waxing bottomless.

July 9th, 2021 16:44

First & Last (+1)
flyingfish said:

The last one triggered thoughts of gravitational waves. Good read, cheers

July 9th, 2021 12:46

Into The Mist
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Custer Battlefield @ 2 am, strange things happen...Voices come and go
in the wind.

Thanks LB.


July 9th, 2021 07:16

Into The Mist
L. B. Mek said:

such an emotive dedication
words bathed in a warrior\'s symbolism,
I wonder when you were doing your research on crazy horse
was there a specific trait, and its accompanying anecdotal story
that you were really drawn to?

July 9th, 2021 03:18

Into The Mist
flyingfish said:

Shadows are rather stiff. Nice, loved it.

July 8th, 2021 12:51

A Day Late...
Kurt Philip Behm said:

And as always, your comments are truly valued.


July 8th, 2021 07:53

A Day Late...
L. B. Mek said:

\'Proof in the abstract
as far as it goes
Ninety-nine cents to the dollar,
the penny to know\'..
A day late in arrival
a lifetime of borderline, survival
freedom\'s dollar-note, fisted
future\'s hurdles: thwarted...
(a great shorty
read it a few times
and as always, found myself
inspired to reply)
thank you, dear poet!
such a meaningful write

July 8th, 2021 03:19

A Day Late...
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good write, Kurt.
A penny for your thoughts. :-)

July 7th, 2021 08:43

Last Teardrop
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks Jerry.

July 6th, 2021 13:50

Last Teardrop
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good write, Kurt.
Memories are persistent.

July 6th, 2021 13:37

Baptismal Font
L. B. Mek said:


July 6th, 2021 03:17

Baptismal Font
flyingfish said:

Reborn perchance.

July 5th, 2021 16:44

Phoenix Reborn
Kurt Philip Behm said:

You\'re amazing LB, thanks.


July 5th, 2021 09:08

Phoenix Reborn
L. B. Mek said:

Federico García Lorca\'s, assassination
a lightning-rod of consequence
to nationalist communism\'s eventual demise in Spain..
Dostoyevsky\'s last minute firing-line, salvation
giving birth, to the profoundly empathetic insight\'s
that curated Soviet and Russian
drastically - more humane: ideologies
in the last century..
Émile Zola\'s \'J\'accuse\' open letter
in defence of Alfred Dreyfus,
foreshadowing the early 20th century
Europe-wide, Jewish persecution
and continued victimisation
as landless people - ripe, for use
as easy political scapegoats
perpetuating,t housands of years
of cyclical and abhorrent antisemitism..
\"I disapprove of what you say, but
I will defend to the death your right to say it\"
sentiments of \'Voltaire\'...
\'Paper may burn,
but vision lives on

In ashes of memory
—and words to a song
Phoenix Reborn!\'
this is the meaning behind your
seemingly insignificant: brilliantly profound poetry
dear Poet..
its just, we live in a time
when people rather belittle and denounce
than learn and be enlightened
to the potential, they willed
in every word:
they, think
they, speak
and write...
This is the legacy, of literacy
this is our downfall in-all of history
this is our only path: to salvage
the fallible beauty, we\'ve titled - Humanity...!
thank you! for sharing your wisdom dear poet
Iam but one, of the beneficiary Phoenix\'s
your words, helped emancipate!

July 5th, 2021 04:59

Phoenix Reborn
Doggerel Dave said:

Book burning? No acceptance, please, Kurt. However song existed before paper ,so....

July 4th, 2021 20:04

Vanity\'s Bonfire (+1)
AnxiousMane said:

This style is very interesting! I wonder what a \"dreamsleep\" is.

July 2nd, 2021 20:25

Vanity\'s Bonfire (+1)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks Jerry

July 2nd, 2021 17:36

Vanity\'s Bonfire (+1)
Jerry Reynolds said:

Well done, Kurt.
A lot to think about here.

July 2nd, 2021 16:50

Scio Te Ipsum
Kurt Philip Behm said:

...says it all. Thanks LB.


July 2nd, 2021 08:56

Scio Te Ipsum
L. B. Mek said:

\'And only an expert
—at being me\'..
and that too, only
after a depressing journey of introspection
excavating those parts of ourselves
we hide, in those shadows of night
so as to belatedly, realise
just how common we are, to the very person
we once chose to despise;
not knowing
it was our recognition of self
that fuelled our intolerance, to begin with...
\'In most things a fledgling: to some degree\': Kurt Philip Behm
\'We must cultivate our own garden\': Voltaire
\'gnothi seauton\' - \'know thyself\': Socrates
and as Confucius outlined in detail
\'To put the world in order
we must first put the nation in order;
to put the nation in order
we must first put the family in order;
to put the family in order
we must first cultivate our personal life:
we must first set our hearts right.\'

July 2nd, 2021 03:19

Scio Te Ipsum
Kurt Philip Behm said:

Thanks FF.

July 1st, 2021 16:06

Scio Te Ipsum
flyingfish said:

Yes, self reflection can be humbling. Love the wordplay. Cheers,

July 1st, 2021 15:18

L. B. Mek said:

(a write, I reread a few times
and contemplated, before I understood
the many pathways to interpretation
you strategically, invite us to investigate
what a wonderful gift, in a read
thank you, dear Poet!
and yet again - for inspiring
my little scribbled reply)..
luckily, with a bleeding heart
we feel, the pain
hear, the drip
and see, its scarlet stain of consequence
congeal, with fervent zeal...
but sadly, with that other life force
we take for granted
because measurements and sensory logic
can\'t equate its tangible characteristics
and people like Duncan MacDougall
are discredited, for theorising the unthinkable..
and yet: how many times in any given day
in Every known and forgotten language
do we contemplate, Love?
Exactly, how do we go about
assigning value
to how much of it, we bleed?
and, how much we lose
reciprocating/investing - it, willingly?
and thereby, accepting
we do not love: Expecting
when we can conceptualise, that reality
then we can begin, to feign
some understanding of Love\'s, true nature
of selfish-Selflessness...

July 1st, 2021 03:09

Laura🌻 said:


Lies, lies, lies…

A hopeless love that may be
rekindled one day.

A Powerful write my dear poet!


June 30th, 2021 11:59

Verba Possunt Occidere
Laura🌻 said:

You’re most welcome.
Your ‘Dreamsleep’ are always inspirational for me. I love them. I read them over and over and constantly think about them. At times I overthink what I read…which is fine for my self being.

I’m forever in your debt, my dear poet.🌻

June 29th, 2021 10:53

Verba Possunt Occidere
Laura🌻 said:


Et verum est, mi Poeta.


June 29th, 2021 08:59

Annuntiatio (+1)
Kurt Philip Behm said:

I always enjoy your creative editing.

Thanks LB.

June 28th, 2021 09:31

Annuntiatio (+1)
L. B. Mek said:

\'Blood stains in my memory,
clotting in my heart

Arteries of pain and loss
—hemorrhaging the dark:

Bleeding out\'
\'I stumbled through each morning,\'
\'old promises unsworn\'
\'of all that passed away\'
\'Dissolute and scorning,\'
\'\'Wandering and faint of heart,\'

\'Living once then living twice
—the moment was reborn\'
*\'annuntio vobis:
astra inclinant sed non obligant\'*
\'Annuntiatio: *of our Spero Spera* ..
(once more, dear poet
I have rudely and as ever, selfishly
gone and rearranged your beautiful Poetry
all I can do is just hope you can forgive
my overzealous foolishness
and see it, as my feeble celebration
of your endlessly inspirational: Poetic Mastery)

June 28th, 2021 07:36

Annuntiatio (+1)
Jerry Reynolds said:

Well written, Kurt.
A couple of beauties.

June 27th, 2021 16:23

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