Comments on community poems by Kurt Philip Behm

  • Why Do I Fight (Notapoet) Really nice. My favorite lines ... "As promise wields hopes hammer And...
    July 22nd, 2016 12:44
  • Adam’s Apple (Notapoet) Wonderful poem. My favorite stanza..... "I have waited patiently For...
    July 21st, 2016 20:51
  • Obsession (LUNAFAUS) Beautifully succinct. My favorite lines... "I grow an addiction to...
    July 20th, 2016 12:52
  • Coward (IAmJaz) Powerful, and very strong words. I hope you wrote this about someone...
    July 20th, 2016 12:50
  • FOUND LOVE (Summersounds68) Poignant, and very nice!
    July 20th, 2016 12:46
  • Unrequited Love (Rrodriguez) Just a beautiful Poem! My favorite stanza ... "I played the music to...
    July 19th, 2016 21:49
  • Her Beauty (Rrodriguez) Love these 2 lines ... "I’ll search the profundities of her soul, I...
    July 19th, 2016 00:30
  • No Words Left (Kurt Philip Behm) Thanks again, so much! Kurt
    July 17th, 2016 21:22
  • Loneliness (Rrodriguez) I like the entire Poem but this is my favorite stanza... "Loneliness is...
    July 17th, 2016 17:11
  • Gone (Jsim) You wrapped all of our greatest fears in beautiful words ....
    July 16th, 2016 21:20
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