Comments received on poems by WriteBeLight

The F Bomb
Quemis said:


I must admit I am guilt of this, from time to time, and have been desensitized to its rudeness in a way.

Clever effin\' poem! haha

December 23rd, 2016 06:07

The F Bomb

Thanks for SCARING LBW. Yes indeed the F-WORD spoken ~ written or just implied F * * K is still a very powerful explitive and used by the wrong person in the wrong place it can still shock. It is a very harsh word when uttered in full invective. In the UK it used to be banned in print and on TV & radio ~ today it has almost lost its power to emphasise or shock ! I knew it was overused when I heard someone refer to the TELE~ F*C*I*G~PHONE ~ Yours BRIAN

December 23rd, 2016 05:55

To the Angel Kat and All
Augustus said:

How lovely and thoughtful enjoyed.

December 22nd, 2016 17:02

To the Angel Kat and All
P.H.Rose said:

Oh WBL....
That was Absolutly
Brilliant... I would
Bet every penny
I\'ve earned or
Will ever earn
That Kat was very
Bleary eyed(tears) when
She read it...
It was simply
Beautiful .....
Bloody well done sir..

December 22nd, 2016 16:52

To the Angel Kat and All
SabreLi said:

It\'s beautiful to see such a heartfelt tribute to a very valued community member; happy christmas everybody! xx

December 22nd, 2016 15:33

To the Angel Kat and All
Daniel said:

Brilliant, a fantastic poem!

December 22nd, 2016 11:55

To the Angel Kat and All
Tony36 said:

WOW, Amazing write

December 22nd, 2016 11:27

To the Angel Kat and All
willyweed said:

a stunning tribute!
merry Christmas to all

December 22nd, 2016 10:45

To the Angel Kat and All

Thanks WBL for an awesome tribute to KAT ~ one of the nicest ladies on MPS. All her poems and comments have an ANGELIC touch ! (I too have her classified as one of God\'s perfect Earth Angels) ~ sent to bring us God\'s Love ~ Joy & Peace ~ AMEN. Please check my latest poem and my FUSION (12 Days of Christmas ~ Thanks BRIAN

December 22nd, 2016 06:51

Law Of Probability
Augustus said:

Some of my pet peeves. But I know better to complain. I just say I love you when my sweetheart makes a little error. I know where my bread is buttered. Enjoyed.

December 21st, 2016 15:50

Law Of Probability
myinnervoice said:

lol im not much for cleaning but i can sympothise(oh dear lord). The frustration of spending all day trying to make someone happy only to have it undercut by complaints is an insanely frustrating thing. I enjoyed this alot. Your writting style is great. And im compelled to continue reading. Love it!

December 21st, 2016 14:22

Law Of Probability
Tony36 said:

Awesome and well written

December 21st, 2016 12:51

Law Of Probability
Christina8 said:

This poem was awesome! It sounds like you are trying to please someone and also you like to clean or keep your house \"spiffy\". I like that word! But we all make mistakes. I like a clean house too but you can tell it\'s lived in. :-) Very good write!!

December 21st, 2016 07:22

Optimism and Pessimism Meet for Lunch
Zwitterion said:

very nicely put.

December 20th, 2016 21:11

Optimism and Pessimism Meet for Lunch
P.H.Rose said:

As soon as I see a poem
With the Name WBL
Next to it I know I\'ll
Enjoy... you never
Let me down...
very funny and so
Well written...
And to use that
Subject matter
A bloody well done sir!!
To you.....

December 20th, 2016 18:55

Optimism and Pessimism Meet for Lunch
willyweed said:

very clever my dear WBL brilliant concept. ww

December 20th, 2016 16:09

Optimism and Pessimism Meet for Lunch
Augustus said:

Such fun. Very creative.

December 20th, 2016 15:09

Optimism and Pessimism Meet for Lunch
Christina8 said:

What an excellent story about two people and their different outlooks on life. Great job!!

December 20th, 2016 14:12

Part of the Heart of a Family
elsiewarrenswords said:

I have never owned a dog or cat personally (only a rabbit & a guinea pig) but I understand animals play a large part in many families🙂 Lovely poem!

December 20th, 2016 10:35

Optimism and Pessimism Meet for Lunch
Tony36 said:

Very well written and expressed

December 20th, 2016 09:56

Optimism and Pessimism Meet for Lunch
Daniel said:

What a brilliant write, I love the way you play one off against the other and with great wit!

December 20th, 2016 06:41

Christmas Wish: No Holiday Hangover.
P.H.Rose said:

Ha ha WBL
This poem
Is sooooo
True and
I\'m with you....
Very very
bloody temptation.....

December 19th, 2016 16:18

Christmas Wish: No Holiday Hangover.
Tony36 said:

Awesome write

December 19th, 2016 14:32

Christmas Wish: No Holiday Hangover.
Christina8 said:

Very nice rhyming poem! It\'s sad that I just lost weight before the holidays--I hope I didn\'t put on more than a few! Seems like a lot of people gift home baked goodies to lighten their budget. So tempting!

December 19th, 2016 11:09

He\'s A Good Egg
Augustus said:

Delightfully clever. This is sooooo

December 18th, 2016 12:18

The Nutcracker Soldier\'s In Denial
Christina8 said:

A very nice poem! I think there are definitely some parents who push their children towards their own dreams. Too bad the kids don\'t speak up. Great job!

December 17th, 2016 10:38

Thanks For Not Sharing
myinnervoice said:

I love how you complain about the frustrations this person forces onto those around you while still being thoughtful and considerate enough to acknowledge this persons potential and redeming qualities. All to often people choose to complain on others with out being bothered to try to understand them or to even pay attention to them outside of their frustrating qualities. Well written, i\'m trying to learn from your word play. humor is a powerful tool.

December 17th, 2016 05:40

An Active Ass
myinnervoice said:


December 17th, 2016 05:35

The Nutcracker Soldier\'s In Denial
isituorme said:

Liked this a lot nicely written and I think if we look around it won\'t take long to find someone who\'s been either pushed to do what\'s not for them or stopped doing something they wanted to do because of something that happens a generation before .this is what the power of poetry is to me ,saying harsh truths in such a gentle way . Well done .

December 17th, 2016 05:23

Invasion Of The Boring Guy
myinnervoice said:

lol I love the wit, i wish i could be half as funny. Nothing is more frustrating than someone intruding upon me time. especially one that you do not enjoy the company of. Thanks for sharing lol.

December 17th, 2016 04:34

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