Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Lady Lost.
dusk arising said:

There you go Goldfinch. You know already that the church will just dance around the periphery of the subject, like they do with everything, making polite \'kindness\' noises for the detail deaf flock (of sheep). I hope you will not be annoyed by them and i hope im wrong in my prejudice in this instance.

June 16th, 2019 01:45

Imagination Managing.

Thanks UNCLE ANDY ~ The frantic trumpet seems to me to be a good complement to the frantic toungue twisting poem ~ great verbal & aural sensation !

Blessings & Peace to You & Joyce
Yours as always BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Please check ANGELAS PAPA ~ Thanks B !

June 15th, 2019 18:43

Imagination Managing.
Suresh said:

It\'s tongue twisting teasers like this that my tongue twistingly twanged - now what was I trying to say😋

June 15th, 2019 12:26

Imagination Managing.
dusk arising said:

Amazing virtuoso piece and soooo long. Truly proving he is a master of both double tonguing and circular breathing.

Clever and entertaining wordplaying from you today.

June 15th, 2019 10:51

Imagination Managing.
FineB said:

Hello Goldfinch60,

A wonderful imaginative poem that certainly got me thinking.

Keep writing

June 15th, 2019 10:50

Imagination Managing.
Neville said:

ouch... in trying to read this out loud, you just shredded my tongue... or was it me....

a really enjoyed tongue teazer GF60...

June 15th, 2019 04:21

Imagination Managing.
Michael Edwards said:

Imagine the mendacity of mendicant managers managing menageries begging for monies whilst blowing their horn. Gave me a big grin this fine morning.

June 15th, 2019 02:54

Imagination Managing.
orchidee said:

Oh lol a fine write Gold, and a fine write it is, and.... now I\'m waffling.
I dunno about menagerie, but they would have gladly chucked our last manageress out the first floor window, and wished it was on the 20th floor somewhere!

June 15th, 2019 01:55

That Wonderful Place.
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

God bless you Andy I\'m glad you get our own respite and peace
Have a peaceful weekend

June 14th, 2019 12:41

That Wonderful Place.
dusk arising said:

This is such an uplifting read coming from you in your circumstance. You know i\'m always positive about \'life goes on\' and here you are living it. Well done - acorns/oak trees.

June 14th, 2019 10:49

That Wonderful Place.
Suresh said:

yes, a moment for oneself, helps to hold everything together

Thnx for sharing

June 14th, 2019 10:33

That Wonderful Place.
Neville said:

I am so glad you feel able to share these moments... they are very moving indeed, but also inspiring in a way hard to describe in a short space and time.... N

June 14th, 2019 04:06

That Wonderful Place.

By all MEANS ~ UNCLE ANDY ~ We all have to preserve our QUALITY of LIFE ! Angela & I have sung in Chiors since we were at School and it is of all things most Cathartic. In NZ ANGELA is in the Church Choir and the MAORI CHOIR which she loves ! As Ive said before I have been giving talks on S & G and the Seniors love them. They were Good Kosher Boys ~ so a lot of their songs (Like SOS & BOTW) are very SPIRITUAL. Its only just 8pm in Essex ~ so this is great uplift for the Morning ! Love this version of SOS !

Blessings & Peace & Love for YOU & JOYCE
Yours through Poetry & Song BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

June 14th, 2019 02:03

That Wonderful Place.
orchidee said:

I must come along then. Aww, why ain\'t there any endorphins from folk when I sing? heehee.

June 14th, 2019 02:02

That Wonderful Place.
Fay Slimm. said:

What a gift is music dear Andy and you describe its effect so well -- thank you for sharing the beauty music brings to your life. A lovely first read of my day.

June 14th, 2019 01:55

Transported from Reality.
dusk arising said:

Vincent\'s work can take me places with little doubt.

Music is marvelous in the many ways it can motivate us and enhance a mood.

We should all arrange a \'meet\' and get Orchi to lead a choir. We shant have the conventional bass, tenor, soprano etc but rather great dane, spaniel and chihuahua.
I would suggest we create an oral rendition of golliwogs cakewalk by Claude Debussy (I\'m a debussy orchestral fan)

June 13th, 2019 06:49

Transported from Reality.

Thanks UNCLE ANDY : Love the Paintings especially STARRY STARRY NIGHT and CHOPIN. For ME he always transports to another Dimension ! So cool : so smooth : so transportational ! Sometimes when I play piano (late at night) to unwind I compose spontaneously and shed all the angst of my Day and play effortlessly in Heavenly Places. RUTH suggests I should record it and transpose it into musical notation for publication ! Who knows I might make CLASSIC FM ! God has created MAN with the ability to creat and enjoy the cathartic nature of the Arts ! Thanks for sharing !

Bleasssing & Peace & Love to YOU & JOYCE
Your Friend in NZ : ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

June 13th, 2019 02:29

Transported from Reality.
Poetic Dan said:

Great stuff, it\'s all in the mind!

June 13th, 2019 01:42

Transported from Reality.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. But aww, why people get transported too, when they hear me sing? They catch the first bus home! heehee.

June 13th, 2019 01:38

Who Am I - FIBS.
Suresh said:

....what others perceive.

June 12th, 2019 10:41

Who Am I - FIBS.
Neville said:

you are a diamond geezer... just like your poem is today..... Neville

June 12th, 2019 02:38

Who Am I - FIBS.
dusk arising said:

I am beside myself with admiration who is an old pal from way back when i was in two minds.

June 12th, 2019 02:36

Who Am I - FIBS.
Fay Slimm. said:

A powerful write and one to ponder again dear Andy -- this is a spiritual lead into self-awareness and one for my favourite list. Thank you.

June 12th, 2019 02:35

Who Am I - FIBS.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. I dunno which of the three I am - I, Me, or Myself?!

June 12th, 2019 01:43

Michael\'s Artistic World
Neville said:

the painting in question is indeed kinda mesmerizing.. I certainly enjoyed it and can fully appreciate how one might get the feeling of being drawn into it, just as you say in your very fitting tribute today...... Neville

June 12th, 2019 01:33

The Old Man
Suresh said:

This immediately took me to an image of an Indian farmer, who survived an enduring life, and now in his twilight years, in the twilight of the day, by the river, allows himself a moment to reminisce.
A lovely poem

June 11th, 2019 16:09

Michael\'s Artistic World
Suresh said:

The art that mesmerize you, and takes one to a land of imagination, where you are compelled to so artistically express yourself, is a compliment to art itself.

June 11th, 2019 16:02

Michael\'s Artistic World

Thanks for caring & sharing ~ UNCLE ANDY ~ we loved the Picture too ! We also love todays Village Street ~ MICHAEL is a GEM and a big asset to this site as are all our special MPS Friends !

Blessings & Peace & Love to YOU & JOYCE
Your Friends ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡
Please check TOOTHACHE ~ Thanks A & B !

June 11th, 2019 10:16

Michael\'s Artistic World
Fay Slimm. said:

Finding wonder in the laying of colour on a watery bed could never be bettered than to dwell for while on pictures by Michael - - a fine tribute to a worthy artist and thank you for posting it Andy.

June 11th, 2019 06:32

Michael\'s Artistic World
dusk arising said:

Come back Goldfinch! Don\'t take another step. Thats porridge you are wading through in the picture and on a foggy day.

A fine tribute to our resident artist and how he leads you astray.

June 11th, 2019 03:14

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