Comments received on poems by Christina8

A Gift
kevin browne said:

and you\'re still very beautiful, ChristinaS, never forget this could be someone\'s dream.

November 15th, 2017 13:30

A Gift
Fay Slimm. said:

A very good way to see the future is wrapped in this positive poem - thank you Christina for sharing your journey through pain til this much better moment in time .

November 15th, 2017 11:58

A Gift
myself and me said:

Very inspiring, full of positive energy.

November 15th, 2017 11:34

A Gift
Tony36 said:

Well written and Expressed

November 15th, 2017 11:33

A Gift
orchidee said:

Good write Christina.

November 15th, 2017 10:04

A Gift
Michael Edwards said:

And may you ever do so Christina.

November 15th, 2017 09:52

A Gift
Poetic Dan said:

Loved the following words through my mind, must be that free feeling at the end of your rhyme.

November 15th, 2017 09:41

A Gift
Laura🌻 said:

A beautiful, inspiring
With God’s speed,
“ happy, unburdened,
and free!”
I wish you all the best
in your journey!

November 15th, 2017 09:08

A Gift
Drewp said:

Strength and positivity and hope. Inspiring write.

November 15th, 2017 08:16

My Purpose
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write and you will be back on top and then be able to take everything in your stride.

November 15th, 2017 02:29

My Purpose

Thanks for your reply CHRIS ~ The World of Work is an escape from \"The Trivial round the Common Task ! We do have some House Husbands in the UK ~ who stay home and look after the Kids & the House & the Dog etc. but they are much less than 1 in a 100 ! Generally the WIFE has a high powered Job and earns much more than the Husband ! I guess I will always earn marginally more than Angela ~ so when we do get married and if we have a Family ~ it wont be a problem ! Giving up work is one of the many sacrifices Married ladies have to make ~ My Poems are HAIKUS tomorrow so look out for them ~ Hugs in the Spirit ~ BRIAN

November 14th, 2017 18:30

My Purpose
myself and me said:

You are such a wonderful person, even at the depress moment, still put your kids\' interest on the top.

November 14th, 2017 15:02

My Purpose
lasergraph said:

I think the top is just waiting for you. Great write

November 14th, 2017 12:58

My Purpose
FredPeyer said:

I like your straight forward poem. There are always times in our lives when we question our purpose in life, when we think that there should be more, or maybe something different.

November 14th, 2017 10:33

My Purpose

To every life there is a PURPOSE and to every PURPOSE there is a SEASON ! You are currently very Blessed Chris ! A Loving Husband A Boy & A Girl ~ My Mum tells me they make different demands ~ variety ! A nice home to decorate for Christmas and lots of nice Friends on MPS who all love you ~ Your Faith & Church Family and you live in One of the most Beautiful States in the USA ! You are a qualified Nurse (as I am a qualified Science Lecturer ~ now tenured !) and I believe and pray that one day you will be \"Back on the Wards\" You are currently very Blessed ! I think of you and pray for you 24/7 AMEN Multiple Brotherly Hugs ~ BRIAN \"Contented Man !\" Thanks for sharing your Heart & Soul with us ! Don\'t forget to add another BUNCH of FLOWERS to my FUSION ~ Hugs BRIAN @@@@@@@

November 14th, 2017 08:57

My Purpose
Fay Slimm. said:

Good aims dear Christina and put into a charmingly honest verse - you will get there on top and stay there with goals so warm and from the heart. Hugs from Fay xxxxx.

November 14th, 2017 07:26

I\'ve Never Told
WL Schuett said:

This feels like another step forward , good writing Christina!

November 13th, 2017 23:53

I\'ve Never Told
Fay Slimm. said:

A heart-wrenching feel to this honest piece dear Christina - the positive ending shows how best to cope. Thanks for sharing a time of great challenge.

November 13th, 2017 17:19

I\'ve Never Told
Simple-Man87 said:

This was incredible. These subtle secrets define our lives. You\'ve become a very strong writer and an even stronger woman, due to your experience, thank you for sharing a bit of heart with us.

November 13th, 2017 14:39

I\'ve Never Told

Ohhhhhhhhh PANDORA ~ You have at last opened the BOX ! So many intriguing triplets released in one Poetic Confession ! 30 years ~ tears ~ fears # toy ~ joy ~ coy # youth ~ truth ~ smooth # gold ~ told ~ unfold # And NOW ~ You can stand on your own two beautiful feet ~ AMEN ! I\'m pleased you left it OBJECTIVE ANGEL ~ because you don\'t want to hurt ~ those you desperately wanted to love ! This is your best poem ever Angel ~ it flows and ripples like a cleansing Mountain Stream ~ I\'m not surprised you got 20+ reads and lots of lovely comments ~ MPS Loves You (me included !) Thanks for caring & sharing ~ HUGS in the SPIRIT ~ BRIAN \"Soul Searcher\"

November 13th, 2017 11:29

I\'ve Never Told
orchidee said:

A fine write Christina. me new word for today: *looks up piñata*. Hey , it\'s put a squiggle over the \'n\'\'. I never put it there! Oh, it\'s a tilde. Do shut up now Orchi, you\'re rambling. lol.

November 13th, 2017 11:11

I\'ve Never Told
Syd said:

Hi Christina, l like this poem. You\'l have to forgive me as I\'m not too good at reviews but I\'m a sucker for poems that rhyme and I like the punchline of that last stanza - Syd

November 13th, 2017 10:39

I\'ve Never Told
Shadowbox15 said:

That is a powerful message. But, who are ‘they’?

November 13th, 2017 09:50

I\'ve Never Told
Michael Edwards said:

Strong write from a strong person - well writ Christina.

November 13th, 2017 09:22

I\'ve Never Told
Goldfinch60 said:

Very strong write, I hope al, is well in your life now,

November 13th, 2017 09:15

I\'ve Never Told
Drewp said:

This is powerful.I hope it’s not written from personal experience. Still amazed at the power of words

November 13th, 2017 07:49

Writer\'s Block
dusk arising said:

Writers block as it is known is a contrivence. When a writer has something worth writing they will write about it. When they haven\'t some people call it writers block, others simply don\'t write.

November 12th, 2017 21:54

Writer\'s Block
skyebellasario said:

We all have writers block at some time Christina but it seems as though yours has gone! :) Lovely poem!

November 12th, 2017 16:07

Writer\'s Block

Gracias CHRIS comprendo ! Although some of the best poems on MPS are ~ oddly enough ~ Writers Bloc Poems ! Looking forward to tomorrow\'s ODD ODE ~ Happy Hugs ~ Brother BRIAN @@@@@@@

November 12th, 2017 11:07

Writer\'s Block
kevin browne said:

look at it this way. this elusive thing we call writers-block, to me, just appears to be a fictional illusion. it\'s just an excuse I believe. you never hear of mechanic block, engineering blocks or any any blocks you can thing of. it\'s writers that just seem to get it. we think about a million irrelevant things a day which invade us mentally. simply block those out. it\'s too easy to blame so blame nothing, free your beautiful mind up with some new spare space and it will rise to fill it up with poetry. good luck and a good poem.

November 12th, 2017 09:50

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