Comments on community poems by Alan .S. Jeeves

  • Letting Go. (Goldfinch60) I wrote this a long time ago for a lady who\'s young son was about to join...
    September 11th, 2019 02:55
  • To the heavens (Alta H Mabin) Nice words Ally, though I guess by now everyone loves you. Ex animo,...
    September 11th, 2019 00:40
  • When I was young (Ady123) This type of poem suits me fine. I like rhyme and rhythm plus the story...
    September 10th, 2019 15:44
  • Dandelion wishes (Alta H Mabin) Delicious wishes Ally. Ex animo, Alan
    September 10th, 2019 01:52
  • Sailing to Eternity. (Goldfinch60) The wind blows gently yet we will still arrive. Ex animo, Alan
    September 10th, 2019 01:50
  • Exciting. (Fay Slimm.) A fine poem Fay ~ The tide is at it\'s highest Ex animo, Alan
    September 9th, 2019 06:01
  • Rain dance (Alta H Mabin) Good to see you know that there is sunshine within the rain Alta Kind...
    September 9th, 2019 05:58
  • Treasure Hunt. (Goldfinch60) This is a treasure Andy. I go on a treasure hunt nightly ~ all I have...
    September 9th, 2019 05:49
  • Elation to Desolation (Clara) Clara Are you lying next to the one you love or lying, next to that...
    September 8th, 2019 07:11
  • Our Crescendo (Clara) \'OUR CRESCENDO\'.... allows one\'s imagine to ~ imagine; No need to...
    September 7th, 2019 06:41
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