Comments received on poems by WriteBeLight

willyweed said:

ok now I\'m paranoid ....nice one! ww

November 16th, 2016 11:26

Christina8 said:

All the things you say in there are so true!! Great presentation!

November 16th, 2016 10:43

Tony36 said:

Great video

November 16th, 2016 09:01

Super Silvery Satellite
willyweed said:

very nice as usual, the moon is full, hanging low in the eastern sky and so bright, from my point of view, it has inspired me. thank you for sharing I enjoyed it! ww

November 15th, 2016 21:41

Super Silvery Satellite
Augustus said:

I remember you. You rolled down the window and flashed me years ago. Heh,hey. Very nicely done. \"Riding moon beams\" almost brought tears.

November 15th, 2016 19:54

Super Silvery Satellite
Christina8 said:

Loved your poem! Your rhymes are always so great. I didn\'t get to see the supermoon, it was very cloudy. Oh well! :-) Maybe tonight. But well done!

November 15th, 2016 12:01

Super Silvery Satellite
Tony36 said:

Wonderful tribute to the moon

November 15th, 2016 09:08

Smarty Pants
Augustus said:

Some folks I know have arms and legs simply to carry their heads around. Enjoyed.

November 14th, 2016 18:27

Smarty Pants
Christina8 said:

This was very well done. I enjoyed reading it!-Christina

November 14th, 2016 13:22

Smarty Pants
Tony36 said:

Great write

November 14th, 2016 12:20

Smarty Pants

THANKS FOR SHARING ~ In my experience God gives us an IQ related to our Parents (Genes and heredity) this enables us to cope well in the environment we were born in. It\'s when we move out into the big wide World that we begin to feel out of place IQwise. The motto is \"Live and die in your own Village !\" BRIAN ~ Please check my poems thanks ~ B

November 14th, 2016 06:53

What\'s in Store
Tony36 said:

Great video

November 13th, 2016 09:38

The Blueberry and the Grasshopper
Augustus said:

I grew up with them, so were not scary but I can understand as they are strange looking creatures.

November 12th, 2016 18:35

The Blueberry and the Grasshopper
Christina8 said:

Great presentation, I can just imagine the horror your sister must have felt seeing that grasshopper in pieces! lol

November 12th, 2016 14:04

The Blueberry and the Grasshopper
Tony36 said:

Great video, being a farmer I love the outdoors and the wildlife that lives there

November 12th, 2016 09:17

The Blueberry and the Grasshopper
WriteBeLight said:

Thanks! This is a true story. I remember it like it was yesterday. Appreciate the comment. 🙂

November 12th, 2016 06:57

The Blueberry and the Grasshopper

GREAT PRESENTATION FRIEND ! I always try to conserve wild life but sometimnes needs must ~ poor old GRASSHOPPER ! mOTTO ~ NEVER DRIVE WITH THE WINDOW OPEN OR THE HOOD DOWN ! YOUR BRIAN ~Please check my poems thanks B

November 12th, 2016 06:45

Veterans: Doughboys Past and Present
Augustus said:

Dittos. Outstanding.

November 11th, 2016 12:15

Veterans: Doughboys Past and Present
WriteBeLight said:

Thank you! We have, in our town a Doughboy, who died at the age of 103. He was one of the WWI soliders to receive, a few years before he died, The French Order Legion D\'Honneur decoration of Chevalier (Knight). This is France\'s highest decoration, praising his and other Americans who supported France during the War.
All of our soldiers deserve so much! Thanks again for your comment!

November 11th, 2016 10:31

Veterans: Doughboys Past and Present
Christina8 said:

This is an outstanding tribute to our veterans and all those in the military! Great job!

November 11th, 2016 10:00

Veterans: Doughboys Past and Present
Tony36 said:

Awesome tribute to our military men and women

November 11th, 2016 08:59

Carpel Tunnel
Augustus said:

In you brain these little jewels lodge,
For fuel, renewal your hearts desire. To scribe them here pain required.
Wish that wrist to gain a massage.
(Sorry could\'t help it.) Kudos.

November 10th, 2016 19:44

Carpel Tunnel
Christina8 said:

Wonderful poem and great rhymes! I really enjoyed reading this.

November 10th, 2016 09:48

Wind Chimes
Tony36 said:

Awesome video and awesome talent as always

November 9th, 2016 11:05

Wind Chimes
Augustus said:

You my dear are sooooo talented.

November 9th, 2016 10:18

Clowns with Frowns
Tony36 said:

LOL! love it, awesome write

November 8th, 2016 13:39

Clowns with Frowns
Augustus said:

Growing up I thought the clown was a universally accepted figure. Only later did I realize it ain\'t so. Even those that really try hard to be funny have a certain tragedy about them. The last 4 lines are my favorites.

November 8th, 2016 10:08

Clowns with Frowns
Christina8 said:

This is so creative, i love it! Well done!

November 8th, 2016 09:23

Clowns with Frowns

GREAT POEM WBL ~ Highlighting a modern menace. Clowns have always been a little odd ~ happy and sad ~ funny and morose ~ friendly and menacing ! There always wierdos who will exploit any chance to scare and intimidate ! I agree PUT JACK BACK IN HIS BOX ~ lock it and throw away the key ! BRIAN

November 8th, 2016 05:27

Clowns with Frowns
WildMoonChild said:

Hhahaha i think this is amazing!!! so well done!

November 8th, 2016 05:25

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