Comments received on poems by orchidee

Practical Preparation - Mark\'s Gospel (1)
Neville said:

although not always my cup of tea.. I thought this read extremely well and felt more like a poem than a hymn... nice

January 16th, 2019 08:48

Practical Preparation - Mark\'s Gospel (1)

Good Morning UNCLE STEVE


The opening words of GODSPELL give the Musical a ring of Authority ~ That the incarnation wasa DIVINE EVENT. John the Baptist the greatest Human ever ~ AMEN !
Love the theme of RESURECTION it is a message for 24/7 not just Easter ! Real uplift for Wednesday.
Blessings & Love in the Spirit ~

January 16th, 2019 03:56

Hope, Help, Healing
Michael Edwards said:

I\'ve been uplifted - where are the stairs Orchi?

January 15th, 2019 11:40

Hope, Help, Healing
Fay Slimm. said:

Uplifting thoughts here - thank you Orchi.

January 15th, 2019 10:44

Hope, Help, Healing
Neville said:

What more could one possibly wish for other than that great trilogy you refer to Hope.. Help & Healing...

Hats off to ya..

January 15th, 2019 06:57

Hope, Help, Healing

Thanks UNCLE STEVE from both of us ! ANGELA : A great uplift for a TUESDAY EVENING in NZ ! BRIAN : A great uplift for a TUESDAY MORNING in UK ! You are a SAINT !
Blessings & Love in the SPIRIT : A & B 🧡🧡🧡🧡
Please check HAPPINESS ~ Love Poem for ANGELA

January 15th, 2019 05:07

Hope, Help, Healing
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

January 15th, 2019 03:44

Joyful Journeying

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ CHWMC is one of our faves ! Love the POEM and the fact that you can discern the hand of GOD our CREATOR in every :
Season ~ Tree ~ Bird ~ Bridle Path ~ Hedgrow & Babbling Brook : Our Lord God made them ALL ~ AMEN ! Thanks for sharing ~
Love on Monday BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

January 14th, 2019 05:33

Joyful Journeying
Michael Edwards said:

Are you cutting down on swoons as well as walks Orchi? Enjoyed this read.

January 14th, 2019 04:35

Joyful Journeying
Neville said:

Now this is much more up my street.. or bit o the country rather.. I live in the middle of nowhere and have no neighbours.. and I still cant get over the joy a wander makes me feel...nice one and not a swoon in sight...

January 14th, 2019 04:29

Joyful Journeying
Goldfinch60 said:

Walking with Nature reinforces our trust in God who made it so wonderful.

January 14th, 2019 03:54

Sacramental Sentiments
Gary Edward Geraci said:

I’m filled with hope Orchidee...Dear God let every last detail be true!

January 13th, 2019 18:51

Sacramental Sentiments
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

January 13th, 2019 15:15

Sacramental Sentiments
Neville said:

Ah\' good old Sacramento the capital of California.....where they still wear flowers in their hair... nice one ..

January 13th, 2019 10:59

Sacramental Sentiments

Only Bread & only Wine
Yet to us the solomn sign
Of the Holy & Divine
We give the thanks O LORD !
GOD was MAN in Palestine
And lives today in BREAD & WINE !

Thanks UNCLE MIKE ~ Awesome ~ very uplifting on Sunday Morning (B) and Sunday Evening (A) Blessings & Love in the Spirit ~ B & A 🧡🧡🧡🧡

January 13th, 2019 04:39

Abiding Assurance

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ For a Hymn & Poem that has been a blessing to us both today ! Love in the SPIRIT ~ BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

January 12th, 2019 18:55

Abiding Assurance
Neville said:

I first read this a A Binding Insurance\' then on subsequent reads, I thought maybe, just maybe there might be some truth in my misinterpretation... N

January 12th, 2019 07:00

Abiding Assurance
Michael Edwards said:

A bright write O

January 12th, 2019 04:03

Abiding Assurance
Goldfinch60 said:

That love is forever with us Orchi.

January 12th, 2019 03:45

Governing God
Laura🌻 said:


A beautiful clip and write!


January 11th, 2019 21:29

Governing God

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ Love the hymn played to the background of \"A babbling Brook \" PSALM 67 \"GOD be merciful to us & Bless us ~ cause your face to shine on us ~ AMEN\" Love your Poem !
Every blessing for the WEEKEND ~
Brian & Angela 🧡🧡🧡🧡

January 11th, 2019 11:58

The Echo Of Your Voice
Neville said:

the painting you have chosen fits well with the words you have written ....

January 11th, 2019 11:45

Governing God
Goldfinch60 said:

God Bless you as well Orchi.

January 11th, 2019 03:28

Powerful Presence
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

Lovely and extremely spiritual write, orchidee. I felt every word. ;-)

January 10th, 2019 12:56

Powerful Presence
Neville said:

even tho a Buddhist , I understand where you are coming from.. tis the destination that we might debate upon...

January 10th, 2019 05:43

Powerful Presence
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

January 10th, 2019 04:34

Faith Focusing
Michael Edwards said:

Great stuff O

January 9th, 2019 14:18

Faith Focusing

Thanks UNCLE STEVE for another uplift to sustain a busy day. I trust when we are retired (2053 !) we will somehow be less busy ? Love the Hymn & Devotional Poem . It is the knowledge that WE HAVE ETERNAL LIVE NOW ~ irrespective of whenever JESUS comes (2nd Coming) or calls (demise) ~ that sustains us SPIRITUALLY 24 / 7 AMEN !
Abundant Blessings A & B 🧡🧡🧡🧡

January 9th, 2019 10:56

Faith Focusing
Aislinn Wilson said:

A hymn / poem / prayer that would do me well to meditate on and return to.
The last two lines of the first stanza as well as the second and fourth stanza were especially uplifting and encouraging to me. Please don\'t stop writing. Missed you while I was gone!

January 9th, 2019 10:31

Faith Focusing
Neville said:

everyone has got to have faith... thanks for pointing it out... N

January 9th, 2019 06:02

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