Comments received on poems by MelanieSkyes

Miscarriage and the lesson learned
Christina8 said:

I applaud this write because there is empowerment in your writing. You WILL be okay without him. I too miscarried twins and the grief is felt years later. There will always be some level of despair over it, but you are already starting to heal. Kudos for writing and sharing this piece!

April 17th, 2018 21:28

dusk arising said:

Deprived of your love his heart may realise and love blossom. Some people need a kick-start. A little \'game-play\' in romance can bring you results. I thought all women knew this anyway.

February 13th, 2018 15:46

Dark Side / Bright Side
myself and me said:

You are such a knight fighting a hard battle. Do not give up, even though you are tired, you are exhausted. As long as you fighting, there is hope. Yes, eventually, it will be OK. Well expressed.

February 6th, 2018 14:42

Shards of glass and broken hearts
Caring dove said:

hello melanie .. i agree with lawless , this is not the answer , i understand suffering only too well but please find help and the way out , because there may well be a way into the light .. sad poem , i feel for you , you can message me if you ever need an ear to listen

January 20th, 2018 13:59

Sensitive soul
Caring dove said:

i feel so sorry for this girl here, either everything or nothing , both probably quite overwhelming i guess. you wrote this very well .. keep writing

January 20th, 2018 13:57

Sensitive soul
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Keep speaking through your poems. I recognize and appreciate your efforts here.

January 10th, 2018 23:42

Sixteen Sentences
nancy akbari said:

I also suffer from depression. I am now 69. full time depression came at 39. I started on Prozac when I was 40. I had therapy with a great psychiatrist since that time. Now I take effixor and Wellbutrin. Melonie, these meds and therapy saved my life. It has returned me to my old self, before I became depressed. People who commit suicide are people who have the disease depression and have failed to treat it, as you would any other disease. If you were diabetic, you\'d take insulin. If you are depressed, you take anti-depressants, which we are lucky to now have available, and talk therapy Please consider my comments. After all I am trying to safe you...and I can if you go ahead to a psychiatrist and get appropriate meds.

December 28th, 2017 01:21

Pain with benefits
Goldfinch60 said:

Very emotive write, the soul should be the way to love.

December 28th, 2017 01:02

Fifteen facts

THANKS MELANIE ~ You have chosen 15 good Mantras for Good Living ! I\'m not greedy so I\'ll just select 5 !

2. I believe in striving for PERFECTION
4. I agree ~ REHABILITATION is what criminals should get !
8. This is a definition of MPS
12. PRAYER changes People and Circumstances ~ AMEN
13. PEACE & PATIENCE are Fruits of the Holy Spirit ~ there are seven more !

Thanks for sharing ~ Please check my Poems & Fusions ~ Yours BRIAN

November 13th, 2017 19:19

Sixteen Sentences
Christina8 said:

\"sobbing soulfully\"--my heart goes out to you! \"suicide sounds like safety\" I know you are depressed but hopefully you will seek help if you don\'t feel safe. This is a great write, but like drewp said, you are not on your own!

November 12th, 2017 09:42

Sixteen Sentences
Drewp said:

Melanie this is stunning. It resonates with me as I suffer with Depression. This is a great write. You’re not on your own.

November 12th, 2017 06:34

What choice do I have?
Syd said:

So dark and real. Well written - Syd

November 12th, 2017 06:11

Sixteen Sentences
Syd said:

Chin up Melanie, I hope this poem isn\'t as real as sounds. There are always other options. Great write, take care - Syd

November 12th, 2017 06:08

On the border
Christina8 said:

Very well expressed. I have a loved one with borderline personality disorder. I can relate to this deeply personal write. I\'m glad you wrote about this because it might help someone else see it through. The intense emotions and torture and all that you are going through are familiar to others too. You can let your torture out on your writes here. We are a supportive group!

October 16th, 2017 13:41

The best regret
Egyptianqt79 said:


October 1st, 2017 15:55

Wings in other worlds

WELCOME MELANIE ~ Thanks for an elegantly written Poem with a challenging message. Yourr Poem is free verse but it has plenty of flow and rhythm ! With my Students we have raised BUTTERFLIES from eggs ! Egg ~ Caterpillar ~ Cocoon ~ Butterfly ~ AWESOME ! Personally I feel i went into a COCOON STAGE @ 7 ~ 14 ~ 21 and emerged older & stronger. A Butterfly and a Caterpillar look entirely different but (in the cocoon) are made from the same material. At 14 I was different from 7 and at 21 very different from 14. The important thing is not to get stuck in the cocoon ! Set yourself free and become a very beautiful Butterfly ! Yours BRIAN ~ UK ~ Please check my Poems ~ Thanks B.

September 27th, 2017 17:33

Simple-Man87 said:

\"Losing the will to live, seems normal.\"

That line broke my heart. I know what that\'s like. Very well done. So much power.

September 27th, 2017 17:26

Poetic Dan said:

That prison of the mind, said so well. I hope you find the tools to break free from your jail.

September 27th, 2017 17:11

Brave said:

Thanks for sharing! Maybe get together with a friend? Exercising also helps...These are my personal reactions to loneliness. Writing a poem about is also therapeutic!

September 27th, 2017 17:09

Unrequited infatuation
skyebellasario said:

This is beautiful

September 25th, 2017 16:56