Comments received on poems by orchidee

Gospel Goodness
Neville said:

Happy Easter

April 7th, 2023 06:00

Gospel Goodness
Lorna said:

Happy Easter!

April 7th, 2023 02:52

Sharing Supper
Fay Slimm. said:

Sharing is so vital to living a worthwhile life and many are the ways we can do it my friend.

April 6th, 2023 13:12

Sharing Supper
Rocky Lagou said:

This is such a precise poem! I love Easter, and it is always a reminder that there was a holy resurrection, and a continuous Spirit here on Earth, offering salvation. This Saturday I\'m going to a play about Jesus\' life, it\'s called \"The Thorn,\" can\'t wait!

April 6th, 2023 08:26

Sharing Supper
Lorna said:

Truly I love the sentiment here. Jokingly I would say we could buy them shoes..........

April 6th, 2023 03:46

Sharing Supper
Neville said:

I fear the importance of sharing, is sadly in decline .. but if you confront some greedy so and so they will invariably be in denial .. 🐧

April 6th, 2023 02:23

Shepherd Sufferings
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

April 6th, 2023 00:36

Shepherd Sufferings
sorenbarrett said:

Peaceful and very reassuring, if only others would heed the words to not judge and be kind and giving, he would not have to go so far to gather his sheep.

April 5th, 2023 09:32

Shepherd Sufferings
Neville said:

my friend Clive was a shepherd .. he suffered a lot of embarrassment because his elder brother was a crook ..

April 5th, 2023 08:45

Shepherd Sufferings
arqios said:

The aim of many causes the reviling and yet the wholeness is real.

April 5th, 2023 06:33

Shepherd Sufferings
Lorna said:


April 5th, 2023 03:51

Shepherd Sufferings
2781 said:


April 5th, 2023 02:51

Willing The Cross-Way
arqios said:

What we feed we grow what we sleep we miss... or do we? There is something about compassion that is so easy to pass over and miss.

April 4th, 2023 10:23

Willing The Cross-Way
BlessedbyGod said:

Very nice Steven,I particularly love this one,

April 4th, 2023 06:49

Willing The Cross-Way
Neville said:

a very timely Christian message methinks ..

April 4th, 2023 05:00

Priestly Profile
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

April 4th, 2023 00:53

Priestly Profile
Lorna said:

C certainly has no greater follower than you Orchi! I bet he even blessed your sword in 1066

April 3rd, 2023 17:08

Priestly Profile
Bella Shepard said:

Beautiful poem dear friend, Christ did indeed set the example for all of humanity, if we\'ll only follow it.

April 3rd, 2023 14:09

Priestly Profile
Neville said:

🦇.. it helps to have a priestly profile .. have a heart said Henry .. 🦇

April 3rd, 2023 03:59

Palms Procession
Neville said:

I am sure this is a fine hymn poem and most fitting for this Sunday .. I also recall \'All Glory Laud & Honour\' from when I was a choirboy 🌴🐭🐧🌴

April 2nd, 2023 04:34

Returning Readiness
Doggerel Dave said:

So hypothetically he turns up - can I get back to surfeiting, carousing, and drunkenness now, please?

April 1st, 2023 16:31

Returning Readiness
Neville said:

those who are desperate to be prepared for every eventuality are often, paralysed by their very own fears .. 🐧

April 1st, 2023 05:16

Preaching Proclaimed
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

April 1st, 2023 01:52

Preaching Proclaimed
Doggerel Dave said:

So those wandering around teaching Gospel? Are they etiquette teachers who instruct others on how to make the call? Wot if the line is busy?

March 31st, 2023 18:52

Preaching Proclaimed
Neville said:

I did not hit the like button by accident .. I\'m just feeling in a kind mood today 🐧🐭👍

March 31st, 2023 05:43

Promises Provision
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

March 31st, 2023 01:48

Promises Provision
arqios said:

Of every tree created! Now if that is generous provision, we can\'t realise what is!

March 30th, 2023 06:57

Promises Provision
Doggerel Dave said:

So He was the essence of colonialism, as \'He gave them lands of heathen\'............ Pls explain......

March 30th, 2023 05:23

Promises Provision
Neville said:

it is of course the honourable thing to do isn\'t it .. making provision for any promise made, that is .. 🐥👍

March 30th, 2023 02:12

A Discourse
Neville said:

I do not have a problem with your faith Mr. O .. and hope that there will be many who appreciate the explanation you have posted here .. I was gonna open with eggzactly but thought nah .. live n let omelette live 🐭🐧💚

March 29th, 2023 08:03

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