Comments received on poems by queer-with-a-pen

no blame to lay down here
dean langmuir said:

Nice write,take care.

April 13th, 2022 05:16

no blame to lay down here
Saxon Crow said:

Nicely penned poem

April 13th, 2022 04:10

home again, home again
James Michael said:

Love can be a shelter that grows stronger the more it’s tested.

I really enjoyed the metaphors and imagery you’ve used in this one. I hope one day a lucky person can “nourish the flowers i so carefully planted” for the rest of your life. I’ve been that lucky person to have found my amazing Jeannette.

April 11th, 2022 11:19

home again, home again
Rocky Lagou said:

Omg. I literally am in love with the lines:

\"i can’t blame the soft

and rain-soaked dirt of your soul

for not being able to nourish

the flowers i so carefully planted\"

I mean straight up direct and sincere. Seems like a one-sided relationship or something in between. Sometimes one person is doing all the giving, however, there\'s nothing in return. If you know, and I\'m sure you know (us LGBTQ+ people kind of idolize her\", amazing and immaculate singer/songwriter Mitski, I\'ll tell you that this reminds me of her song \"The Only Heartbreaker.\" Thanks for this marvel.

April 11th, 2022 08:58

home again, home again
dean langmuir said:

Nice write,take care.

April 11th, 2022 07:06

home again, home again
L. B. Mek said:

\'and i chose to love
you on purpose, ya know?
brought fresh pine and soft rugs
to fashion you a table and chairs

but what is an empty table,
if only a centerpiece to display
all the times i dashed my own
heart upon the rock?\'..
(Brilliant imagery!
as-ever, such a poignant read
you\'ve weaved
thanks for sharing, dear Poet)

April 11th, 2022 06:15

yearning, a noun
James Michael said:

Bittersweet like a dark chocolate. Your style of writing is very effective for this journey of yearning. Love poems/letters are definitely your specialty!

March 23rd, 2022 20:30

yearning, a noun
dean langmuir said:

Your pseudonym is poetic to me,love the word feral,poem on,take care

March 23rd, 2022 05:26

for my siren, a letter
James Michael said:

A stunningly romantic poem. Unfortunately I’m in a different place. Love lays dormant when in physical pain. Carry on as long as you can.

February 20th, 2022 00:08

for my siren, a letter
Rocky Lagou said:

This was art! I love the imagery you used and the emotion was definitely PRESENT. Kudos to you! 😉💕

February 16th, 2022 10:08

for my siren, a letter
L. B. Mek said:

\'that i will always run to her
like the circle of her arms around
me is always calling me home

and i want to gift her
sweet wines and cheese,
and all the words i have\'..
(such a tender wording of affection
and loyalty\'s dedication)
just another lovely read
thanks for sharing, dear Poet

February 15th, 2022 05:15

do i know you?
James Michael said:

How can you know a father who really wasn’t there for you?

A painfully raw and emotionally real poem from you. Metaphorically brilliant lines throughout. “this is a hurt that knows how to swim” is my favorite.

January 13th, 2022 11:28

do i know you?
FallenAngel1🕊 said:


January 11th, 2022 17:31

do i know you?
L. B. Mek said:

Happy New Year!
dear talented Poet
just another, surgical
of such commonly experienced
woes and hurts,
words I relate with, on so many levels
simply: Brilliant!
confessional poetry,
I think Sylvia Plath, herself
would agree..
thank you! for choosing to share
loved these lines:
\'watching myself shave
in the dirty mirror,
where blood that we both
once shared drips into
the sink from a cut
on my chin

do you remember when
you wanted to prove
that i wasn’t your son\'..

January 11th, 2022 07:26

do i know you?
woundedheart said:

So bittersweet that a man could judge his own flesh and blood on something so beautiful as love, love shouldn\'t be categorized it should be celebrated. This is a very heart felt piece full of emotion. ☺

January 11th, 2022 06:00

do i know you?
spilleronsheet said:

This is sad
Too sad
Why abandon once and then return
Isn’t it farce
It’s better to be known as child of heaven
Than to know some stranger as guardian
Very emotional write, dear poet

January 11th, 2022 03:37

James Michael said:

It took a few reads for clarity on this one. Once again you have expressed your feelings about love incredibly well, a very hard thing to do for most of us. There are some words like “houses” and “lets” that could be changed. Typos ain’t nutten to worry about as long as you can project your emotions!

January 6th, 2022 18:11

for love
woundedheart said:

The minstrels of old made their livelihood telling stories forming legends immortalizing myths, you capture their nature well

December 22nd, 2021 10:24

a more definitive ending
James Michael said:

Forgiveness is the key. A tender heart can be easily broken. Your honesty and insight into your emotions shows clearly in the depth of your poetry.

Enough psychobabble! This is a great poem my friend! Hoping things are going well for you.

November 22nd, 2021 21:02

for love
James Michael said:

An anthology possibly. The meaning of love for the ones who have touched your heart deeply.

Your poems always keep the reader fascinated, a true gift in my opinion. This one was worth the wait. Simply brilliant!

November 5th, 2021 22:24

for love
L. B. Mek said:

flowers, given in the Now
not allowing
for belated regret, a chance
at poisoning
a love, we once cherished:
till our heart\'s content...
(just another wonderful read
thanks for choosing to share, dear poet)

November 4th, 2021 04:36

for love
jarcher54 said:

Very elegant, very poignant. Narrative enough to make me want to finish, elusive enough to make me reread it a number of times.

November 4th, 2021 00:59

reckless in love and other things
James Michael said:

Such profound and succinct words. Keep being recklessly in love, your heart will guide you.

Just read the previous comments by Sax and dusk. It’s good to know some people appreciate your work. The song is awesome too! Carry on my friend.

October 25th, 2021 00:55

it\'s hard to be the bard, baby
James Michael said:

You have taught me something that is easily forgotten. Thank you my friend!

October 17th, 2021 21:57

to: simon
James Michael said:

Written incredibly well in your unique style. The stats. are very real. More people should research the information you shared. I was aware of how grim those numbers are, but didn’t remember those percentages.

The movie I haven’t seen (“Love, Simon”). I’ll try to find it. Hopefully anyone reading this comment will do the same.

Hope you’re doing well my friend!

October 13th, 2021 21:43

steps to survival
James Michael said:

A real wallop of a poem. Started out with words from many therapists’ mouths. Turning into the harshness of what is truly felt. Brilliantly nearly ending with “and you are alive” x 3.

What is the point of living? To live, I believe. No matter how messy it gets!

October 3rd, 2021 23:41

from the past
James Michael said:

So much intense introspection in this one. It was surely therapeutic.

I’m going through your work like a slot machine, can’t find any that I don’t like.

September 11th, 2021 21:39

i was a teenage lesbian
James Michael said:

The sincerity and emotion of this is overwhelming. A true poem in the truest sense. Excellent work!

September 9th, 2021 19:55

for the captain once again
James Michael said:

Your love for the captain shines once again. A person who has ridden the storms of the sea is an admirable person indeed. May the love you feel forever last.

September 1st, 2021 22:11

for the captain once again
L. B. Mek said:

yes, there surely is dear poet!
thanks for sharing, and that muse of a captain
brings out the best in your subtly nuanced style
in my humble opinion..
liked these lines a lot:
\'a kind of magic imbued
in the way the captain
glances at the bard
with a twinkle in his eye

that hints at the star
he used to be,
when he sailed towards
a much closer horizon\'

August 24th, 2021 05:18

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