Comments received on poems by orchidee

Creation Crescendo

HI UNCLE STEVE ~ Its 9 horas en la Manana (Wednesday) here so your Hymn & Ode has given me a real Spiitual Uplift for the DAY AHEAD ! First Clinic @ 11 am. It will soon be EASTER (Brian is comlng ALLELUIAH !) In view of massacares of MUSLIMS in Christchurch & Brexit there is much to pray about but always room for ALLELUIAS for Gods provision 24/7. Having been raised a Catholic (now an Evangelical !) I love EASTER because in Spain & the UK & NZ it is recognized as a much more Solomn & Spiritual Celebration than Christmas and it hasnt been hijacked completely by Commercialism ! The Easter Eggs & Chicks & Bunnies etc all speak of New Life & Ressurection !
Blessings & Love in the Spirit
Tu Amiga : ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

March 26th, 2019 15:36

Creation Crescendo
Fay Slimm. said:

My mind is now filled with enough Allelulias to last me all day - - such a lovely word of praise.

March 26th, 2019 05:59

Creation Crescendo
Nicholas Browning said:

Holy moly that\'s a lotta spice!

March 26th, 2019 04:33

Creation Crescendo
Goldfinch60 said:

May The Spirit fill us with light.

March 26th, 2019 03:50

Nature Notings
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

March 25th, 2019 13:35

Nature Notings
Neville said:

This could have been called the Bare Necessities of Life... but that might have got ya into trouble sir.... Nice penmanship and true...... Neville

March 25th, 2019 04:57

Nature Notings
Fay Slimm. said:

Loved those alleluias Orchi - - thanks for today\'s refreshing stanzas on \"nature\'s notings.\"

March 25th, 2019 04:14

Nature Notings
Michael Edwards said:

You can\'t beat a good alleluia - where have they gone?

March 25th, 2019 03:50

Nature Notings
Nicholas Browning said:

A lovely little piece Steve.
- Nev
(Nev if you see this it\'s because Orch called me you on accident)

March 25th, 2019 03:26

Teachable Trust
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

March 25th, 2019 02:15

Teachable Trust
Nicholas Browning said:

And to believe evermore!
A nice little piece, Steve.

March 24th, 2019 19:51

Teachable Trust
Michael Edwards said:

Great and no chemistry.

March 24th, 2019 16:19

Teachable Trust

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ Great hymn & Psalm ~ Heaven & Earth shall pass away but my WORD (The Bible : Genesis thru Revelation : shall endure for ever ~ AMEN
Blessings & Love in the Spirit
Brian & Angela : 🧡🧡🧡🧡

March 24th, 2019 08:07

Teachable Trust
Neville said:

Not for the faint hearted, disbelievers or those with an aversion to the education system..... otherwise very readable.... Neville

March 24th, 2019 02:58

Led By The Light
Goldfinch60 said:

May that light be forever with us all.

March 23rd, 2019 16:44

Led By The Light
Michael Edwards said:

You never fail Orchi - how\'s Fido?

March 23rd, 2019 12:17

Led By The Light
orchidee said:

Clip changed, as previous one was more modern! It was OK, but it threw out the metre, all out of sequence. \'Moor and fens and crag and torrent\' is in the original. They didn\'t take \'country walks\' in the modern version!

March 23rd, 2019 11:42

Led By The Light
Neville said:

an inspirational hymn poem without a doubt...

Not inspired by Manfred Man\'s Blinded by the Light then...... Neville :)

March 23rd, 2019 10:44

Led By The Light
Nicholas Browning said:

Ya know, when I first started reading your poetry some odd years ago, I was certain that it would repeat itself eventually.
I\'m glad that it hasn\'t.
A good read, Steve.

March 23rd, 2019 04:15

Led By The Light
Laura🌻 said:


A fine write!
...and YES, let’s
“believe that good will show”
“Going on by faith, not by things of sight
‘Til dawns the day of everlasting light”

Thank you for sharing!


March 23rd, 2019 03:36

Chosen, Called, Comforted
Goldfinch60 said:

Another good one Orchi.

March 22nd, 2019 15:49

Chosen, Called, Comforted
Nicholas Browning said:

I really hope Finch reads this.

March 22nd, 2019 06:18

Chosen, Called, Comforted
Neville said:

interesting orchidee.. tis good that you indicate alternative wording is possible.. didn\'t you just know those asterisks would just come in handy one day.... Neville

March 22nd, 2019 05:16

Chosen, Called, Comforted

Thanks UNCLE STEVE : Aliteration Heading today ! Love the hymn & Poem ~ Uplifting !
Blessings & Joy
Please check our Fusion : Animals I love : Thanks

March 22nd, 2019 03:31

Chosen, Called, Comforted
orchidee said:

A long sing-song. The clip goes on for 8 verses.

March 22nd, 2019 03:15

Baalam\'s Oracles - Series (3)
Michael Edwards said:

I got aloes in the conservatory and a couple of oracles just like Ballam.

March 21st, 2019 04:16

Baalam\'s Oracles - Series (3)
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi. Glad that you are using your Wedding tunes again. How is KP, why did she not go to court? Was it you that stopped her?

March 21st, 2019 04:11

Baalam\'s Oracles - Series (3)
Nicholas Browning said:

That final stanza is killer man. Seriously, really nice.
Oh, and the descriptions of simple nature in this are pretty cool too.
Alrighty, joke time!
Ah Hah! I\'ve got ya\' now, furball! You might know Fibonacci sequences, but you don\'t know how to read a compass! (pretty good, right?)
I enjoyed the read, Steve.

March 21st, 2019 03:29

Lord Of All Lands
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

March 21st, 2019 01:31

Lord Of All Lands
Laura🌻 said:


My aunt enjoyed listening to your wonderful write which I just read to her! Thank you for sharing!


March 20th, 2019 20:03

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