Comments received on poems by Christina8

Fay Slimm. said:

A fine piece of nostalgia together with wise advice on where Christmas magic lies - a gem of a read dear Christina.

December 12th, 2017 11:52

Michael Edwards said:

There is magic in most peoples hearts - it doesn\'t always show but it\'s there when it needs to be - fine work Christina.

December 12th, 2017 11:49

Syd said:

I\'m not a Christmasy person bit this is a great write Christina - Syd

December 12th, 2017 10:59

orchidee said:

Good write Christine. I could never understand at first why we always had to call out the cleaners after Christmas. Our lounge was always full of soot! doh! lol.

December 12th, 2017 09:42

lasergraph said:

Christmas spirit truly makes our hearts listen to peace. Great message

December 12th, 2017 09:12


THANKS CHRIS ~ Peace & Goodwill to all ~ in the UK and USA we have all made CHRISTMAS far too hectic. I our TOWN the Salvation Army organis a Christmas Dinner for the homeless and lonely ! I was a server several times and it was the most peaceful and loving ~ Christmas ever. Those who have the least of material things are sometimes the happiest and most grateful ~ especially at Christmas. There is a moral in your lovely CHRISTMAS POEM ~ Thanks for sharing and caring ADVENT ABRAZOS ~ Every Day could be Christmas Day ~ Yours BRIAN @@@@@@@

December 12th, 2017 09:04

Christmas With You
FredPeyer said:

Beautifully written, Christina, and the last stanza is what Christmas is really all about. It is a Birthday party!
Also like the structure! Looks like you learned a bit from tepo! :-)
Very well done!

December 10th, 2017 17:01

Christmas With You
Accidental Poet said:

Another treasured piece Christina. Let the Christmas spirit take hold in your home.

December 9th, 2017 09:30

Christmas With You

WOW CHRISTINA ~ Yo Muse sure infuse ~ awesome festive ODE ! It has RHYME (love the aaaB cccB etc pattern) REPETITION and it buzzes with Rudolph\'s Rhythm ~ AMEN ! Your POEM mentions all the Christmassy trappings the European Settlers brought to the USA ! CHRISTMAS trees with lights & baubles ~ stockings ~ gifts and of course JESUS \"The reason for the SEASON !\" LOVE IT ~ Cuando Tu eres alegria soy alegria tambien ! Abbrazos de Natividad ~ BRIAN

December 9th, 2017 05:04

Christmas With You
orchidee said:

A fine write Christina.

December 9th, 2017 02:52

Christmas With You
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write, Christmas s special but is more special with the one you love.

December 9th, 2017 01:57

Christmas With You
Michael Edwards said:

It sings of fun and reflective merriment - very up-lifting - great write Christina

December 9th, 2017 01:42

Christmas With You
ron parrish aka wordman said:

beautiful poem of happy holidays with the one you love,and not forget what it`s all about

December 9th, 2017 01:05

This Moment
ron parrish aka wordman said:

i put my feelings on hold for a while,christmas is here,i must wear that happy face

December 9th, 2017 00:54

This Moment
Its Raskolnikov said:

Keep fighting, keep writing, don\'t stop.

December 8th, 2017 11:48

This Moment
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful positive write, you are definitely heading the write way, these positive thoughts and ways will soon become the norm and your anxiety WILL become a thing of the past.

December 8th, 2017 01:30

This Moment
FredPeyer said:

Great poem, Christina! Just think, if you can do it now (put aside your anxiety problems) you know you can do it again, and again....

December 7th, 2017 20:21

This Moment
Accidental Poet said:

May your positivity last long past the holidays and set a trend for the new year Christina. It is a festive season.

December 7th, 2017 19:19

This Moment

WOW CHRISTINA ~ Love this Poem and all the comments you have received to date~ they echo my sentiments on reading it ! beautiful in Structure (Quatrains with a consistent Rhyming pattern (xaxa xbxb etc) and plenty of Rhythm !) I also love the positivity in the Subject ~ STANZA 1. Transition from Dark to Light and from Sorrow to Joy ~ AMEN ! S 2. Banish the Winter Blues ~ HALELUJAH ! S 3. Overcoming Anxiety for the sake of CHRISTMAS (and CHRIST !) ~ AWESOME ! S 4. Uncertainty ~ ON HOLD and LIBERTY ~ ON GOING ! Result HAPPINESS ~ THANK THE LORD THAT YOU\'VE BEEN BLESSED ~ WITH MORE THAN YOUR SHARE OF ~ HAPPINESS ! CARPE DIEM ! This Poem has made me so so Happy Angel that I\'m crying with JOY ~ I am praying that this mood will last into the NEW YEAR & BEYOND ~ AMEN ~ Christmas Hugs & Brotherly Kisses BRIAN XOXOX

December 7th, 2017 16:50

This Moment
Michael Edwards said:

Another super write Christina

December 7th, 2017 13:42

This Moment
myself and me said:

Very good attitude to life.

December 7th, 2017 12:10

This Moment
Tony36 said:

Well written and expressed

December 7th, 2017 11:52

This Moment
Simple-Man87 said:

Beautiful, Christina. Absolutely beautiful. One of your best and one of my favorites. Your ability to overcome, even if temporary, is amazing to me and speaks volumes of your character. I love how you put priorities and joys of others, before your own feelings. Cherish this time of peace of happiness. Thank you for sharing.

December 7th, 2017 11:50

Wrapped Up In Christmas

Thanks CHRISTINA ~ for a well structured poem ~ Rhyme ~ Rhythm ~ Repetition also the Subject of your delight in Giving (and wrapping presents) and enjoying the delight ~ of those you love ~ in Receiving ! You are altogether lovely ! Brotherly Hugs ~ BRIAN

December 6th, 2017 17:38

Wrapped Up In Christmas
Laura🌻 said:

Beautiful message CHRISTina! As beautiful as CHRISTmas! A time to give as you always do! Thinking of others before yourself! You’re certainly a giver...not a taker! God Bless you!

December 5th, 2017 19:47

Wrapped Up In Christmas
FredPeyer said:

Well penned, Christina. With everything that is going on during the Holiday Season, we tend to forget how important it is to give from ourselves. Time, a good word, a hand-written note.

December 5th, 2017 04:22

Wrapped Up In Christmas
myself and me said:

The best way to wrap up in Christmas is wrapping with the spirit.

December 4th, 2017 19:13

Wrapped Up In Christmas
Simple-Man87 said:

This was cheerful and joyous. Equally beautiful and selfless. You\'re a good woman and I love reading these bright ones from you. Great job.

December 4th, 2017 18:16

Wrapped Up In Christmas
orchidee said:

A fine write Christina.

December 4th, 2017 14:28

Wrapped Up In Christmas
Goldfinch60 said:

The best Christmas present of all is time, time you give to others and time given to you from others.

December 4th, 2017 09:10

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