Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Towards My Lover. Senryu. (Plus answer to coded Haiku)
Michael Edwards said:

A good bit of fun Andy - and that\'s what we need at the moment.

July 15th, 2020 05:00

Towards My Lover. Senryu. (Plus answer to coded Haiku)
orchidee said:

I had it correct, except for the \'[\'. Or am I telling porkies?!
Good write Gold.

July 15th, 2020 02:13

Towards My Lover. Senryu. (Plus answer to coded Haiku)
dusk arising said:

Stick to the path. Those bathing trunks no longer do you any favours.

July 15th, 2020 02:00

Towards My Lover. Senryu. (Plus answer to coded Haiku)

GUT MITWOK Uncle Andy ~ ANGELA here. Love the MUSIC to start the day. Thanks for cracking the CODE - It looked familiar I often type like that when Im shattered. Id translated it from Serbo Croat ! Love todays POEM - Mention of the RIVER & LOVE again they are very contiguous ! WE got up early this moerning to catch Pole Position with MASQUERADE ! Do you find everyone wearing MASKS rather surreal ? We do - funny even !

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela - Brian & Smokey XOX

July 15th, 2020 01:54

Coded Haiku.
Neville said:

Blimey guv\'nor , I was hoping a little bird would tell me the answer but shall have to wait till the morrow methinks ....

July 14th, 2020 04:19

Coded Haiku.
Michael Edwards said:

I\'ve heard of breaded cod but not coded haiku - still puzzling.

July 14th, 2020 03:25

Coded Haiku.
orchidee said:

Bit of Welsh there?! I will be with you later, maybe when I\'ve cracked the code!

July 14th, 2020 02:04

Coded Haiku.
dusk arising said:

decode this:-

July 14th, 2020 01:36

Got That.
dusk arising said:

I notice young Joan (M.E.) has picked up her camera today.

You must have a huge collection. Do you play vinyl? Are you of the persuasion that vinyl has a fuller richer more natural quality than CD. Or is your hearing more attuned to the crispness of digital recording assuming your auditory faculty is not failing with age of course.

Birdsong is still as sweet as ever it was when we listen.

July 13th, 2020 05:01

Got That.
Michael Edwards said:

No mention of Orchidee\'s latest recording? Bit like Buzzfeed - I did two quizes on line so they could guess my age and name. The result: I am 17 years old and my name is Joan.

July 13th, 2020 03:56

Got That.
orchidee said:

They could have recommended Stockhausen - not!! lol.

July 13th, 2020 01:55

My Grandchildren.
Michael Edwards said:

What a lovely gesture and a great write.

July 12th, 2020 03:20

It\'s Your Road.
alexis karpouzos said:

The poem contains truths that people often forget.

July 12th, 2020 02:04

My Grandchildren.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
I too will write poems for folk - I just tell them to put the cheque in the post - no!! lol.

July 12th, 2020 01:57

It\'s Your Road.
ron parrish aka wordman said:

i enjoyed the theme of the write,we walk our own road in life,but i wonder if it was pre destined

July 11th, 2020 13:53

Poet\'s Day.
ron parrish aka wordman said:

a lazy rush day,make it to the bank,go home and pick her up to rush to the grocery store,ready for the weekend cook out

July 11th, 2020 12:01

It\'s Your Road.
peto said:

Would you change anything Andy

July 11th, 2020 05:21

It\'s Your Road.
dusk arising said:

Comfortably we walk among friends and feel the strength of their being. But when misfortune lands or physical pain tears through our bones we bear that alone. However we overcome the bumps along our path stays with us, becomes us.
We become the path we trod.

July 11th, 2020 02:32

It\'s Your Road.
orchidee said:

Good write Andy.
Tricky on some \'paths\' involving tracks, or even un-marked tracks (it\'s not on the map, this route!).
I have some strange walks. If I wish, it can be through cow field, or horse field, or through the middle of farmland! All on \'permitted paths\'.
Middle of nowhere even - a not well-used track with 6 ft grass either side of me.

July 11th, 2020 02:05

It\'s Your Road.

ANGELA HERE - Good Morning UNCLE ANDY - No WORK today and Suns Shining - AMEN. Getin used to BRIAN being less like a Hippy (see Picture & Poem) and more like a Businessman ! Andy Williams (1927 ~ 2012 & 17 Gold Albums) is one of my fave Ballad Singers - Love this Song ! Its true as you say we are all on own Individual Road - Cradle to Grave to Glory. I thanks GOD for the last three years Brian has been with me and will be for eternity ! Love the Poem a FAVE _ AMEN

Blessings & Peace to You & Your Family
Love Angela - Brian & Smokey XOXOX

July 11th, 2020 01:57

Poet\'s Day.
peto said:

Well played sir

July 10th, 2020 14:56

Guilty People.
John Prophet said:


Yup, I’ve had those same revelations about myself. Seems as we age (68) we are better able at seeing our flaws. Can’t go back but hopefully such introspection will help us do better moving forward.
Great write.


July 10th, 2020 14:48

Poet\'s Day.
Michael Edwards said:

Reminds me of one my seretarys from the past who used to say \'I\'ve only got six pairs of knickers and today\'s Friday - yahoo !!!!\'

July 10th, 2020 13:35

Poet\'s Day.
dusk arising said:

Being self employed soon knocks that out of your system but it doesn\'t help when it has become established in your partners lifestyle.
Disappointments ensue.

July 10th, 2020 05:37

Poet\'s Day.
orchidee said:

I saw a comedy show with a posh wife. She said \'Oh, I suppose SOME people have to work weekends!\' She was too posh to do so.

July 10th, 2020 02:03

Guilty People.
orchidee said:

I never left me singing undone!

July 10th, 2020 01:59

Guilty People.

Brian here ~ Good Thursday Uncle ANDY. Thank for a very soothing Vdeo ! I have a Cousin who is a Classical Cellist and her Sister a Classical Pianist. They always play for Family High Days and this is one of their duets ~ PERFECTION !
Sins of Omission ~ A regret in everyones Life. *Leaving undone - that which we could have done - and ought to have done ! * Angel & I are young enough to take that to Heart. During LOCKDOWN I have been assiting Mum & Dad in the Garden ~ Cupranolling Shed & Fences and also My In-Laws ! Thanks for sharing VID & VERSE.

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Brian & Angela & Smokey !

July 9th, 2020 03:32

Guilty People.
orchidee said:

What do you think? I feel that church needs maybe a Minster more of the congregation\'s age. Or at least, not so hellfire. Not that are wrapped in cotton wool, but supportive. One more passed away recently - it can\'t be helped. They often sing Happy (90th) birthday to one or the other there.

July 9th, 2020 01:43

Guilty People.
orchidee said:

Yet it\'s included in a \'Formal Prayer\': \'Forgive us - we have done those things we ought not to have done; and have left undone those things we ought to have done\'.
But not all the time - I feel an elderly congregation gets brow-beaten by the Minister. They have hell-fire and damnation type sermons every week - \'Repent, you miserable sinners!\' \'Erm, we already have\' is the reply.

July 9th, 2020 01:40

Not a Bad House.

BRIAN HERE ~ EVENING UNCLE ANDY ~ Love the Pathos in the Music - it matches the satire in your very sumtuous Poem. We all have experiences with the Good & the Great ~ Staying in Stately Homes and dining @ the Top Table @ Oxbridge Colleges & The Captains Table on Cruises ! In this life its often not what one knows but whom. As far as Angela & I are concerned we are very content with our home & (safe) job opportunitues and our families & Friends and our Church & our 24/7 relationship with God ! I guess we would be considered successful Middle Class ! When we do rub shoulders with the Landed Gentry & Rich & Famous we do know how to conduct ourselves and enjoy the opportunity. On balance we are very content to be *The People we are* with *The Families & Frends we have* and *Place we live in* and the *Jobs & Socisl Life* we enjoy ! Spiritually we feel as Evangelical Christians that *We are in touch with God*. We are in Jobs which are an asset to the Community and are content with our Salaries which gives us some excess to share with those less fortunate than ourselves. Thanks for your Poem ~ it made us think about our own station in LIFE ~ AMEN

Blessings & peace to You & Yours
Love ~ Brin & Angela & Smokey !

July 8th, 2020 17:04

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