Comments received on poems by orchidee

A Preaching Précis
orchidee said:

Howzat! How did I do that \" é \"? I used \'Alt gr\' and \'e\' buttons at some time.

November 17th, 2020 08:11

A Preaching Précis
Amon said:


November 17th, 2020 05:28

A Preaching Précis
Goldfinch60 said:

So my eternal life is a non-entity in your world of Jesus!


November 17th, 2020 03:32

Servant Sheep

BRIAN HERE ~ Gut Montag Abend Onkel Steve ! Thanks for a Great *Olden Goldie* wih the werds ! Angel & I are singing a Duet too it ZOOM STYLE as in Lockdown Church !
Psalm 118 is always a great Blessing v 176 (AV)

I have gon astray lke a ost Sheep
Seek thy Servant
I do NOT forget Thy Comandments

November 16th, 2020 15:32

Servant Sheep
Neville said:

just you be careful Orchidee .. you can only go so far with a sheep ewe know ...

November 16th, 2020 07:52

Servant Sheep
dusk arising said:

And were in the precepts does it say go to church or even that a church is necessary. Other than remember the sabbath (which is not a sunday actually) and keep it holy.

November 16th, 2020 05:45

Servant Sheep
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi, but I am not lost any more.


November 16th, 2020 04:50

Word Wonders - Isaiah Series (22)
Neville said:

I like nature .. I imagine Isiah did too .. apparently he was an identical twin and both of em were called Isiah .. apparently the parents could only tell them apart when they both stood up .. coz one was half inch taller than the other ... that\'s where the old saying came from ... one Isiah than the other ...

November 15th, 2020 12:37

Word Wonders - Isaiah Series (22)
Michael Edwards said:

Miss Berles likes this O.

November 15th, 2020 04:38

Word Wonders - Isaiah Series (22)
Goldfinch60 said:

The glory of nature, good one Orchi.

November 15th, 2020 04:05

Praise Prelude
Dove said:

Praise be to you dear one; smilez,

November 14th, 2020 11:42

Restoring Revealed - Isaiah Series (21)
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi

November 14th, 2020 04:50

Praise Prelude
Doggerel Dave said:

Well many thanks orchidee. Bought back some very old memories.
But my/your timing? Don\'t know what to say (rare for me). Must be....coincidence?....? Just have to let that one lie, I think....


November 13th, 2020 16:15

Praise Prelude
Doggerel Dave said:

Hello Orchidee:
And don\'t get tense - I\'m not going to blast away at you about God and religion . I don\'t do that - I do it gently. But I\'m not here for that either.
I\'m here with a simple request: Would you put up a thundering rendition from somewhere of \" For Those In Peril on the Sea\" ? It\'s perhaps the only hymn I remember from Sunday School all those years ago. Made a big impression on me then and fragments still bang around in my brain occasionally, despite the overlay of much other music over the years.
Take care Dave

November 13th, 2020 06:09

Praise Prelude
Goldfinch60 said:

God one Orchi.

November 13th, 2020 03:12

Suffering Servant - Isaiah Series (20)
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write Orchi.

November 13th, 2020 01:15

Suffering Servant - Isaiah Series (20)
Neville said:

seems like your an Isiah junkie Steven .. how many episodes are there to each series ..............

November 12th, 2020 23:48

Suffering Servant - Isaiah Series (20)
Amon said:

thanks for this write orchie

November 12th, 2020 09:26

Watery Ways
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good one Orchi and very apt for the day.


November 12th, 2020 01:09

Watery Ways
Dove said:

May the waves always be calm! Best to you

November 11th, 2020 19:14

Watery Ways
FineB said:

Hi Orchidee,

A very good write.

When I read this poem I thought of the crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites.

Keep writing ✍ and safe during lockdown.

November 11th, 2020 14:50

Watery Ways
Michael Edwards said:

Nice one O

November 11th, 2020 09:56

Wholesome Worship
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

November 11th, 2020 02:37

Wholesome Worship
AwHec8 said:

Beautiful written word there orchidee! Don

November 10th, 2020 04:08

Gospel Glories - Isaiah Series (19)
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

November 10th, 2020 01:24

Gospel Glories - Isaiah Series (19)
FineB said:

An uplifting, inspiring and awesome write.

Thanks Orchidee.

Keep writing ✍ and safe during lockdown.

November 9th, 2020 13:35

Gospel Glories - Isaiah Series (19)
Fay Slimm. said:

Those first two lines took me back to times we had to memorize a choral piece based on that Biblical text - -- good read Orchi.

November 9th, 2020 11:16

Gospel Glories - Isaiah Series (19)
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:

A very nice devotional religious write and I like how it inspires cleanness and purity, I would like to think both in terms of the soul and body unless you tell me different. Kudos.

Plz pleez do read and comment my newest poem here. Thanks.

November 9th, 2020 10:11

Gospel Glories - Isaiah Series (19)
Neville said:

My schoolteacher Mr. Yates bless him used to regularly give me a jolly good clip .. usually behind the ear ... but back in the day, I used to be a regular sinner ..... ..

it would be something if all nations could live in peace and harmony .. respect...

November 9th, 2020 06:43

Revering Remembrance
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.



November 8th, 2020 16:22

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