Comments received on poems by orchidee

Through Troubles
Neville said:

this sounds very much like that old hit by Synesius and Carbunkle \'Bridge Over Troubled Water\' .. and that other one by Dexies Midnight Runners Goodnight Cyrene .. 🐧

February 28th, 2023 04:44

Through Troubles
Doggerel Dave said:

My old landline phone is giving me no end of trouble - glad to see your hotline is doing much better - but wait til Apple gets you in their sights....

February 28th, 2023 03:59

Mission To Mankind
arqios said:

Isa61 anthem and so much more! So much more.

February 27th, 2023 19:44

Sowing And Reaping
arqios said:

With Spring nipping at our heels the time of sowing is upon us again. And with that a season of healing as well.

February 27th, 2023 19:42

Sowing And Reaping
Neville said:

you can beat an egg & a drum .. but you just can\'t beat a bit of idolatry these days ~~~~ πŸ§πŸ’™

February 27th, 2023 05:43

Sowing And Reaping
Doggerel Dave said:

Wow ..I didn\'t realise...I\'d have been more careful where I put it about if I\'d knowed.....

February 27th, 2023 04:36

Mission To Mankind
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

February 27th, 2023 01:09

Humble Heard
Eileen Clark said:

Hi, very moving and emotional, touched my heart, thank you.

February 26th, 2023 14:48

Mission To Mankind
Bella Shepard said:

This is such a beautiful poem of hope dear Orchi, and so fitting on this Sunday. Thank you!

February 26th, 2023 14:02

Mission To Mankind
Christina8 said:

Great sunday hymn, orchi!

February 26th, 2023 14:01

Mission To Mankind
Doggerel Dave said:

His boss asked a lot of him....not sure he was being entirely fair - especially when he decided it wasn\'t working and called him home..... give him a break.....

February 26th, 2023 04:54

Mission To Mankind
Neville said:

Sounds like the prequel to Major Tomb πŸŽΈπŸš€πŸ§‘β€πŸš€πŸŒ”

February 26th, 2023 04:01

Justice And Judgement
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi

February 26th, 2023 02:53

Justice And Judgement
Doggerel Dave said:

I\'m beginning to believe you are older than that Lord... Do you pay rent or a tithe? And wot about that hound? Generally dogs have shorter lives than humans.... when is Fido\'s time up? I can\'t wait..... (manic chuckle).

February 25th, 2023 05:20

Justice And Judgement
Neville said:

hymnographer is a new one on me Steven .. expect they\'re like buses .. you wait an entire lifetime to see one and then .. bingo two turn up within seconds .......... 😎

February 25th, 2023 03:37

Justice And Judgement
orchidee said:

Do you know St Joe (Joseph)?!

February 25th, 2023 03:26

Returning Repentants
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

February 25th, 2023 01:36

Returning Repentants
2781 said:

Maybe it\'s like a gift card? Has an expiry date.

February 24th, 2023 08:03

Returning Repentants
Doggerel Dave said:

Nah, Don\'t let\'s repent - just move on and let them pile up. You can cash \'em all in together then...who knows - might get a discount....

February 24th, 2023 07:45

Returning Repentants
Neville said:

I always feel better after a decent repent .. it kinda lays the foundations for my next misdemeanour 😎

February 24th, 2023 05:27

Time for...
Goldfinch60 said:

Time is a variable thing Orchi.


February 24th, 2023 03:04

Time for...
Neville said:

Now ya talking my kinda language .. I\'m with Bella on this one 😎

February 23rd, 2023 12:31

Time for...
Christina8 said:

I have had writers block for weeks. Nice write!

February 23rd, 2023 12:09

Time for...
Bella Shepard said:

Dear poet this is just delightful, and gave me the biggest smile. You are so write!

February 23rd, 2023 11:55

Time for...
Doggerel Dave said:

Don\'t tell me you are taking Fido out for a walk? How can you let loose and kick up your heels with Fido in tow?

February 23rd, 2023 04:17

Humble Heard
Doggerel Dave said:

Don\'t often turn out for your hymn poems orchi, but one part line caught my eye: \'Cleanse your hands,\' - I\'m already a compulsive hand washer (how this came about, you don\'t want to know) so wot more can I do? Therapy?

February 23rd, 2023 00:43

Humble Heard
Neville said:

I saw someone the other week who was in two minds whether or not they would turn up for their second appointment .. mind you, they had multiple personality disorder 😎

February 22nd, 2023 03:23

Humble Heard
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi

February 22nd, 2023 03:07

The Timeless And The Temporary
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

February 22nd, 2023 02:02

Jerusalem Joys
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

February 22nd, 2023 01:54

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