Comments received on poems by queer-with-a-pen

onepauly said:

be patient, things always change. to put it another way, time is a great healer.

April 20th, 2018 11:36

mi amor
Aislinn Wilson said:

i was really shocked by how vulnerable this is. it\'s really beautiful

April 11th, 2018 11:24

mi amor
Lorna said:

What an absolutely beautiful poem.... I adored this: and i could be a rosebush
if you asked me to be

April 11th, 2018 05:10

mi amor
Nicholas Browning said:

That\'s what true love is. Wanting someone to be happy even at the cost of your displeasure. Well said.

April 11th, 2018 02:37

think of the children
Jah Chancleta said:

I think this is amazing. Wow scary that this is a reality. I wish you much strength, and thanks for sharing 😇

March 15th, 2018 17:13

think of the children
Laura🌻 said:

This is so, so sad and agonizing. My only wish is to have been there for you when you needed an adult to listen to you and understand your plight! I wish you well! Be strong!


March 15th, 2018 06:33

think of the children
Lorna said:

What a world to grow up in......... there\'s some kind of sickness out there.....I\'m sorry you have to live through all this...... it shouldn\'t be this way. Hurting children is the lowest form of hate.......

March 15th, 2018 05:50

think of the children
Caring dove said:

hello , this is a very strong and powerful read.. i do think that many kids feel unprotected in schools.. unsafe and vulnerable in front of bullies im not even sure that people in schools even do enough about it . its a sad state of affairs. and i feel sorry for anybody who has been bullied in life, i ve been bullied a little in the past and its certainly not nice

March 15th, 2018 05:48

Hope said:

That is really deep and immensely inspirational!

March 13th, 2018 13:48

Lorna said:

Very intelligent and well written piece Boaz - sad though........

March 13th, 2018 03:37

oh, sweet memory
Lorna said:

I am in love with this poem! You made the past, the smells of coffee and donuts and your Mom\'s love come alive........

March 2nd, 2018 03:15

Oh, Wolf
FredPeyer said:

I like this poem, especially the last stanza!

February 24th, 2018 15:13

Little Lost Love
FredPeyer said:

I like the way you structured this poem and the way you use the boots as a metaphor. Tying the laces, brushing off cobwebs, very nice!
But that last line is the best!

February 24th, 2018 13:29

Oh, Wolf
Lorna said:

I sat very still with the wolf and the moon reading this...... awfully good.

February 24th, 2018 05:06

Oh, Wolf
Jamie said:

Brought me from fear to sympathy for that which I feared

February 23rd, 2018 23:19

what father?
Tony36 said:

Great write

February 10th, 2018 07:52

Always You
Tony36 said:

Beautiful write

January 20th, 2018 09:53

Always You
Lorna said:

Very genuine and moving!

January 20th, 2018 04:54

Always You
Allan J. Renaldo said:

This is so beautiful! I love it.

January 20th, 2018 02:28

hold (me) tight
queer-with-a-pen said:

Thank you so saying so many nice things about my writing! And yeah, if you’re anything but white and cis/het, high school was hell. I’m so glad I’m in college now.

January 18th, 2018 09:18

hold (me) tight
Aislinn Wilson said:

I really love the nod to the nonbinary nature of people as a whole, and this is overall so well written and honest. I think that this is something that a lot of cisgender straight people will never fully understand, but I hope they\'ll try.
It doesn\'t make me miss highschool, that\'s for sure.

January 18th, 2018 08:41

a love letter to my mustache
Aislinn Wilson said:

Every time I search an LGBT term on this site, you seem to come up, but I can\'t complain. I\'m glad to see your poetry again. Though not that long ago, I feel like I got to see a piece that really illustrated your progression as a writer over time.

This is really beautiful, and as always so well written.

January 18th, 2018 08:38

i was a teenage lesbian
Aislinn Wilson said:

the title got me in the mindset of the song \"I Was A Teenage Anarchist\", and while I do really enjoy that song what I read was so much more vulnerable and honest and tender and visceral and better written than my preconceptions. Beautiful poem.

January 17th, 2018 13:21

Aislinn Wilson said:

You\'re writing style is really unlike any I\'ve ever seen before, and it\'s so very vivid and fluid.

January 16th, 2018 12:21

this body/my body
Aislinn Wilson said:

You\'re an amazing writer. This is tragic, but it\'s so well told and written. You\'re clearly someone of great talent

January 16th, 2018 12:17

this body/my body
FredPeyer said:

Completely agree with Lawless. While I feel comfortable in my body, I do not regard it as something important. It is just a shell, to be left behind, while the real me will be going on. I do feel for you and do hope your shots and surgery will work out ok. And I do hope that you will be happy once you look the way you feel.

December 30th, 2017 20:26

this body/my body
orchidee said:

I feel, whether we are any one of LGBT, or straight, or whatever we are, that we need to accept the body we have. We\'ve been given it.
Sometimes I think - Would I do this or that to someone else\'s body? And the answer is no.

December 29th, 2017 09:38

Diss For EE Uh
WL Schuett said:

You are not alone , I hope you’re School is accepting, you conveyed your feelings very well ...keep on writing

November 28th, 2017 17:31

The End
QuietPoetInTheCorner said:

Absolutely brilliant. And such a touching poem. The idea of coming out being like becoming a new person is definitely something i can understand and to see it written up like this is brilliant!

November 24th, 2017 18:26

The End
FredPeyer said:

Very well written, Boaz! Agree with James, it sounds like a story of death and re-incarnation.

November 24th, 2017 11:09

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