Comments received on poems by Job Welime

You\'re mine
Crowns4Christ said:

So beautiful Job, she\'s a lucky lady, you deserve happiness my friend, and God has brought you love,may your future together be filled with love laughter and most importantly God

April 12th, 2022 13:29

You\'re mine
Christina8 said:

This is really nice. I like the part where you say \"You\'re this chapter of my story where I want to read over and over again\' Wonderful!!

April 12th, 2022 08:20

You\'re mine
N said:

So beautifully expressed!

April 12th, 2022 08:04

It\'s all life
Goldfinch60 said:

Very true words Job.


April 10th, 2022 01:30

It\'s all life
Crowns4Christ said:

Sounds like your heart has healed Job, everything happens for a reason my friend, your new love, is that reason, I wish you happiness always, you really do deserve it

April 9th, 2022 16:52

It\'s all life
Dahlia said:

so beautiful & empowering
great job poet

April 9th, 2022 11:40

It\'s all life
Osei Zion said:


April 9th, 2022 09:12

It\'s all life
Vamsi Sudha said:

Yes very true Job !!

LIFE Living In Fullness Everyday. and your last 2 lines speak volumes.

April 9th, 2022 02:22

It\'s all life
Caring dove said:

A nice writing ! We all need happiness in our lives and even finding those little things in life .. like listening to a bird .. I think some people experience more sadness than others but it’s our right to be happy

April 9th, 2022 01:56

You only you,
Crowns4Christ said:

Sweet and loving

April 8th, 2022 09:29

You only you,
L. B. Mek said:

soar high, dear Poet

April 8th, 2022 05:10

You only you,
Vamsi Sudha said:

Dear Job !! You seem to be on a roll !!

Lovely lines
Say you love me and see words written in unique prose, expressions coated with candy sucrose emotions conveyed from a higher dimension,

Expressions seems to be flowing out, get them on paper soon.. :)

April 8th, 2022 02:17

You only you,
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful loving words Job.


April 8th, 2022 00:45

Lord I pray.
Dahlia said:

such a beautiful wholehearted prayer
AMEN to it......Dahlia

April 7th, 2022 14:03

Lord I pray.
Job Welime said:


April 7th, 2022 04:33

Lord I pray.
Crowns4Christ said:

Lovely prayer Job

April 7th, 2022 01:37

This love
Vamsi Sudha said:

Warm feeling of Love vibes...
Liked these lines..

As I age,I don\'t want my feelings to change,
Because you\'re my beautiful night sky filled with stars, beautiful with all your scars,
This love,I want to tell the moon about it,
I want the sun to witness it,
I want all the stars to be amazed by it.

Great one.Job.......:)

April 6th, 2022 07:43

This love
dean langmuir said:

Nice write,take care

April 6th, 2022 07:33

This love
Crowns4Christ said:

So beautiful Job, I\'m very happy for you my friend

April 6th, 2022 02:58

This love
Goldfinch60 said:

I am sure the sun, moon and stars know about your love and forever will know.


April 6th, 2022 01:49

Beautiful things.
Crowns4Christ said:

You always write from your heart, that\'s a great thing to do, keep it up Job, you\'re very talented

April 5th, 2022 13:27

Beautiful things.
Vamsi Sudha said:

Lovely poem And you get your muse back :)

April 5th, 2022 12:06

Beautiful things.
Job Welime said:

Thank you dear poet

April 5th, 2022 09:36

Beautiful things.
dean langmuir said:

Very nice,keep sculpting.take care

April 5th, 2022 07:15

Beautiful things.
L. B. Mek said:

another wonderful write, dear poet
but I think this line, needs a little clarification/refinement:
\'When a person who only heard of \'I like you\' finally gets to hear \'I\'m yours\'
(some readers, may not realise
the \'I like you\', as being one voice
and the \'I\'m yours\', as being their partners..)
maybe something like:
\'When a person whose gotten used
to his own voices \'I like you\', never being replied to
one day, hearing that blissful reply of \'I\'m yours\'
from the lips, of the one they cherish
(just my 2 cents, worth
dear poet
if you disagree, please ignore
and know
that I apologise in advance
if you deem my reply, disrespectful
to your art, in any way)

April 5th, 2022 04:41

Beautiful things.
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words Job.


April 5th, 2022 01:15

To my creator.
L. B. Mek said:

Amen, indeed
a beautiful worded prayer
worded so poetic, like
those wonderfully diverse Psalms
inked by so many differing minds...
(even devoid of theological, alignment
we can all appreciate, their fantastical artistry)
thanks for sharing, dear poet

April 4th, 2022 06:26

I\'m gifted
L. B. Mek said:

\'I swear she has built a life, that makes me smile even in the simplest of moments,
Every choice I make, feels lighter, because together we interpret life from a lens of optimism,each passing day we orient ourselves into a joy filled buffet kind of world,
With her, I find love in all aspects of life;\'

April 4th, 2022 04:30

To my creator.
Job Welime said:


April 4th, 2022 03:00

To my creator.
Crowns4Christ said:


April 4th, 2022 02:58

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