Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Beauty Is Light.
Neville said:

I concur sir .. one only has to look for it and hard enough .. Neville

November 5th, 2023 04:11

One Step.
Neville said:

Here I am reminded of the African term Tanka Tanka .. which means one step at a time .. I used to volunteer at the West African Psychiatric Hospital that was called Tanka Tanka .. its a good lesson to learn ... Neville

November 5th, 2023 04:07

Answering The \'Phone.
Teddy.15 said:

LOL someone got lucky! ❤️

November 5th, 2023 03:00

Answering The \'Phone.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. lol.

November 5th, 2023 02:39

One Step.
Teddy.15 said:

Wise and wonderful words dear Andy. ❤️

November 5th, 2023 02:19

One Step.
mvvenkataraman said:

Only the first step achieves our dream,
When we boldly decide to begin the task,
That gives to our dreams successful steam,
To help us, God, we can hopefully ask!

November 4th, 2023 05:30

One Step.
LIZ said:

Yes!!! One step at a time!! Loved it!!

November 4th, 2023 03:16

One Step.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
Several million steps for you and I. lol.

November 4th, 2023 02:46

Beauty Is Light.
Dr. Soma said:

So true, dear poet.

November 3rd, 2023 08:43

Beauty Is Light.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold
Hmm, I don\'t know about the saying: \'To have light, there must also be darkness\'. Not that we have to focus more on the darkness though.

November 3rd, 2023 03:04

Beauty Is Light.
David Wakeling said:

A wonderful sentiment.Well done

November 3rd, 2023 02:37

Beauty Is Light.
LIZ said:


November 3rd, 2023 02:23

Hakuna Matata.
Bella Shepard said:

You always spark happy feelings my friend, thank you. No troubles here!

November 2nd, 2023 15:17

Hakuna Matata.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. Bit of French there?!

November 2nd, 2023 03:03

Hakuna Matata.
Thomas W Case said:

Wonderful sentiment. Thank you.

November 2nd, 2023 02:09

Brubeck\'s Back
Bella Shepard said:

Smooooooth! Love the poem and the music, excellet tribute.

November 1st, 2023 14:22

Brubeck\'s Back
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

November 1st, 2023 02:57

Confused Of Evesham 2.
Bella Shepard said:

I\'d say a spot of nonsense that is spot on. We just returned from 2 1/2 weeks on the road, and I get exactly what you\'re saying. You\'re also absolutely right about Saturday, although in listening to the happy music you\'ve suppliesd who cares what day it is. Always a great read and tune to boot!

October 31st, 2023 14:32

Confused Of Evesham 2.
LIZ said:

Every day is Saturday!!! You\'re definitely not living in a hurry!! I love it!!!

October 31st, 2023 05:00

Confused Of Evesham 2.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. lol.
Tomorrow is the yesterday.... or whatever is the saying.

October 31st, 2023 02:41

That Glorious Game.
Thomas W Case said:

I love, love, love this. Passion for something. Beautiful.

October 30th, 2023 16:58

That Glorious Game.
David Wakeling said:

It is a great game.This is a nice tribute.well done

October 30th, 2023 15:45

That Glorious Game.
Saxon Crow said:

Certainly was an epic match

October 30th, 2023 11:12

Privilege Of Life.
Teddy.15 said:

And how very humbled to read such appreciation for life. ❤️

October 30th, 2023 03:41

That Glorious Game.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

October 30th, 2023 02:28

That Glorious Game.
ChrisLyn🕊 said:

Now that was an interesting read and a good summary of the rugby matches✨

October 30th, 2023 02:24

Privilege Of Life.
LIZ said:

Being grateful and not taking life for granted!! Beautiful!! 💫💫💫💫

October 29th, 2023 16:21

rhmn_7 said:

home made = made with love, so no matter what, it is always delicious!

October 29th, 2023 07:45

Privilege Of Life.
rhmn_7 said:

Looking back and appreciating the happiness is the highest level of maturity, despite the loses and hardships we all endure along the way..

October 29th, 2023 07:27

Privilege Of Life.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.
A pity my life went downhill went met KP! lol.

October 29th, 2023 06:01

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