Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Challenges In Life.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
I needed a haircut. With my singing, they recommended Sweeney Todd. Doh!

July 20th, 2023 01:15

Bella Shepard said:

Once again, as I was reading, I couldn\'t help but anticipate a zinger of a punchline, and once again you did not disappoint. It\'s always that sudden burst of laughter at the last line that sticks with me. I also love the music that accompanys, I agree these ladies are sadly overlooked. It\'s a fav!

July 19th, 2023 12:52

arqios said:

One makes for a more interesting time while the other a more companionable presence.

July 19th, 2023 06:42

sorenbarrett said:

That pretty well sums up the differences between the male and female sex.

July 19th, 2023 05:37

orchidee said:

Good write Gold. lol. Have we any wigs, you and I, being very old?
Some may discuss the rugs they wear on their heads.

July 19th, 2023 01:51

Neville said:

There must be a message in there somewhere, surely .. Neville

July 19th, 2023 01:42

My Love Is All Around.
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Lovely caring writing πŸ™‚

July 19th, 2023 00:31

Welcome To The New Guard.
Neville said:

I\'m not a big tennis fan .. shove ha\'penny is more up my street although I did teach a martial art for almost 26 years .. Neville

July 18th, 2023 02:35

My Love Is All Around.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
I have love for all too - except KP! lol.

July 18th, 2023 01:58

Welcome To The New Guard.
2781 said:

Not sure if he\'s finished?

July 17th, 2023 09:39

Welcome To The New Guard.
sorenbarrett said:

The changing of the guard has been in place for some time as a ritual. We forget the reason, people grow weary. Even the strongest of us age and grow tired. Tennis or any other sport, there comes a time to change the guard. Nicely written Andy

July 17th, 2023 06:40

Welcome To The New Guard.
Teddy.15 said:

One of my friends was at Wimbledon she was outside though in the rain. πŸ€— Best wishes to this player.

July 17th, 2023 01:58

Welcome To The New Guard.
orchidee said:

He threw his toys out of his pram, wrecking a racquet! lol

July 17th, 2023 01:49

Sunlight To Rain.
Bella Shepard said:

Sorry the rain came and stopped play, but it did inspire this poem and well remembered movie clip. Thank you my friend.

July 16th, 2023 14:39

Sunlight To Rain.
Teddy.15 said:

LOL πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ home to Mary no less. πŸ’–

July 16th, 2023 09:57

Sunlight To Rain.
MendedFences27 said:

Such is life. Risky, but fun. - Phil A.

July 16th, 2023 09:39

Freedom To Happiness.
thinkerbell said:

True wisdom reflects in your words dear poet

July 16th, 2023 07:37

Sunlight To Rain.
LIZ said:

Did you know it used to be called β€œcrooky”? Low impact exercise! Lol

July 16th, 2023 05:59

Sunlight To Rain.
orchidee said:

You used to play bagatelle too!? Did we play it 5 million ago, you and I? Good write Gold.

July 16th, 2023 02:01

Sunlight To Rain.
Doggerel Dave said:

Wot - you went home to the barn?

July 16th, 2023 01:54

Freedom To Happiness.
Neville said:

... well said sir .. n truly :)

July 16th, 2023 01:27

Sunlight To Rain.
Neville said:

good heavens .. anyone for shove ha\'penny :)

July 16th, 2023 01:25

Freedom To Happiness.
Teddy.15 said:

Indeed very wise and may I say beautifully put dear Andy πŸ’–

July 15th, 2023 11:33

Freedom To Happiness.
Poetic Dan said:

Simple but true.. then most things are!
Yet many things still need to be done that you may not enjoy lol

July 15th, 2023 07:34

Freedom To Happiness.
LIZ said:

Loved it! True freedom, brings happiness!

July 15th, 2023 03:31

Freedom To Happiness.
orchidee said:

I will do so - though me singing brings no freedom or happiness to others! lol.

July 15th, 2023 01:54

Singing Our Hearts Out.
L. B. Mek said:

shows how much you all must have practised
just lovely
so happy for you Andy, but
do you get to keep your parking space

July 14th, 2023 05:22

Singing Our Hearts Out.
Bobby O said:

I love the love you grab from art. Nice write. And the sense of that choir grew in stature for me. The Finch is a keeper.

July 14th, 2023 03:27

Singing Our Hearts Out.
orchidee said:

A fine write and singing Gold.

July 14th, 2023 01:52

The Undarkened House.
Teddy.15 said:

Andy has an I phone woohoo so very posh lol 🀣

July 13th, 2023 11:09

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